Bibliometric Analysis of Visualization Management at Home and Abroad
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[目的/意义] 可视化管理具有智能性、可视性和高效性,在企业管理及政府部门管理中的作用日益凸显,了解可视化管理研究领域研究现状,为我国可视化管理发展提供参考。[方法/过程] 采用文献计量方法,借助VOSviewer和CiteSpace软件, 对Web of Science数据库和中国知网中的相关文献进行定量分析,从年度发文趋势、合作分析、研究热点及前沿等方面对可视化管理研究领域进行可视化研究。[结果/结论] 国内研究侧重可视化管理在企业中的成果转化;国际研究处于蓬勃发展期,注重基础理论研究,研究成果已广泛应用于医学领域。
[Objective/Significance] Visual management plays an increasingly prominent role in the management of enterprises and government departments for its intelligence, visibility and efficiency. Understanding the research status of visual management can provide reference for the development of visual management in China. [Method/Process] Based on literature in Web of Science database and CNKI database, this paper using bibliometric methods, VOSviewer and CiteSpace research tools, analyzes the following aspects for the field of visual management research: annual publications, collaborations, research hotspots and frontiers. [Results/Conclusions] Domestic research focuses on the transformation of visualization management results in enterprises, and international research focuses on basic theoretical research, and research results are widely used in the field of medical research.
梁茂云, 张帆, 孙晶晶.
Liang Maoyun, Zhang Fan, Sun Jingjing.
1 引言
可视化管理的方法最早由久留米大学的泽田善次郎 (Sawada Zenjiro) 教授在其著作《工场管理的可视管理》中系统提出,该方法首先在日本的企业丰田汽车公司投入使用, 在其使用后, 企业的效率得到大幅度提升、浪费显著地被减少、生产产品交付准时、质量优异[1]。但至今学术界对可视化管理的定义并不统一。国外有学者认为可视化管理是利用IT系统,让管理者有效掌握企业信息,实现管理上的透明化与可视化,这样管理效果可以渗透到企业人力资源、供应链、客户管理等各个环节[2]。国内有学者基于煤炭安全管理提出可视化管理是通过数据挖掘对各项管理职能涉及的核心数据进行直接或交互处理,利用可视化技术实现实时、动态的呈现,揭示数据隐藏的信息[3]。目前,较为主流的可视化管理定义为可以有效提高生产管理流程中的透明度并增加资源利用率的管理方式[4]。就国内而言,可视化管理广泛应用于计算机软件及应用、建筑科学与工程、电力工业、矿业工程等领域[5⇓⇓-8]。就国际而言,广泛应用于建筑工程、计算机科学、环境科学、远程通讯等领域[9⇓⇓⇓-13]。21世纪是知识经济高速发展的时代,可视化管理的智能性、可视性、高效性在企业管理及政府部门管理中逐渐展现出其优越性,势必成为当下国内外管理科学的研究热潮。故此,对于可视化管理研究领域研究现状的探索至关重要。
2 数据来源与研究工具
基于WoS核心合集数据库以“TS=visualization NEAR management”为检索式和基于CNKI数据库以“篇名or关键词=可视化管理”为检索式,时间跨度为2011年1月1日至2021年11月21日,剔除会议通知、投稿指南及与主题不符等无效文献后共检索到896篇英文期刊文献和794篇中文期刊文献。
3 发文量分析
表1 国际可视化管理研究领域TOP5国家/地区发文统计
国家/地区 | 发文量/篇 | 占比/% |
美国 | 280 | 31.25 |
中国(含台湾地区12篇) | 175 | 19.53 |
英国 | 72 | 8.40 |
意大利 | 62 | 6.92 |
德国 | 60 | 6.70 |
4 合作分析
4.1 宏观层面合作分析
4.2 中观层面合作分析
4.3 微观层面合作分析
在国际方面,2011–2021年可视化管理研究领域的国际作者合作知识图谱如图7所示。根据普赖斯定律进行定量分析,即可确定该领域核心作者人数[18]。普赖斯公式M≈0.749×(NMax^1/2),其中M为核心作者发文量的最低阈值,NMax为全部作者中发文量最大的论文数。由统计结果可知,国际上单个作者最高发文量为3篇,可得M≈1.3,即发文量大于等于2篇即可认定为该领域核心作者。因此可以确定该领域有35位核心作者,共计发文72篇,占总文献量的8.1%。核心作者发文量远远低于普赖斯定律中“同一主题中半数论文为一群高生产能力作者所撰”的要求,可见国际可视化管理研究领域还未形成核心作者群。2011–2021年可视化管理研究领域国际主要作者发文量如表2所示。发文最多的作者是Arthur W Toga和Abbas Rajabifaro,分别参与发表该领域文献3篇。从图7可见,两位作者与其他作者之间没有明显连线,其主要与同部门学者开展学术合作[19,20]。
表2 国际可视化管理研究领域发文量TOP5作者
作者 | 作者单位 | 发文量/篇 |
Arthur W Toga | University of Southern California | 3 |
Abbas Rajabifaro | University of Melbourne | 3 |
C Quantinnataf | University of Lyon | 2 |
Raul Stegmaier | Federico Santa Maria Technical University | 2 |
Xinyue Ye | New Jersey Institute of Technology | 2 |
表3 国内可视化管理研究领域发文量TOP5作者
作者 | 作者单位 | 发文量/篇 |
谭章禄 | 中国矿业大学(北京) | 14 |
张长鲁 | 北京信息科技大学 | 5 |
邱河辉 | 上海宜法农牧科技有限公司 | 5 |
党 龙 | 上海宜法农牧科技有限公司 | 4 |
罗文超 | 中国矿业大学(北京) | 3 |
5 研究热点及前沿分析
表4 国际可视化管理研究领域高频关键词统计表
序号 | 关键词 | 频次 | 中心度 | 序号 | 关键词 | 频次 | 中心度 |
1 | visualization | 107 | 0.23 | 10 | information | 22 | 0.04 |
2 | management | 82 | 0.33 | 11 | classification | 21 | 0.05 |
3 | model | 74 | 0.24 | 12 | optimization | 21 | 0.03 |
4 | system | 73 | 0.17 | 13 | climate change | 19 | 0.04 |
5 | design | 46 | 0.13 | 14 | data management | 18 | 0.02 |
6 | framework | 42 | 0.06 | 15 | data visualization | 16 | 0.03 |
7 | big data | 28 | 0.09 | 16 | tool | 16 | 0.05 |
8 | GIS | 28 | 0.05 | 17 | uncertainty | 15 | 0.02 |
9 | simulation | 24 | 0.10 | 18 | bim | 15 | 0.04 |
表5 国内可视化管理研究领域高频关键词统计表
序号 | 关键词 | 频次 | 中心度 | 序号 | 关键词 | 频次 | 中心度 |
1 | 可视化管理 | 369 | 0.73 | 9 | 地理信息系统 | 14 | 0.05 |
2 | 可视化 | 144 | 0.33 | 10 | 管理系统 | 13 | 0.01 |
3 | GIS | 28 | 0.09 | 11 | RFID | 12 | 0.06 |
4 | 三维可视化 | 27 | 0.08 | 12 | 建筑信息模型 | 9 | 0.00 |
5 | 物联网 | 23 | 0.05 | 13 | 应用 | 9 | 0.03 |
6 | BIM | 21 | 0.06 | 14 | 数据可视化 | 8 | 0.02 |
7 | BIM技术 | 17 | 0.03 | 15 | 数据库 | 8 | 0.00 |
8 | 可视化管理系统 | 14 | 0.06 | 16 | 安全管理 | 8 | 0.01 |
表6 国际可视化管理研究领域关键词突现词表
序号 | 关键词 | 强度 | 2011–2021 |
1 | ontology | 2.2793 | |
2 | computed tomography | 2.8454 | |
3 | identification | 3.066 | |
4 | classification | 2.8481 | |
5 | surgery | 2.2323 | |
6 | lidar | 2.0552 | |
7 | energy management | 2.0512 | |
8 | sensor | 2.4635 |
表7 国内可视化管理研究领域关键词突现词表
序号 | 关键词 | 强度 | 2011–2021 |
1 | 变电站 | 1.7513 | |
2 | 可视化管理系统 | 2.4371 | |
3 | 精益管理 | 1.8572 | |
4 | 施工现场 | 2.4118 | |
5 | 建筑信息模型 | 3.0128 | |
6 | 机电设备 | 2.4668 | |
7 | 高速公路 | 2.0642 | |
8 | bim技术 | 2.5449 |
国际方面,结合图9和表4可知,除了检索式涉及的可视化(visualization)和管理(management)以外,高频次关键词还有系统(system)、模型(model)、框架(framework)、设计(design)、大数据(big data)、诊断(diagnosis)等,其中“管理”位于图谱中心,具有最高中心度,在可视化、系统、模型、框架、诊断等领域居于核心地位。运用CiteSpace关键词聚类功能可以得到结构健康监测(structural health monitoring)、气道管理(airway management)、大数据(big data)、地图(map)、变更管理(change management)、三维建模(3d modeling)等聚类结果。同时,由表6可知,计算机断层扫描(computed tomography)、外科学(surgery)、能量管理(energy management)、传感器(sensor)等是突现强度大且突现持续时间较长的关键词,可认定为较为前沿的研究领域。
6 结论与启示
A case study of visual management in Toyota manufacturing enterprise
Visualization technology-based construction safety management: A review
Visualization technology-based construction safety management:a review
Implementation methods and applications of flow visualization in a watershed simulation platform
Dynamic visualisation of municipal waste management performance in the EU using Ternary Diagram method
[J].This contribution describes the dynamic visualisation of European (EU 28) municipal waste management performance, using the Ternary Diagram Method. Municipal waste management performance depends primarily on three treatment categories: recycling & composting, incineration and landfilling. The framework of current municipal waste management including recycling targets, etc. is given by the Waste Framework Directive - 2008/98/EC. The proposed Circular Economy Package should stimulate Europe's transition towards more sustainable resources and energy oriented waste management. The Package also includes a revised legislative proposal on waste that sets ambitious recycling rates for municipal waste for 2025 (60%) and 2030 (65%). Additionally, the new calculation method for monitoring the attainment of the targets should be applied. In 2014, ca. 240 million tonnes of municipal waste were generated in the EU. While in 1995, 17% were recycled and composted, 14% incinerated and 64% landfilled, in 2014 ca. 71% were recovered but 28% landfilled only. Considering the treatment performance of the individual EU member states, the EU 28 can be divided into three groups, namely: "Recovery Countries", "Transition Countries" and "Landfilling Countries". Using Ternary Diagram Method, three types of visualization for the municipal waste management performance have been investigated and extensively described. Therefore, for better understanding of municipal waste management performance in the last 20years, dynamic visualisation of the Eurostat table-form data on all 28 member states of the EU has been carried out in three different ways: 1. "Performance Positioning" of waste management unit(s) at a specific date; 2. "Performance dynamics" over a certain time period and; 3. "Performance development" expressed as a track(s). Results obtained show that the Ternary Diagram Method is very well suited to be used for better understanding of past developments and coherences, for monitoring of current situations and prognosis of future paths. One of the interesting coherences shown by the method is the linked development of recycling & composting (60-65%) with incineration (40-35%) performance over the last 20years in the EU 28.Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Secondary surgical management of osteoradionecrosis using three dimensional isodose curve visualization: a report of three cases
GPU-accelerated compression and visualization of large-scale vessel trajectories in maritime iot Industries
Predictive big data analytics: A study of Parkinson's disease using large, complex, heterogeneous, incongruent, multi-source and incomplete observations
Extending a BIM-based data model to support 3D digital management of complex ownership spaces
Utilizing the ambulatory glucose profile to standardize and implement continuous glucose monitoring in clinical practice
Lung ultrasound for diagnosis and monitoring of ventilator-associated pneumonia
Contrast-enhanced ultrasound (CEUS) of the abdominal vasculature
Safety of active rehabilitation for persistent symptoms after pediatric sport-related concussion: a randomized controlled trial
[J].To examine the safety and tolerability of an active rehabilitation program for adolescents who are slow to recover from a sport-related concussion, and secondarily to estimate the treatment effect for this intervention.Single-site, parallel, open-label, randomized controlled trial comparing treatment as usual (TAU) to TAU plus active rehabilitation.Outpatient concussion clinic.Adolescents (N=19) aged 12 to 18 years with postconcussion symptoms lasting ≥1 month after a sports-related concussion.TAU consisted of symptom management and return-to-play advice, return-to-school facilitation, and physiatry consultation. The active rehabilitation program involved in-clinic subsymptom threshold aerobic training, coordination exercises, and visualization and imagery techniques with a physiotherapist (mean, 3.4 sessions) as well as a home exercise program, over 6 weeks.A blinded assessor systematically monitored for predetermined adverse events in weekly telephone calls over the 6-week intervention period. The treating physiotherapist also recorded in-clinic symptom exacerbations during aerobic training. The Post-Concussion Symptom Scale was the primary efficacy outcome.Nineteen participants were randomized, and none dropped out of the study. Of the 12 adverse events detected (6 in each group), 10 were symptom exacerbations from 1 weekly telephone assessment to the next, and 2 were emergency department visits. Four adverse events were referred to an external safety committee and deemed unrelated to the study procedures. In-clinic symptom exacerbations occurred in 30% (9/30) of aerobic training sessions, but resolved within 24 hours in all instances. In linear mixed modeling, active rehabilitation was associated with a greater reduction on the Post-Concussion Symptom Scale than TAU only.The results support the safety, tolerability, and potential efficacy of active rehabilitation for adolescents with persistent postconcussion symptoms.Copyright © 2017 American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Prospective evaluation of clinical lung ultrasonography in the diagnosis of community-acquired pneumonia in a pediatric emergency department
Endoscopic transcanal approach to the middle ear for management of pediatric cholesteatoma
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