Progress in Chemistry 1996, Vol. 8 Issue (02): 87-   Next Articles

• Review •

Supramolecular System of Liquid Crystal and Mimetic Biomembrane

Wen Jianxun   

  1. (Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry,Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai 200032, China)
  • Received: Revised: Online: Published:
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The principle of self-organization for the creation of functional units and the importance of lyotropic liquid crystals for the life sciences were reviewed. They are aprerequisite for the development of life and the creation of cell function. In macromolecular materials science, this concept of function th rough organization led to the development of new liquid crystallinem aterials. The self-organization of molecules leads to supramolecular systems and is responsible for their functions. From the view point of macromolecular materials science, we try to combine these two different fields, especially hope to stimulate their interaction and joint treatment. The supramolecular systems of liquid crystals,biomembranemodel, macromolecular liposomes and their applications to chemistry and biological medicine were reviewed. If the concept of bilayer assemblage can be extended more generally so as to include organic media, a wholly new branch of chemistry will emerge.

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