Synthesis of Polyethylene and Polyhalogenated Olefin by Controlled/“Living” Radical Polymerization
Controlled/“living” radical polymerization(CLRP) can be used to synthesize polymers with narrow molecular weight distribution and few chain defects(such as Polyethylene(PE), polyvinyl chloride(PVC), polyvinylidene chloride(PVDC) and polyvinylidene fluoride(PVDF)), and it is easy to copolymerize the above monomer with other monomers to obtain block polymers. In this paper, we investigate the preparation of polyethylene and polyhalogenated olefin polymers by controlled/"living" radical polymerization, (for example, iodine transfer polymerization(ITP), nitroxide-mediated living radical polymerization(NMP), reversible addition fragmentation chain transfer(RAFT) polymerization and organometallic mediated radical polymerization(OMRP)) and point out the development trend.
2.1 RAFT method
2.2 OMRP method
3.1 NMP method
3.2 OMRP method
3.3 RAFT method
4.1 ITP method
4.2 RAFT method
5.1 ITP method
5.2 RAFT method
5.3 OMRP method
可控/“活性”自由基聚合 / 聚乙烯 / 聚卤代烯烃 {{custom_keyword}} /
controlled/“living” radical polymerization; / polyethylene / polyhalogenated olefins {{custom_keyword}} /
表1 RAFT聚合适用单体及对应的RAFT试剂的结构Table 1 Structure of suitable monomers and corresponding RAFT agents for RAFT polymerization |
Monomers | Structure of RAFT agents | ref | Monomers | Structure of RAFT agents | ref |
vinylidene chloride | ![]() | 65, 67 | |||
ethylene | ![]() | 35 | |||
![]() | 65, 67 | ||||
![]() | 36 | ||||
![]() | 65, 67 78, 79 | ||||
![]() | 36 | ||||
![]() | 84, 80 81, 83 84, 85 | ||||
![]() | 38 | ||||
vinylidene fluoride | ![]() | 101, 102 | |||
vinyl chloride | ![]() | 48 | |||
![]() | 103 | ||||
![]() | 65, 67 | ||||
![]() | 104 | ||||
![]() | 105 | ||||
![]() | 68 |
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陈小平 (
本文对“活性” 控制自由基聚合的研究进展做了综述, 并讨论了其主要聚合引发体系的应用现状和前景。 {{custom_citation.content}}
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项青 (
高分子材料性能追本朔源主要由分子链微结构决定。以RAFT聚合为代表的"活性"/可控自由基聚合结合了传统自由基聚合和活性阴离子聚合各自的优点,提供了一种有效调控聚合物分子链微结构的聚合方法。RAFT乳液聚合作为"活性"/可控自由基聚合中具有工业应用前景的聚合方法,在过去二十年受到了学术界的广泛关注。本文总结了RAFT乳液聚合乳液失稳机理、聚合动力学、链结构的可控性等方面的进展。在此基础上,介绍了通过RAFT乳液聚合这一可控制备聚合物新材料的平台制备得到的新型嵌段共聚物、梯度共聚物,并展望了RAFT乳液聚合在高分子合成材料领域的应用前景。 {{custom_citation.content}}
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李智 (
两性离子聚合物是在高分子链段上包含丰富等量阴离子基团与阳离子基团的聚合物,因具备优异的亲水性、生物相容性等独特的性质,近年来在抗污染、生物医药等领域展示了极广阔的应用前景。按照其结构特征,可以大体被分为混合电荷型与甜菜碱型两性离子聚合物。目前两性离子聚合物的制备方法多种多样,从实际应用的角度出发,使用“活性”/可控自由基聚合制备两性离子聚合物具有独特的优势,如分子量可控、易于制备复杂结构聚合物等,这些特性拓宽了两性离子聚合物的应用领域。本文沿“单体直接聚合”和“聚合物后修饰”两条路径,介绍了使用“活性”/可控自由基聚合制备两性离子聚合物的优势及进展,同时从抗污染材料、生物医药材料、物质检测与分离等方面概述了两性离子聚合物的主要应用,并对其未来发展作出展望。 {{custom_citation.content}}
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The copolymerization of ethylene with polar monomers is a major challenge when it comes to the manufacture of materials with potential for a wide range of commercial applications. In the chemical industry, free-radical polymerization is used to make a large proportion of such copolymers, but the forcing conditions result in a lack of fine control over the architecture of the products. Herein we introduce a synthetic tool, effective under mild experimental conditions, for the precision design of unprecedented ethylene- and polar-monomer-based copolymers. We demonstrate how an organocobalt species can control the growth of the copolymer chains, their composition and the monomer distribution throughout the chain. By fine tuning the ethylene pressure during polymerization and by exploiting a unique reactive mode of the end of the organometallic chain, novel block-like copolymer structures can be prepared. This highly versatile synthetic platform provides access to a diverse range of polymer materials. {{custom_citation.content}}
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Microplastics are a pollutant of environmental concern. Their presence in food destined for human consumption and in air samples has been reported. Thus, microplastic exposure via diet or inhalation could occur, the human health effects of which are unknown. The current review article draws upon cross-disciplinary scientific literature to discuss and evaluate the potential human health impacts of microplastics and outlines urgent areas for future research. Key literature up to September 2016 relating to accumulation, particle toxicity, and chemical and microbial contaminants was critically examined. Although microplastics and human health is an emerging field, complementary existing fields indicate potential particle, chemical and microbial hazards. If inhaled or ingested, microplastics may accumulate and exert localized particle toxicity by inducing or enhancing an immune response. Chemical toxicity could occur due to the localized leaching of component monomers, endogenous additives, and adsorbed environmental pollutants. Chronic exposure is anticipated to be of greater concern due to the accumulative effect that could occur. This is expected to be dose-dependent, and a robust evidence-base of exposure levels is currently lacking. Although there is potential for microplastics to impact human health, assessing current exposure levels and burdens is key. This information will guide future research into the potential mechanisms of toxicity and hence therein possible health effects. {{custom_citation.content}}
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潘祖仁 (
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Schmidt B V K J,
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蒋波 (
本文综述了以黄原酸酯为链转移剂进行的共轭乙烯基单体与非共轭乙烯基单体的RAFT自由基聚合研究进展。由于黄原酸酯的Z基团为烷氧基,它使得黄原酸酯自由基中心电荷密度增加,通过共轭效应稳定双硫酯产物,因此可以很好地调控非共轭乙烯基单体的活性自由基聚合。在黄原酸酯的Z基团中引入氟原子后,它通过降低加成自由基的稳定性而不是通过稳定双硫酯产物来促进随后的断裂,可以用于共轭乙烯基单体的活性自由基聚合,用含氟的黄原酸酯化合物还可以制备共轭乙烯基单体与非共轭乙烯基单体的嵌段共聚物。 {{custom_citation.content}}
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Starnes W H. Prog. Polym. Sci., 2002,27(10):2133.
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李强 (
原子转移自由基聚合(ATRP)是目前为止最具工业化应用前景的“活性”/可控自由基聚合之一。近年来对其广泛的研究使这一技术逐渐向着“提高可操作性”与“尽可能地减少金属催化剂用量”方面发展;与此同时,诞生了不同催化体系的ATRP衍生技术,如反向原子转移自由基聚合(RATRP)、正向反向同时引发的原子转移自由基聚合(SR&NI ATRP)、引发剂连续再生催化剂原子转移自由基聚合(ICAR ATRP)、电子转移生成催化剂的原子转移自由基聚合(AGET ATRP)和电子转移再生催化剂原子转移自由基聚合(ARGET ATRP)等多种基于ATRP的新方法。本文概述了这几种ATRP体系的发展历程与基本原理,并对其国内外的最新研究进展进行了综述。 {{custom_citation.content}}
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唐新德 (
波聚合是指靠自身反应放热产生的热波维持反应进行而将单体转化为聚合物的聚合方法。由于波聚合不需要外界持续供热、无溶剂排放和反应设备简单,是一种节能无污染的低成本材料制备工艺,极具应用前景。本文综述了从发现波聚合至今已取得的研究成果,包括波聚合机理、聚合波产生并自蔓延的条件、波结构、传播速度、传播模式以及产物特征,并对波聚合工艺用于高分子材料的制备进行了评述。 {{custom_citation.content}}
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Conventional metal-catalyzed organic radical reactions and living radical polymerizations (LRP) performed in nonpolar solvents, including atom-transfer radical polymerization (ATRP), proceed by an inner-sphere electron-transfer mechanism. One catalytic system frequently used in these polymerizations is based on Cu(I)X species and N-containing ligands. Here, it is reported that polar solvents such as H(2)O, alcohols, dipolar aprotic solvents, ethylene and propylene carbonate, and ionic liquids instantaneously disproportionate Cu(I)X into Cu(0) and Cu(II)X(2) species in the presence of a diversity of N-containing ligands. This disproportionation facilitates an ultrafast LRP in which the free radicals are generated by the nascent and extremely reactive Cu(0) atomic species, while their deactivation is mediated by the nascent Cu(II)X(2) species. Both steps proceed by a low activation energy outer-sphere single-electron-transfer (SET) mechanism. The resulting SET-LRP process is activated by a catalytic amount of the electron-donor Cu(0), Cu(2)Se, Cu(2)Te, Cu(2)S, or Cu(2)O species, not by Cu(I)X. This process provides, at room temperature and below, an ultrafast synthesis of ultrahigh molecular weight polymers from functional monomers containing electron-withdrawing groups such as acrylates, methacrylates, and vinyl chloride, initiated with alkyl halides, sulfonyl halides, and N-halides. {{custom_citation.content}}
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别妙 (
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Asandei A D. Chem. Rev., 2016,116(4):2244.
This review summarizes recent research on novel photochemical methods for the initiation and control of the polymerization of main chain fluorinated monomers as exemplified by vinylidene fluoride (VDF) and for the synthesis of their block copolymers. Such reactions can be carried out at ambient temperature in glass tubes using visible light. Novel, original protocols include the use of hypervalent iodide carboxylates alone or in conjunction with molecular iodine, as well as the use of photoactive transition metal carbonyls in the presence of alkyl, fluoroalkyl, and perfluoroalkyl halides. An in-depth study of the reaction parameters highlights the use of dimethyl carbonate as a preferred polymerization solvent and outlines the structure-property relationship for hypervalent iodide carboxylates and halide initiators in both the free radical and iodine degenerative transfer controlled radical polymerization (IDT-CRP) of VDF. Finally, the rational selection of metal carbonyls that are successful not only as IDT mediators but, more importantly, in the quantitative activation of both PVDF-CH2-CF2-I and PVDF-CF2-CH2-I chain ends toward the synthesis of well-defined PVDF block copolymers is presented. {{custom_citation.content}}
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熊兴泉 (
可逆加成-裂解链转移聚合(RAFT)由于单体适用面广、聚合条件温和、不受聚合方法的限制等特性, 已经成为活性合成聚合物的有效手段之一。点击化学(click chemistry)由于具有良好的选择性、模块性以及官能团耐受性等特点迅速成为许多研究领域,如药物、聚合物、功能材料等合成的有力工具,同时涌现出了多种基于巯基的点击反应。本文综述了近年来基于巯基的点击反应, 如巯基-烯、巯基-炔、巯基-异氰酸酯、巯基-环氧化物以及巯基-卤代烃等新型点击反应与RAFT聚合相结合在功能性聚合物的制备和修饰中的应用, 相信这两种手段的结合将在其中发挥积极的作用。 {{custom_citation.content}}
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The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.
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