International Development Trend Analysis of Magnetic Confinement Nuclear Fusion
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Online: 2018-06-15
Nuclear fusion can be regarded as the most ideal future energy for human renewable development. The ultimate goal of controlled nuclear fusion research is to realize the commercial application of fusion energy. The major developed countries have developed fusion energy research strategies and explored various new technologies and concepts that can be directly used in commercial fusion reactors to speed up this process. After more than half a century of unremitting efforts, countries all over the world have made breakthroughs in magnetic confinement fusion theory, key technologies and experimental devices. This article mainly analyzes the international development trend of magnetic confinement fusion from aspects of international relevant strategic planning, status of ITER program, research progress and key frontier technologies, reveals the main characteristics of national institutions and scientific research personnel in the field of nuclear fusion from the perspective of bibliometrics, and put forward suggestions for the future development of nuclear fusion in China.
吴勘, 赵晏强, 仇华炳, 郭楷模, 陈伟, 李富岭, 汪其.
Wu Kan, Zhao Yanqiang, Qiu Huabing, Guo Kaimo, Chen Wei, Li Fuling, Wang Qi
1 引言
2 主要国家战略规划分析
2.1 美国
2.2 欧盟
2.3 日本
日本由于资源相对贫乏,因而有着更为紧迫的聚变能需求。早在1998年,日本核聚变会议组织就建议将ITER作为第三阶段核聚变研究开发计划的主力装置,且得到了日本原子能委员会的批准。2005年,日本原子能委员会(AEC)发布的《未来核聚变研发策略》提出了相关聚变研究战略[3]:(1)使用实验反应堆在自持状态下演示燃烧控制,制定基于实现ITER的实验反应堆的技术目标计划;(2)用实验反应堆实现持续时间超过1 000秒的非感应稳态运行,制定基于实现ITER目标的计划;(3)利用实验反应堆建立集成技术,获取与制造、安装和调整部件整合相关的集成技术,验证安全技术;(4)通过国家托卡马克装置进行ITER的支持研究和前期研究,对高比压稳态等离子体进行研究,建立高比压系数的稳态运行模式,获取经济效益;(5)DEMO反应堆相关的材料和核聚变技术,在ITER的功能测试中使用完整的制造测试组件;(6)确定DEMO的总体目标,结合未来聚变堆的概念设计,对聚变等离子体研究和核聚变技术的发展提出要求。目前,先进的托卡马克研究和核聚变工程的发展在更广泛的框架中得到推广。与其他基础研究相比,日本的螺旋磁约束和激光惯性约束装置作为其他有吸引力的方法已被列为优先考虑。因此,LHD螺旋磁约束项目和FIREX激光项目得到了日本政府的大力支持[4]。
2.4 中国
为了尽快促使聚变能源在中国的早日利用,中国政府也积极制定了聚变能开发战略,将战略划分为三个阶段,即“聚变能技术—聚变能工程—聚变能商用”,同时设定了清晰的近、中、远期目标:2010–2020年,建立接近堆芯级稳态等离子体实验平台,吸收消化、开发和储备后ITER时代聚变堆关键技术,设计并筹备建设200~1 000兆瓦中国聚变工程实验堆(CFETR);2020–2035年,建设、研究和运行聚变堆;2035–2050年,发展聚变电站。战略的总目标是[5]:依托现有的中、大型托卡马克装置开展国际核聚变前沿问题研究,利用现有的装置开展高参数、高性能等离子体物理实验和氚增殖包层的工程技术设计研究;扩建HL-2A和EAST托卡马克装置,使其具备国际一流的硬件设施并开展具有国际领先水平的核聚变物理实验;开展聚变堆的设计研究,建立聚变堆工程设计平台;发展聚变堆关键技术;并通过参与ITER计划,掌握国际前沿的聚变技术,同时培养高水平专业人才。
2.5 俄罗斯
3 各国参与ITER计划现状
3.1 美国
ITER国际组织与美国ITER国内机构(US-ITER)2013年10月31日签署了两项托卡马克冷却水系统(TCWS)的相关协议。2014年,由于ITER的延期,美国参议院的预算决策者曾建议美国退出ITER计划。在当年10月1日生效的美国能源部2015财年预算申请中,参议院仅同意为美国参与ITER计划提供7 500万美元,使得美国不得不暂停参与ITER计划。鉴于ITER科学项目的前景,预计美国在2018财年仍将作为ITER的合作伙伴,因为ITER依然是研究燃烧等离子体最快的途径。美国将继续向其他成员国施加压力,继续提高预算透明度,并保持项目预定交付成果的及时性,以减少进一步延误导致成本增加的可能性[8]。
3.2 欧盟
3.3 日本
日本量子科学技术研究开发机构(QST)于2016年11月10日宣布,在其用于ITER加热等离子体的100万伏加速器中产生了能够持续60秒的强电流密度粒子束。60秒是实验设备限定的运转时间,而此前的时间仅为0.4秒,这标志着长时间维持核聚变燃烧等离子体状态取得了重大进展,并有望进一步实现ITER提出的3 600秒的目标。在法国南部建设的ITER反应堆将运用该技术,100万伏负离子加速器可长时间保持等离子体上亿度高温中性束注入装置中。
3.4 中国
3.5 俄罗斯
3.6 韩国
3.7 印度
4 研究进展及关键前沿技术分析
4.1 研究进展
在核聚变工程和物理实验研究方面,中国全超导托卡马克实验装置EAST于2017年7月3日首次实现了101.2秒的稳态长脉冲高约束等离子体运行,创造了新的世界纪录。这一里程碑式的重大突破,标志着我国磁约束聚变研究在稳态运行的物理和工程方面将继续保持国际领先地位,为ITER计划和将来CFETR的建设和运行打下了坚实的基础。2017年7月26日,由中国科学院等离子体物理研究所负责研究的 ITER计划首个超导磁体系统部件——馈线(FEEDER)采购包PF4线正式完成,在超导接头、低温绝热、高温超导电流引线、低温高压绝缘等核心技术方面取得了多项世界领先成果。2017年9月12日,美国通用原子公司在圣地亚哥DIII-D国家核聚变装置上进行的实验中外推得到,对ITER级别的等离子体,当被用于模拟阿尔法粒子和高能粒子束的氘离子激发多个阿尔芬波时,将会损失高达40%的高能粒子。根据实验结果,普林斯顿等离子体物理实验室物理学家在DIII-D托卡马克建立了这些阿尔芬波对高能氘束影响的定量准确模型。
4.2 关键技术分析
4.2.1 超导磁体材料
当前,托卡马卡超导磁体大多采用低温超导体(LTS)技术,采用NbTi和Nb3Sn材料来建造超导线圈。经过数年的研究,低温超导托卡马克磁体的制作技术已不断完善,已形成了相对丰富的基础实验数据库。然而,随着超导材料和制作技术的发展,高温超导(HTS)材料尤其是第二代HTS带材性能的不断提高,HTS具有的较高的运行温度和较强的磁场等特性降低了低温制冷系统的技术难度和能量消耗,显示出一些优于LTS的特性,使其具备了更为广阔的应用空间[9]。近年来,HTS在核聚变设施中的实际应用大多集中在制作电流引线或小型试验磁体方面。对于大型核聚变堆磁体的应用,只是体现在HTS大电流导体的设计、制作以及测试,和HTS聚变堆磁体的概念设计上[10,11]。2011年8月,Tokamak Solutions公司与牛津仪器公司、捷克理工大学等离子研究院合作率先在托卡马克装置上使用了HTS磁体[12]。在试验过程中,HTS线材替换了Golem托卡马克上的两个铜磁场线圈,然后放入一个平常的低温恒温器中,等离子体脉冲被正常激发,托卡马克设施像预期的一样正常运转。这次试验使托卡马克装置上的磁场线圈首次真正使用上了高性能的HTS线材。
4.2.2 增殖包层模块设计
4.2.3 钨基材料强韧化技术
等离子体在放电过程中会产生很高的热负荷、离子通量以及中子负载,造成表面材料失效,为此,面对等离子体的第一壁材料(PFM)必须具有良好的导热性、抗热冲击性、低溅射率、氢(氘、氚)再循环作用低等特性[15]。目前,完全满足要求的PFM并不存在,研究最多且实际使用的三种第一壁材料是碳(C)、铍(Be)和钨(W)。其中,钨具有高熔点(3 410℃)、高导热率、低物理溅射率、低氚滞留、低肿胀等特点[16]。相比于碳和铍,钨是最受瞩目的PFM[17],也是ITER即将采用的第一壁材料。然而,钨存在韧脆转变温度高(100~400℃)、再结晶温度低的不足。研究表明:要增强钨的强韧性,可以从强化晶界、提高再结晶温度方面着手。可以通过加入商业钨丝,实施多种涂层工艺改善其界面性能,从而增强钨基体韧性,还可以通过改进技术和大塑性变形获得超细晶/纳米晶的钨合金,从而提高钨合金的脆性、延展性、高温性能和抗冲击性[18]。
4.2.4 低活化铁素体/马氏体钢(RAFM)中氚氦行为分析
4.2.5 扩散连接技术在包层模块制造中的应用
4.2.6 包层脱粘缺陷的声发射检测技术
5 研发创新能力定量分析
5.1 数据来源与分析方法
本次分析采用Web of Science数据库源数据构建核聚变相关SCI论文分析数据集,使用核聚变、聚变等离子体、托卡马克、仿星器等关键词进行主题检索,数据采集时间为2017年10月10日,发文时间段为2007–2016年,文献类型限定为Article、Letter、Review,共得到25 504篇论文。利用汤森数据分析器(Thomson Data Analytics,TDA)进行数据清洗、机构规范化后进行数据挖掘和分析。
5.2 整体发展态势
该领域2007–2016年每年发文量均在2 000篇以上,参与国家、机构众多(图2),核聚变领域10年来一直是热点研究方向。
表1 全球核聚变研究被引频次最高的10篇SCI论文
序号 | 论文题目 | 第一作者 | 所在机构 | 来源期刊 | 被引次数 |
1 | Heaviest nuclei from Ca-48-induced reactions | Oganessian, Yuri | 杜布纳联合核研究所 | J.Phys. G34, (2007):R165-R242 | 525 |
2 | Recent developments in irradiation-resistant steels | Alinger, M J | 通用原子公司 | Annual Review of Materials Research,2008, 38 (1):471-503 | 479 |
3 | Chapter 3: MHD stability, operational limits and disruptions | Bialek, J | 欧洲原子能共同体-CEA协会 | Nuclear Fusion, 2007, 39 (12):2251 | 442 |
4 | Chapter 4: Power and particle control | Asakura, N | 法国核技术研究中心(Cadarache) | Nuclear Fusion, 2007, 47 (6):S203-S263 | 433 |
5 | Progress in the ITER Physics Basis - Chapter 1: Overview and summary | ITER | 国际热核聚变实验堆(ITER) | Nuclear Fusion, 2007, 39 (6):2137-2174 | 390 |
6 | Colloquium: Fundamentals of dust-plasma interactions | Eliasson, B | 德国波鸿鲁尔大学 | Reviews of Modern Physics, 2010, 81 (1):25-44 | 362 |
7 | Recent analysis of key plasma wall interactions issues for ITER | Alimov, V | 法国原子能委员会 | Journal of Nuclear Materials, 2009, s 390-391 (1):1-9 | 354 |
8 | National ignition facility laser performance status | Auerbach, J M | 劳伦斯-利弗莫尔国家实验室 | Applied Optics, 2007, 46 (16):3276 | 331 |
9 | Chapter 2: Plasma confinement and transport | Bateman, G | 欧洲原子能共同体 | Nuclear Fusion, 2007, 47(6) | 324 |
10 | X-ray Thomson scattering in high energy density plasmas | Glenzer, Siegfried H | 劳伦斯-利弗莫尔国家实验室 | Reviews of Modern Physics, 2009, 81 (4):1625-1663 | 306 |
5.3 主要国家分析
表2 核聚变领域主要研究国家文献计量数据(以2007–2016年为统计年限)
国家/地区 | 论文总数 | 总被引次数 | 篇均被引次数 | 论文被引率 | H指数 |
美国 | 6591 | 85032 | 12.9 | 86.2% | 88 |
德国 | 4581 | 54116 | 11.8 | 87.9% | 71 |
中国 | 4092 | 22506 | 5.5 | 71.6% | 50 |
法国 | 3606 | 36684 | 10.2 | 84.4% | 63 |
日本 | 3509 | 27669 | 7.9 | 78.8% | 58 |
英国 | 2611 | 32767 | 12.5 | 88.1% | 61 |
意大利 | 2300 | 21813 | 9.5 | 84.5% | 50 |
俄罗斯 | 1834 | 16037 | 8.7 | 79.9% | 49 |
西班牙 | 1545 | 12478 | 8.1 | 81.8% | 41 |
韩国 | 1212 | 7070 | 5.8 | 73.8% | 33 |
5.4 主要机构分析
表3 核聚变领域主要研究机构文献计量数据(以2007–2016年为统计年限)
研究机构 | 论文总数 | 总被引次数 | 篇均被引次数 | 论文被引率 | H指数 |
美国能源部国家实验室 | 3018 | 44160 | 14.6 | 86.6% | 80 |
中国科学院 | 1945 | 11122 | 5.7 | 72.5% | 41 |
-合肥物质科学研究院 | 1553 | 8387 | 5.4 | 70.9% | 36 |
-中国科学技术大学 | 583 | 2947 | 5.1 | 100.0% | 26 |
-兰州近代物理研究所 | 71 | 824 | 11.6 | 84.5% | 13 |
-上海光学精密机械研究所 | 32 | 80 | 2.5 | 71.8% | 5 |
法国原子能委员会 | 1441 | 14929 | 10.4 | 86.5% | 47 |
德国马普学会 | 1310 | 15943 | 12.2 | 86.7% | 50 |
通用原子公司 | 1261 | 21219 | 16.8 | 90.5% | 59 |
日本原子能研究开发机构 | 1260 | 12633 | 10.0 | 82.0% | 43 |
德国尤里希研究中心 | 811 | 10538 | 13.0 | 89.5% | 42 |
加州大学圣迭戈分校 | 711 | 12286 | 17.3 | 92.8% | 47 |
麻省理工学院 | 710 | 12367 | 17.4 | 91.5% | 47 |
韩国国家核聚变研究所 | 653 | 3244 | 5.0 | 73.2% | 23 |
5.5 主要研究人员分析
表4给出了主要研究人员论文被引情况。综合比较可以看出(图5),英国卡拉姆科学中心的S Brezinsek和V Philipps、ITER的A Loarte在该领域最具有影响力,无论从发文量还是被引情况均位居前列。第二梯队是ITER的R A Pitts、英国卡拉姆科学中心的C Giroud、法国原子能委员会的X Garbet、普林斯顿等离子体物理实验室的R Maingi、通用原子公司的A Nikroo、欧洲原子能共同体的A Kirk和罗切斯特大学的T C Sangster,虽然这几个研究人员的发文量不是最多,但其论文影响力处于相对领先地位。日本自然科学研究机构的K Ida、英国卡拉姆科学中心的A Murari和伊斯兰自由大学的M Ghoranneviss等也有不错的表现。中国科学家发文较多的是中国科学院合肥物质科学研究院的宋云涛研究员。他主要从事磁约束核聚变装置工程及相关技术的研究。
表4 核聚变领域主要研究人员文献计量数据(以2007–2016年为统计年限)
研究人员 | 论文总数 | 总被引次数 | 篇均被引次数 | 论文被引率 | H指数 |
Brezinsek, S | 195 | 2976 | 15.2 | 93.8% | 27 |
Philipps, V | 160 | 3687 | 23.0 | 96.2% | 29 |
Loarte, A | 133 | 4202 | 31.5 | 95.4% | 32 |
Giroud, C | 127 | 2581 | 20.3 | 96.8% | 28 |
Ida, K | 124 | 1338 | 10.7 | 90.3% | 20 |
Murari, A | 123 | 975 | 7.9 | 82.9% | 15 |
Garbet, X | 121 | 2306 | 19.0 | 92.5% | 25 |
Ghoranneviss, M | 121 | 919 | 7.5 | 82.6% | 18 |
Nikroo, A | 120 | 2220 | 18.5 | 95.0% | 23 |
Pitts, R A | 119 | 2854 | 23.9 | 94.9% | 27 |
Maingi, R | 117 | 2245 | 19.1 | 96.5% | 26 |
Sangster, T C | 114 | 2155 | 18.9 | 98.2% | 27 |
Kirk, A | 113 | 1972 | 17.4 | 96.4% | 26 |
宋云涛 | 110 | 252 | 2.2 | 58.1% | 7 |
Heidbrink, W W | 109 | 2369 | 21.7 | 94.4% | 26 |
Reiter, D | 109 | 2037 | 18.6 | 95.4% | 22 |
Frenje, J A | 107 | 2004 | 18.7 | 93.4% | 25 |
Hidalgo, C | 105 | 1587 | 15.1 | 91.4% | 21 |
Jachmich, S | 104 | 2099 | 20.1 | 97.1% | 25 |
Samm, U | 104 | 1834 | 17.6 | 97.1% | 25 |
Diamond, P H | 103 | 1926 | 18.6 | 94.1% | 24 |
6 我国核聚变发展建议及展望
6.1 建议
6.1.1 建成知名的磁约束核聚变等离子体实验基地
6.1.2 加强与燃烧等离子体物理相关的技术研究
6.1.3 加大磁约束聚变装置的实验研究力度
6.2 未来展望
[J].俄罗斯是热核聚变研究资历最深的国家之一,也是世界首个托卡马克 装置的诞生地.从最初的几十年占据世界受控热核聚变研究最先进的位置,到受经济衰退影响萎靡不振,再到21世纪后重振旗鼓,积极通过国际合作振兴本国核聚 变研究事业,俄罗斯的所有努力都为推动世界核聚变事业贡献了力量.介绍了俄罗斯核聚变研究的发展历史、主要研究机构、主要装置沿革以及突出成果,分析了俄 罗斯从最早开始核聚变研究至今各种变化的政治和经济原因以及经费投入,并简要阐述了俄罗斯未来的核聚变战略规划.
First tests of twisted-pair HTS1kA range cables for use in superconducting links
[J].The requirement at CERN for 1 kA range High Temperature Superconducting (HTS) cables optimized for long electrical transfer has led to the design and assembly of a novel type of cable that can be made from pre-reacted MgB2, Bi-2223 or YBCO tapes. The cable consists of an assembly of twisted pairs, each of which is made from three superconducting tapes with the required copper stabilizer. The twisted pair cable is designed to transfer a DC current of 600 A in helium gas environment. The paper reports on the results of the electrical tests performed on twisted-pair cables of identical structure and made from commercially available MgB2, Bi-2223 and YBCO tapes. The twist pitch of the cables is adapted to match the mechanical properties of the different superconductors. Critical current tests were performed at both liquid helium and liquid nitrogen temperature. The electrical performance of several cables made from different conductors is reported and compared.
Investigation of a Rutherfordcable using coated conductor Roebel cables as strands
[J].Coated conductor applications such as fusion magnets, particle accelerator magnets and generator windings require high current-carrying capabilities. This requirement can be fulfilled by various cable concepts using commercial long length REBCO coated conductors with high current-carrying performance. In the past few years, our group has successfully developed the Roebel cable concept for coated conductors. The design advantages of such a cable are high current-carrying capability and low alternating current (AC) losses. Unfortunately, for large-scale applications, the possibilities of a simple scale-up of the Roebel geometry are limited and additional design ideas are needed. One way to reach the required high currents is the Rutherford cable concept. In this concept a conductor is wound with transposition on a flat metal former. In order to design the former, the bending properties of the Roebel assembled coated conductor cables (RACC) must be measured and characterized. This allows the identification of a destruction-free interval for the Roebel cable, in terms of bending angle and transposition length. In this work we designed and assembled a demonstrator of a coated conductor Rutherford cable (CCRC) with three RACC cables. We measured the critical current and the AC losses of the cable demonstrator. Our results show that, despite still needing efforts in terms of reproducibility of the assembly process and of AC loss reduction, this design is a promising and viable solution for high current-capacity cables made of coated conductors.
Progress in application of high temperature superconductor in tokamak magnets
[J].It has long been known that high temperature superconductors (HTS) could have an important role to play in the future of tokamak fusion research. Here we report on first results of the use of HTS in a tokamak magnet and on the progress in design and construction of the first fully-HTS tokamak. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Overview of the ITER TBM program
[J].The objective of the ITER TBM Program is to provide the first experimental data on the performance of the breeding blankets in the integrated fusion nuclear environment. Such information is essential to design and predict the performance of DEMO and future fusion reactors. It foresees to test six mock-ups of breeding blankets, called Test Blanket Module (TBM), in three dedicated ITER equatorial ports from the beginning of the ITER operation. The TBM and its associated ancillary systems, including cooling system and tritium extraction system, forms the Test Blanket System (TBS) that will be fully integrated in the ITER machine and buildings. This paper describes the main features of the six TBSs that are presently planned for installation and operation in ITER, the main interfaces with other ITER systems and the main aspects of the TBM Program management.
Development and qualification of functional materials for the EU test blanket modules: Strategy and R&D activities
[J].Europe has developed two reference tritium breeder blankets concepts for a DEMO fusion reactor: the Helium-Cooled Lithium–Lead and the Helium-Cooled Pebble-Bed. Both will be tested in ITER under the form of Test Blanket Modules (TBMs). The paper reviews the current status of development and qualification of the EU TBMs functional materials; i.e. ceramic solid breeder materials, beryllium/beryllides multiplier materials and Lithium–Lead liquid metal breeder material Pb–15.7Li. For each functional material the main functional/performance requirements with key qualification issues, current status of the R&D activities and the EU development strategy are presented. In the development strategy major steps considered are listed pointing out importance of the ‘Development/qualification/procurement plan’, currently under elaboration, for definition of a roadmap of further activities aiming at delivery of qualified functional materials to be used in the European TBMs in ITER.
Physics basis and design of the TTER plasma-facing components
[J].In ITER, as in any tokamak, the first wall and divertor plasma-facing components (PFC) must provide adequate protection of in-vessel structures, sufficient heat exhaust capability and be compatible with the requirements of plasma purity. These functions take on new significance in ITER, which will combine long pulse, high power operation with severe restrictions on permitted core impurity concentrations and which, in addition, will produce transient energy loads on a scale unattainable in today devices. The current ITER PFC design has now reached a rather mature stage following the 2007 ITER Design Review. This paper presents the key elements of the design, reviews the physics drivers, essentially thermal load specifications, which have defined the concept and discusses a selection of material and design issues.
Recent progress in research on tungsten materials for nuclear fusion applications in Europe
[J].The current magnetic confinement nuclear fusion power reactor concepts going beyond ITER are based on assumptions about the availability of materials with extreme mechanical, heat, and neutron load capacity. In Europe, the development of such structural and armour materials together with the necessary production, machining, and fabrication technologies is pursued within the EFDA long-term fusion materials programme. This paper reviews the progress of work within the programme in the area of tungsten and tungsten alloys. Results, conclusions, and future projections are summarized for each of the programme main subtopics, which are: (1) fabrication, (2) structural W materials, (3) W armour materials, and (4) materials science and modelling. It gives a detailed overview of the latest results on materials research, fabrication processes, joining options, high heat flux testing, plasticity studies, modelling, and validation experiments.
Tungsten as material for plasma-facing components in fusion devices
[J].The use of tungsten (W) as material for plasma-facing components (PFM) in fusion devices is reviewed with respect to its plasma and material compatibility under burning plasmas conditions. Fusion-relevant plasma operation with W walls is characterised by the need to operate at high edge densities, no or moderate density peaking, and external tools to control the W transport in the plasma core. Several surface and material issues related with the high particle fluencies in fusion devices needs further R&D but are not considered from present view to seriously limit the use of W as PFM. Reliable control of Edge Localised Modes (ELMs) and disruptions is indispensable for the application of W, both to control the W transport in the edge and to avoid target melting in uncontrolled events which can seriously detoriate the operational performance of the device. For DEMO and reactors, the behaviour of W under large neutron fluencies has to be further clarified and measures must be developed to mitigate degradation of material properties by neutron damage.
Transient high heat load tests on pure ultra-fine by resistance sintering under ultra-high pressure
[J].Ultra-fine grained tungsten specimens with a grain size from the submicron range to several microns were fabricated by resistance sintering under ultra-high pressure. Transient heat loads were applied on the tungsten specimens at room temperature for a pulsed duration of 5 ms at different power density of 0.22, 0.33, 0.44 and 0.55 GW m 612, respectively, by using an electron beam facility. The crack formations and surface melting behaviors under transient heat load were investigated.
Tritium barriers and tritium diffusion in fusion reactors
[J] .This chapter presents tritium permeation characteristics of various materials used in fusion reactors, including plasma-facing, structural, and barrier materials. The parameters necessary for tritium release calculations for various regions of a fusion reactor are given.
Advanced Oxide Dis-persion Strengthened and Nanostructured Ferritic Alloys
[J].Nanostructured ferritic alloy is a subcategory of oxide dispersion strengthened steels intended for advanced reactor applications. The complex ultrafine grained microstructure of an advanced nanostructured ferritic alloy, as determined by electron microscopy and atom probe tomography, is summarised. Three distinct populations of precipitates were observed: 20-50 nm Ti(N,O,C), 5-10 nm diameter Y2Ti2O7/Y2TiO5 and 1-4 nm diameter Ti,Y, O enriched nanoclusters. The first two populations were predominantly located along grain boundaries together with Cr, W and C segregation. A dense population of nanoclusters was observed both in the grain interior as well as on the grain boundaries. These nanoclusters are highly tolerant to high dose irradiation at elevated temperatures.
Effect of Alloying Elements on the Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Nano-structured Ferritic Steels Produced by Spark Plasma Sinte-ring
[J].Several Fe–14Cr based alloys with varying compositions were processed using a combined route of mechanical alloying and spark plasma sintering. Microstructural characteristics of the consolidated alloys were examined via transmission electron microscopy and atom probe tomography, and mechanical properties evaluated using microhardness testing. Lanthanum oxide (0.5wt.%) was added to Fe–14Cr leading to improvement in microstructural stability and mechanical properties mainly due to a high number density of La–Cr–O-enriched nanoclusters. The combined addition of La, Ti (1wt.%) and Mo (0.3wt.%) to the Fe–14Cr base composition further enhanced the microstructural stability and mechanical properties. Nanoclusters enriched in Cr–Ti–La–O with a number density of 1.4×1024m613 were found in this alloy with a bimodal grain size distribution. After adding Y2O3 (0.3wt.%) along with Ti and Mo to the Fe–14Cr matrix, a high number density (1.5×1024m613) of Cr–Ti–Y–O-enriched NCs was also detected. Formation mechanism of these nanoclusters can be explained through the concentrations and diffusion rates of the initial oxide species formed during the milling process and initial stages of sintering as well as the thermodynamic nucleation barrier and their enthalpy of formation.
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