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Progress in Chemistry is a peer-reviewed monthly journal. It is sponsored by the Chinese Academy of Sciences(CAS) and the National Natural Science Foundation of China(NSFC). It provides a forum to publish review papers of specialized topics covering the full spectrum of chemistry in Chinese or English, with emphasis on those topics of emerging research area. The reviews provide comprehensive information, including recent advances, development trends, as well as critical assessments about the subject. The readers interested are : researchers and students in chemistry and related areas, and policy decision-makers. Most members of the editorial board are famous scientists.

Progress in Chemistry has been abstracted by Chemical Abstracts and six Chinese Abstracting Journals. Since 2001, it has been selected for coverage in ISI services. The information on the contents of this publication has been indexed in the ISI Web of Science, Science Citation Index Expanded, ISI Alerting Services, and Current Contents/Clinical Medicine.

Editor-in-Chief: ZHAO  Jincai
Address of Editorial Office: No. 33 Beisihuan Xilu, Zhongguancun , Beijing P.R.China ,100080
Tel: 086-10-82627757
Fax: 086-10-82627757
E-mail: progchem@mail.las.ac.cn

Pubdate: 2009-03-24    Viewed: 79384