Liquid Condensed Matter Mediated Assembly and Functionality of Dispersoid
Condensed matter chemistry is a new research field that studies the multi-level structures of condensed matter constructed by intermolecular interactions for realizing functionalities and chemical reactions. Compared with solid-state condensed matter chemistry, the study of liquid condensed matter chemistry involves multiphase states, such as how liquid condensed matter affects the state and functional properties of dispersoids. It is important to understand the aggregation behaviors of dispersoids from the perspective of condensed matter chemistry, which is not only beneficial to the preparation of the expected structures, but also can deepen the understanding of the formation process of the assembled structure. In this paper, based on a brief overview of the physical and chemical properties of liquid condensed matter, especially those related to dispersion and dissolution, typical examples are selected to illustrate the assembly process, assembly and disassembly, and structural transformation of dispersoids in the liquid condensed matter. In terms of the influence of the liquid condensed state on properties of dispersoids, the UV-vis absorption, electron transfer, chirality regulation and catalysis are discussed. In these processes, as the continuous phase, the properties of the liquid condensed state, such as dielectric constant, polarity and viscosity, play key roles in the existing states and properties of the dispersoids. However, due to the limitation of the detection range of the present instruments, it is difficult to accurately measure the fast, variable and subtle forces between liquid condensed matter and dispersoids in time and space. Therefore, it is an important and effective strategy to perform mutual fitting from both experimental and theoretical aspects to illustrate the role of liquid condensed matter.
1 Introduction
2 Properties of liquid condensed matter and its relationship with a dispersoid
3 Influence of liquid condensed state on aggregation behaviors of dispersoid
3.1 Regulation of dispersoid assembly processes by liquid condensed matter
3.2 Regulation of aggregation states of dispersoid by liquid condensed matte
3.3 Regulation of assembly structures of dispersoid by liquid condensed matter
4 Influence of liquid condensed state on the properties of dispersoid
4.1 Liquid condensed state reduced solvatochromism
4.2 Photoinduced electron transfer controlled by liquid condensed matter
4.3 Modulation of dispersoid chirality by liquid condensed matter
4.4 Effects of liquid condensed matter on catalytic reactions of dispersoid
5 Conclusion
液态凝聚态 / 分散质 / 组装 / 功能化 {{custom_keyword}} /
liquid condensed matter / dispersoid / assembly / functionality {{custom_keyword}} /
图2 (a)两亲性多肽S30L12的分子结构图;(b)S30L12在水相中的组装及受热后的形态转变和不同乙醇含量的组装结构转变示意图;(c)不同形貌多肽组装体的可能堆积结构[ |
图3 阳离子表面活性剂、多金属氧簇阴离子和超分子复合物的结构示意图以及反式和顺式复合物在不同极性溶剂中的组装和解组装[ |
图4 (a)苯乙炔基/苝双酰亚胺寡聚体PBI的分子结构图;(b)液态凝聚态调节的寡聚体PBI非折叠结构和折叠结构的可逆转变;(c)寡聚体PBI在CHCl3和MCH中的荧光发射光谱[ |
图6 (a)NPT的分子结构示意图;(b)NPT在乙二醇、甲苯、乙酸乙酯和N,N-二甲基乙酰胺中的溶液照片(从左到右);(c)NPT在不同液态凝聚态中的紫外-可见吸收光谱,黑色、绿色、蓝色和红色曲线分别为乙二醇溶液、甲苯溶液、乙酸乙酯溶液和N,N-二甲基乙酰胺溶液[ |
图7 (a)化合物[Ru(bpy)2(bpy-cc-AQ)]2+的分子结构示意图及其在不同介电常数液态凝聚态中的电子转移情况;(b)荧光寿命与液态凝聚态介电常数的关系图[ |
图8 两亲性手性分子L-PyG和L-PyPhG的分子结构和其在EtOH和DMSO中的组装结构示意图以及在染料分子存在时的能量转移情况[ |
图10 阳离子β-环糊精(CDC)和多金属氧簇{Mo154}的静电复合物{Mo154}@CDC作为催化剂在水中催化氧化环己烯示意图[ |
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