Cross-Metathesis Reaction of Olefins over Heterogeneous Catalysts

Progress in Chemistry ›› 2009, Vol. 21 ›› Issue (04) : 784-790.

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Progress in Chemistry ›› 2009, Vol. 21 ›› Issue (04) : 784-790.

Cross-Metathesis Reaction of Olefins over Heterogeneous Catalysts

  • Xu Zehui*; Gu Chaoran; Wang Peilin
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Olefin metathesis opens up new industrial processes for the production of important olefins in the field of petrochemicals. In particular, the production of propylene and other important olefins via olefins metathesis reaction from n-butenes feedstock has received considerable attention. The most recent progress of olefin cross-metathesis reaction process, reactive mechanism, catalytic theory and catalysts for metathesis is reviewed in this paper and we try to explain the improved aspect of catalyst performance and provide reference for the study of metathesis catalyst afterwards.

1 Introduction
2 Cross metathesis process
2.1 Olefin conversion technology
2.2 Meta-4 technology
2.3 BASF technology
2.4 Sasol technology
2.5 SHOP technology
3 Cross-metathesis catalysts
3.1 WO3/SiO2 catalyst
3.2 Re2O7/Al2O3 catalyst
3.3 MoO3/Al2O3 catalyst
3.4 Catalytic performance comparison among three kinds of catalysts
4 Mechanisms of metathesis reaction
4.1 Mechanisms of metathesis reaction over WO3/SiO2 catalyst
4.2 Mechanisms of metathesis reaction over Re2O7/Al2O3 catalyst
4.3 Mechanisms of metathesis reaction over MoO3/Al2O3 catalyst
5 Conclusion

Key words

cross-metathesis / olefins / heterogeneous catalysts

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Cross-Metathesis Reaction of Olefins over Heterogeneous Catalysts[J]. Progress in Chemistry, 2009, 21(04): 784-790


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