Ruren Xu, Wenfu Yan. Condensed Matter Chemistry in Gaseous Molecules Reactions[J]. Progress in Chemistry, 2023, 35(6): 808-820.
Studying the reactions between gaseous molecules are not only of great significance to promote the development of industry, agriculture and economy, but also play a special role in the construction of condensed chemistry. Under normal conditions, gaseous molecules exist in a dispersed state. Because the stability of the structure of gaseous molecules, in most cases, the reactions between them can only occur under the “activation” of the catalyst with a specific composition and structure. In this paper, we list five simple examples to illustrate that the occurrence, progress and results of gaseous intermolecular reactions are subject to or even completely determined by the characteristics, composition and multi-level structure of the catalysts with specific condensed matter state under reaction conditions. In addition, we also list another reaction route in this paper, that is, under extreme reaction conditions such as high pressure, ultra-low temperature, laser, plasma and supercritical, the electronic and geometric structures and “states” of a few gaseous molecules will change, resulting in the specific condensed matter chemical reactions.
1 Introduction
2 Catalytic reaetion between gas molecules
Example 1 Homogeneous hydrogenation reaction of olefins
Example 2 Hydrogenation of crotonaldehyde over Co/SiO2 with different surface structures
Example 3 Catalytic dehydrogenation of propane
Example 4 Synthesis reactions of CO/H2 over Ru-containing molten salt catalysts
Example 5 The synthesis of ammonia via reaction of N2 + H2 catalyzed by nitrogenase
3 Condensed matter state reactions between gas molecules under extreme conditions (high pressure)
4 Outlook
Qinghe Li, Botao Qiao, Tao Zhang. Condensed Matter Chemistry in Single-Atom Catalysis[J]. Progress in Chemistry, 2023, 35(6): 821-838.
Single-atom catalysis (SAC), the catalysis by single-atom catalysts (SACs), has been developed as one of the most active research frontiers in the field of heterogeneous catalysis. SACs are multilevel atomic aggregates with relatively clear active center consisting of single metal atoms stabilized on support atoms through covalent or coordination interaction. Their composition, structure and properties are typical research objects of condensed matter chemistry. This review paper starts from the view of condensed matter chemistry and the main contents are as follows: briefly describing the historical basis and development status of the concept of SAC; systematically summarizing the condensed matter phenomena involved in the field of SAC, that's the aggregate of the surrounding atoms and the metal center; elaborating the influence of coordination environment on the structure and properties of aggregates and the dynamic evolution of aggregate structure under real reaction condition. Finally, the application and future development trend of condensed matter effect of single atom in heterogeneous catalytic reactions are summarized and prospected.
1 Introduction
2 The concept of "single atom catalysis"
3 The development of "single atom catalysis"
3.1 Preparation of single atom catalyst
3.2 Characterization of single atom catalyst
3.3 Application of single atom catalyst
4 Condensation effect between metal center and coordination atoms
4.1 Interaction form between metal and support
4.2 Aggregates structure modulating via coordination atoms
4.3 Effect of metal aggregation form on catalytic performance
5 Dynamic evolution and characterization of aggregates under reactive conditions
6 Conclusion and outlook
Nan Wang, Yingxu Wei, Zhongmin Liu. Methanol to Olefins (MTO): A Condensed Matter Chemistry[J]. Progress in Chemistry, 2023, 35(6): 839-860.
Catalysis is an essential component of condensed matter chemistry, with broad applications in contemporary industrial manufacturing and daily life. Methanol-to-olefins (MTO) reaction, facilitated by condensed-matter porous materials, represents a significant catalytic pathway for the production of light olefins from non-petroleum sources, exemplifying heterogeneous catalytic applications. Investigating reaction mechanisms and catalyst coking/decoking mechanisms is a central focus in catalysis research. The MTO reaction, transpiring within the confined spaces of zeolites and/or molecular sieves, encompasses a dynamic chemical process comprising an induction period, a highly efficient stage, catalyst deactivation, and catalyst regeneration. The formation, evolution, and degradation of active organic species and coke species within the nano-confined spaces of zeolites guide the course of the catalytic reaction. This feature review primarily highlights zeolite/molecular sieve catalysts for the MTO reaction, elucidating the structural-reaction-deactivation relationship based on host-guest chemistry, activation mechanisms of C1 reactants, the catalytic reaction network governed by dynamic mechanisms, chemistries involved in zeolite coking and decoking behavior, as well as the mechanisms of catalyst deactivation and regeneration. The ultimate aim is to provide a profound understanding of condensed matter chemistry in the context of heterogeneous methanol-to-olefins chemistry, thus advancing zeolite catalysis theory and fostering the development of efficient MTO catalysts and high-efficiency, low-carbon catalytic processes under the guidance of condensed matter chemistry.
1 Introduction
2 Catalysts for methanol-to-olefins
2.1 ZSM-5 catalyst with MFI topology structure
2.2 SAPO-34 with CHA topology structure
2.3 Other catalysts with 8-MR pore opening and cavity structure
3 Catalytic reaction mechanism for methanol conversion
3.1 Direct mechanism
3.2 Indirect mechanism
4 Mechanisms of catalyst deactivation/regeneration by zeolite coking/decoking for methanol conversion
4.1 Deactivation mechanism and chemistry involved in zeolite coking
4.2 Regeneration mechanism and chemistry involved in zeolite decoking
5 Conclusions and outlook
Hai Wang, Chengtao Wang, Hang Zhou, Liang Wang, Fengshou Xiao. Condensed Matter Chemistry in Catalytic Conversion of Small Molecules[J]. Progress in Chemistry, 2023, 35(6): 861-885.
Catalysis has played an important role in the modern chemical industry. The processes of oil refining, petrochemical industry, fine chemical industry, pharmaceutical industry, and environmental protection strongly rely on catalysts. The catalytic transformation of small molecules is a key technology that provides solutions for energy and environmental problems, which has become one of the most important and hot topics in the international community. In this article, we summarize the progress of condensed matter chemistry and focus on the catalytic conversion of small molecules. The dehydrogenation of alkanes, hydrogenation of organic small molecules, efficient hydrogen production, and syngas conversion are summarized and discussed. The changes in the chemical properties of the condensed state caused by the metal-support interactions have been emphasized. We hope this review is helpful for the study of the structure-performance relationship between the multi-level structure of condensed matter and their catalytic properties, guiding the design of efficient catalysts in the future.
1 Introduction
2 Catalytic dehydrogenations of propane with different condensed matter structures
2.1 PtSn-based catalysts
2.2 PtZn-based catalysts
2.3 Pt-rare earth-based catalysts
2.4 Other dehydrogenation catalysts
3 Selective hydrogenations of organic molecules catalyzed by condensed matter with multi-level structure
3.1 Selective hydrogenation of nitro compounds
3.2 Reductive amination of oxygenated organic molecules
4 Hydrogen production catalyzed by condensed matter with multi-level structures
4.1 Methanol steam reforming
4.2 Water-gas shift reaction
5 Carbon monoxide oxidation catalyzed by condensed matter with multi-level structures
5.1 Gold nanoparticle catalyst for low temperature CO oxidation
5.2 Improved sinter-resistance of metal nanoparticles via condensed matter structure
5.3 Pt nanoparticle catalyst for low temperature CO oxidation
6 Syngas conversion on condensed matter structure
6.1 Identification of the active site in Rh-based catalyst
6.2 Catalysts composition
6.3 Morphologies of Rh species
6.4 Effect of additives
6.5 Effect of supports
6.6 Effect of synthetic methods
6.7 Encapsulated Rh catalysts
7 Conclusion and outlook
Fengshou Xiao, Qinming Wu, Chengtao Wang. Condensed Matter Chemistry in Catalysis by Zeolites[J]. Progress in Chemistry, 2023, 35(6): 886-903.
This work is devoted to condensed matter chemistry in gas-phase catalytic reactions over zeolite catalysts, which mainly involve in the processes of (i) adsorption of gaseous reactants into zeolite micropores, (ii) conversion of the reactants on catalytic sites in zeolites, and (iii) desorption of products in zeolites. In the above processes, both fast adsorption in zeolite micropores and rapid desorption from zeolites can significantly improve the reaction rate. To realize these purposes, it has been developed new strategies for rational synthesis of zeolites including preparation of zeolite nanocrystals, introduction of mesopores into zeolite crystals, preparation of zeolite nanosheets, and adjusting wettability of zeolite crystals, which have been simply concluded. Furthermore, the catalytically active sites including single atoms and metal nanoparticles can be introduced into zeolite frameworks or zeolite crystals, which can combine both the advantages of high stability and excellent shape selectivity for zeolites and the advantages of high activity and anti-deactivation for metal species together, offering a good opportunity to design and preparation of new highly efficient zeolite-based catalysts in the future. Finally, it is suggested perspectives such as rational synthesis of zeolite catalysts by theoretical simulations from the energy comparison, preparation of highly efficient catalysts by incorporating catalytically active sites in zeolite framework from the requirements of catalytic reactions, and green synthesis of zeolites for reduction of harmful gases, polluted water, and solid wastes in industrial processes.
1 Introduction
2 Adsorption of gaseous reactants in zeolite micropores
2.1 Preparation of zeolite nanocrystals
2.2 Introduction of mesoporosity in zeolite crystals
2.3 Preparation of zeolite nanosheets
3 Conversion of reactants on catalytic sites in zeolites
3.1 Acidic sites in zeolite frameworks
3.2 Heteroatoms in zeolite frameworks
3.3 Multisites in zeolite crystals
4 Desorption of products from zeolite catalysts
4.1 Preparation of zeolite nanocrystals and nanosheets and introduction of mesopores into zeolite crystals
4.2 Adjusting wettability of zeolite catalysts
4.3 Selective adsorption of reaction products by zeolite additives
5 Conclusion and perspectives
Xueli Wang, Qianru Wang, Di Li, Junnian Wei, Jianping Guo, Liang Yu, Dehui Deng, Ping Chen, Zhenfeng Xi. Condensed Matter Chemistry in Nitrogen Fixation[J]. Progress in Chemistry, 2023, 35(6): 904-917.
Nitrogen is an indispensable element for life and the material world. The development of efficient conversion strategies to transform dinitrogen gas into various valuable nitrogen-containing compounds is of great economic and scientific importance. The activation and transformation of dinitrogen molecule is an eternal topic in chemistry, and it is of profound significance to understand nitrogen fixation from the level of condensed matter chemistry. Several related examples have been illustrated here to discuss the effects of condensed matter phenomena in nitrogen fixation chemistry. Some critical scientific problems in the field are discussed from three aspects: nitrogen fixation in homogeneous solution, heterogeneous ammonia synthesis, and coupling multiple energy for N2/O2 conversion. We hope this review will inspire more chemists to think about the fundamental nature of nitrogen fixation chemistry from the perspective of condensed matter chemistry, offering more ideas to solve the related problems.
1 Introduction
2 Condensed matter chemistry in nitrogen fixation in homogeneous solution systems
3 Condensed matter chemistry in heterogeneous ammonia synthesis
4 Condensed matter chemistry in the coupling multiple energy for N2/O2 conversion
4.1 N2/O2 conversion by non-thermal plasmas
4.2 N2/O2 conversion by electrochemistry
4.3 N2/O2 conversion by ultra sound
4.4 N2/O2 conversion by photochemistry
5 Conclusion and outlook
Yuan Wang, Yulv Yu, Xin Tan. Metal Nanocluter Catalysts for Hydrogenation of Carbon Dioxide to Multicarbon Compounds[J]. Progress in Chemistry, 2023, 35(6): 918-927.
Selectively catalytic hydrogenation of CO2 to multi-carbon compounds is of great significance for reducing carbon dioxide emissions and regenerating carbon-containing resources. In this review, we summarize the development of catalytic systems for CO2 hydrogenation to multi-carbon compounds in recent years. The development of metal nanocluster catalysts for CO2 hydrogenation to multi-carbon hydrocarbons or alcohols at low temperatures are introduced, and the chemical basis for regulating C1 and C2+ product selectivity in CO2 hydrogenation is discussed. The progresses in preparing and understanding the structure-function relationship of Pt-Ru bimetallic nanocluster catalysts with the high selectivity for C2+ compounds in the CO2 hydrogenation at low temperatures are discussed. Finally, we elaborate the theory of local charge distribution effect of metal nanocluster catalysts.
1 Introduction
2 Performance and conversion pathways of CO2 hydrogenation over metal nanocluster catalysts at low temperatures
3 Chemical basis for controlling the product selectivity
4 Preparation and properties of a highly selective PtRu bimetallic nanoclusters catalyst
5 Structural characteristics of active sites of metal nanoclusters
6 Conclusion and perspective
Xuetao Qin, Ziqiao Zhou, Ding Ma. Strong Metal-Support Interactions of Metal/Meatal Oxide Catalysts[J]. Progress in Chemistry, 2023, 35(6): 928-939.
Catalysis plays an important role in the modern chemical industry, and developing catalyst with high efficiency is one of the important targets in catalysis research. Due to the outstanding activity of those catalysts with strong metal-support interactions (SMSI), SMSI has become an important scientific topic in catalysis research. The SMSI phenomenon involves the encapsulation of the metal nanoparticles (NPs) by support, resulting in the improved stabilization of NPs, and the different catalytic performances due to the new interaction between NPs and the support. Currently, a great number of catalysts with SMSI have been designed and partially applied, also there are considerable literatures focusing on SMSI of supported catalysts, especially those using metal oxide for support. However due to the complexity, the nature of SMSI and the catalytic mechanism of SMSI deserve further study, and the argument about the driving force of SMSI formation still exists. This review summarizes the recent progress, effect, and the regulation of SMSI, hopefully providing the understanding of SMSI from the perspective of condensed matter chemistry, and a new strategy of catalyst design.
1 Introduction
2 Research progress in SMSI
2.1 Research history of SMSI
2.2 New types of SMSI
3 Influence of SMSI on catalytic performance
3.1 Activity and stability enhancement
3.2 Selectivity tuning
4 Modulating of SMSI
4.1 Pre-treatment conditions
4.2 Supports
4.3 Metal nanoparticles
5 Conclusion and outlook
Chi Duan, Zhenhua Li, Tierui Zhang. Nano-State Layered Double Hydroxides Based Materials for Photo-Driven C1 Chemical Conversion[J]. Progress in Chemistry, 2023, 35(6): 940-953.
Energy is the basic guarantee for human survival. As an important reaction in field of energy, C1 chemical conversion has safeguarded the development of human society. With the proposal of "double carbon" goal, energy saving-emission reduction and environmental friendliness have been the new pursuit of C1 catalytic conversion researchers. Recently, photo-driven C1 chemical conversion has attracted researchers’ attention through which C1 small molecules can be transformed into various value-added products under ambient condition. Layered double hydroxides (LDH) have gained wide application in photo-driven C1 chemical conversion for their distinctive two-dimensional layered structure. Herein, we review the latest progress achieved in nano-state LDH based materials for photo-driven C1 chemical conversion from three aspects containing LDH precursors acting as catalyst, LDH derivatives acting as catalyst and LDH acting as catalyst carrier, and conclude the challenges this field may face in the future. Through analyzing and discussing above-mentioned work, we hope to offer researchers some inspiration on photo-driven C1 chemistry.
1 Introduction
2 A brief introduction of LDH
2.1 Structural composition of LDH
2.2 Basic properties of LDH
3 Application of LDH based materials in photo-driven C1 conversion
3.1 LDH precursors as catalyst
3.2 LDH derivatives as catalyst
3.3 LDH as catalyst carrier
4 Conclusion and outlook
Yuenan Zheng, Jiaqi Yang, Zhen-An Qiao. Condensed Matter Chemistry: The Defect Engineering of Porous Materials[J]. Progress in Chemistry, 2023, 35(6): 954-967.
Condensed matter chemistry is mainly concerned with the multilevel structure, chemical properties and chemical reactions of various states of materials, and frontier scientific issues in condensed matter construction chemistry. Porous materials with high surface area and adjustable pore structure, show great potential in a variety of applications. With the continuous exploration of defect engineering strategies for porous materials, the research scope of condensed matter chemistry has been greatly expanded. In the construction of defect sites and the functionalization application of porous materials, condensed matter chemistry permeates every process. The formation and regulation of phase, pore structure and defect sites involved in the synthesis of defective porous materials and the effective transformation of guest species on surface active sites in performance application, which fully reflects various chemical reactions, surface and interface interactions between the microstructure of porous materials and different species in condensed matter chemistry. This paper takes defective porous materials as the research object to discuss, including the suitable inorganic porous materials for defect engineering strategies, the types of defect structures in porous materials, the construction and regulation of defect sites of porous materials in condensed matter chemistry, the characterization of defect sites in porous materials, and applications of defect-rich porous materials in the field of energy storage and catalysis. In is desired to deepen the understanding of porous material defect engineering from the perspective of condensed matter chemistry, and it is expected to further promote the development of functional porous materials under the guidance of condensed matter chemistry.
1 Introduction
2 Porous materials suitable for defect engineering
3 Defect types of porous materials
3.1 Vacancy defect
3.2 Doping defect
3.3 Other type defects
4 Construction methods for defect engineering of porous materials
4.1 In-situ synthesis method
4.2 High temperature heat treatment method
4.3 Chemical reduction method
4.4 Vacuum activation method
4.5 Other methods
5 Characterization method of defect structure in porous materials
5.1 Micromorphology characterization
5.2 X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy
5.3 Raman spectrum
5.4 Electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy
5.5 Synchrotron radiation X-ray fine structure spectrum
6 Applications of defect-rich porous materials
6.1 Effect of defect engineering on porous materials
6.2 Application of defect-rich porous materials in catalysis and energy fields
7 Conclusion and perspective
Yuan Zhang, Beining Zheng, Xiaofeng Wu, Keke Huang, Shouhua Feng. Condensate Matter Chemistry of Subcritical or Supercritical Reactions[J]. Progress in Chemistry, 2023, 35(6): 968-982.
Through chemical reactions, definite and complex atomic and molecular condensed matter is formed. The multi-dimensional composite and synergy of the interactions between atoms and molecules expand the structure pattern of matter, and the properties of the system change dramatically, showing some characteristics of condensed matter chemistry. Under certain conditions or under supercritical disproportionation reaction, manganese metal ions are aggregated into complex modulated structures in the form of three oxidation states. In this paper, from the perspective of condensed matter chemistry, the formation of atomic-scale pn junction solids under subcritical hydrothermal conditions, quantum IV properties and electric field induced superflow phenomenon are introduced in detail, and chemical reaction driven condensed matter transition is discussed. This paper also introduces the basic properties of condensed fluid and chemical reactions involving gas molecules at all levels of condensed scale, including chemical bond repair reaction, hydrothermal reaction, artificial rainfall, tumor regression, as well as the mechanism and potential applications of condensed matter chemical reactions under supercritical conditions.
1 Introduction
2 Concept and properties of supercritical fluid
2.1 Area of supercritical fluid on phase diagram
2.2 Critical phenomena in state transition
2.3 Properties of supercritical water
2.4 Properties of supercritical CO2
2.5 Properties of supercritical alcohol system
3 Solid formation under subcritical/supercritical conditions
3.1 Hydrothermal disproportionation under subcritical condition
3.2 Triple valence state and modulation structure of Mn
3.3 Atomic-scale pn junction and quantum IV effect
4 Application of supercritical fluid reaction
4.1 Chemical reaction
4.2 Industrial production
4.3 Environmental protection
4.4 C1 transformation and origin of life
4.5 Supercritical gases in astrophysics and planetary science
5 Future application direction of subcritical/supercritical system
5.1 Bose-Einstein condensation
5.2 Biocondensed matter-amino acid polymer and protein
5.3 Cancer treatment and tumor regression
5.4 Conclusion and prospect
Peng Liu, Yong Zhou, Liangyu Liu, Yang Chen, Xiaoyang Liu. Gases under High Pressure and Their Associated Chemical Reactions[J]. Progress in Chemistry, 2023, 35(6): 983-996.
The study of gases under high pressure is a very important research direction, which is of great significance to many disciplines. This paper introduces the special physical and chemical properties of gases and the chemical reactions they participate in under high pressure conditions. Gases behave very differently at high pressure than they do under ambient conditions. At extreme pressures, gases undergo structural transformations, change their electromagnetic properties, and exhibit interesting phase transitions. The chemical reactions of the gases also change and new reaction paths occur. Understanding the effect of high pressure on gas reactions is critical to improving our understanding of the synthesis of new compounds. In addition, the paper also introduces the practical significance of gas under high pressure. The unique properties of gas under high pressure make it widely used in other disciplines. This paper especially introduces the application of gas under high pressure in high-temperature superconductors, extremely high-energy materials and planetary science. In conclusion, the study of gases at high pressure provides valuable insights into the fundamental properties of matter, and understanding these phenomena is critical to advancing disciplines such as condensed matter physics, materials science, and chemistry. Finally, the prospect of further research on gases under high pressure is given.
1 Introduction
2 Simple gas under high pressure
2.1 Argon and hydrogen under high pressure
2.2 Metallization of xenon under high pressure
2.3 Unique structure of Xe-H2 compounds under high pressure
2.4 Chemical reaction of xenon and fluorine under high pressure
3 Gases with superconductivity under high pressure
3.1 Overview of superconductivity
3.2 High-temperature superconductors predicted at high pressure
3.3 High temperature superconductivity of lanthanide polyhydrides under high pressure
3.4 Second group of lanthanide polyhydride superconductors under high pressure
4 Extreme energy materials
4.1 Nitrogen under high pressure
4.2 Hydrogen under high pressure
5 Applications of planetary science
5.1 Applications of helium in Planetary Science
5.2 Missing xenon paradox
6 Conclusion and outlook