

化学进展 ›› 2006, Vol. 18 ›› Issue (09) : 1076-1084.

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化学进展 ›› 2006, Vol. 18 ›› Issue (09) : 1076-1084.


  • 丁立平;亢建平;房喻**
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Immobilization of Fluorophores on Substrate Surfaces and Its Applications

  • Liping Ding;Jianping Kang;Yu Fang**
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文章历史 +


将荧光小分子化学固定于基质表面是实现表面功能化的有效途径,是研究固体基质表界面性质的有效方法,也为设计制备荧光传感薄膜材料提供了新的思路。本文按高分子膜固定法、LB 膜固定法和自组装膜固定法分类综述了荧光小分子在固体基质表面的固定化。讨论了膜表面固定化荧光小分子在表界面性质研究、阳离子和中性分子的化学传感以及表界面电子转移和能量转移研究等方面的应用,并对新的固定化方法进行了展望。


Immobilization of fluorophores onto solid substrate surfaces provides not only an effective way to realize surface functionalization and study surface properties ,but also novel strategies for designing and exploring fluorescent film materials.Methods for the immobilization of fluorophores onto substrate surfaces are reviewed ,and their applications in the studies of surface and interface properties , creation of novel chemical sensors for cations and neutral compounds , and electron or energy transfer on surfaces are discussed.


荧光 / 薄膜 / 表面修饰 / 传感器

Key words

flurescence / films / surface modification / sensors


丁立平,亢建平,房喻. 荧光小分子在有机薄膜中的固定化及其应用*[J]. 化学进展, 2006, 18(09): 1076-1084
Liping Ding,Jianping Kang,Yu Fang**. Immobilization of Fluorophores on Substrate Surfaces and Its Applications[J]. Progress in Chemistry, 2006, 18(09): 1076-1084
中图分类号: null   


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