观宇宙之博大 察万物之精微


科学观察, 2022, 17(1): 68-78 doi: 10.15978/j.cnki.1673-5668.202201006



乐小虬,1,2,*, 赵建,1,2,*, 朱丽雅1, 王露1,2, 江雅仁1,2, 常远1,2, 沈凌云1,2

1 中国科学院文献情报中心 北京 100190
2 中国科学院大学经济与管理学院图书情报与档案管理系 北京 100190

Recognition of Highlight Mathematic Papers of China Based on the Analysis of Breakthrough Descriptions in Citing Sentences

Le Xiaoqiu,1,2,*, Zhao Jian,1,2,*, Zhu Liya1, Wang Lu1,2, Jiang Yaren1,2, Chang Yuan1,2, Shen Lingyun1,2

1 National Science Library, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190, China
2 Department of Library, Information and Archives Management, School of Economics and Management, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190, China

Corresponding authors: *E-mail: lexq@mail.las.ac.cn; zhaojian@mail.las.ac.cn


[目的/意义] 以引用内容中突破性评价句为证据,识别我国数学领域近10年来获得同行认可的突破性论文。 [方法/过程] 利用CiteOpinion工具开展引用句抽取、突破性评价识别、贡献点识别、正/负向引用句识别以及相关指标的计算,统计分析了获得突破性评价论文的机构分布、学科研究方向、引用评价句证据等内容。 [结果/结论] 近10年来,我国数学领域取得了一系列获得同行认可的高水平研究成果(突破性评价论文占比0.53%),突破性评价论文与被引数量没有线性关系,在学科研究方向上,应用数学方向的突破性论文平均数高于基础数学。

关键词: 循证评价; 突破性引用评价; 引用内容


[Objective/Significance] The paper aims to recognize highlight mathematic papers which gained breakthrough descriptions from peers in citing sentences in the past 10 years in China. [Method/Process] We used CiteOpinion platform to identify citation sentences, breakthrough descriptions, academic contributions, positive/negative citations, and some relevant indicators. We also analysed the statistic results of institution distributions and the discipline research directions of highlight papers. [Results/Conclusions] In the past 10 years, China has made some high-level academic achievements which were recognized by peers of Mathematics (breakthrough comment citing papers account for 0.53%). There is no linear relationship between the numbers of breakthrough-description citation papers and their citation numbers. From the view of mathematic research directions, the average number of breakthrough-description citation papers in application mathematics field is higher than that in basic mathematics field.

Keywords: evidence-based evaluation; breakthrough-description citation; citation content analysis

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乐小虬, 赵建, 朱丽雅, 王露, 江雅仁, 常远, 沈凌云. 中国数学学科突破性引用评价论文循证分析[J]. 科学观察, 2022, 17(1): 68-78 doi:10.15978/j.cnki.1673-5668.202201006

Le Xiaoqiu, Zhao Jian, Zhu Liya, Wang Lu, Jiang Yaren, Chang Yuan, Shen Lingyun. Recognition of Highlight Mathematic Papers of China Based on the Analysis of Breakthrough Descriptions in Citing Sentences[J]. SCIENCE FOCUS, 2022, 17(1): 68-78 doi:10.15978/j.cnki.1673-5668.202201006

1 引言



2 数据来源与研究方法

2.1 数据来源

本文以科睿唯安的Web of Science数据库为数据源,检索中国(包括港澳台地区)数学领域被引频次大于或等于5的期刊论文,共检索到论文24 425篇,其中,ESI论文1 850篇,非ESI论文22 575篇,时间跨度为2010–2019年,数据检索时间为2020年8月9日。

2.2 研究方法

本文采用文本挖掘的方法,利用本团队研发的代表作学术贡献评价循证分析工具CiteOpinion1(1 http://citeopinion.dpaper.cn/)进行引用句抽取、突破性评价识别、贡献点识别、正/负向引用句识别以及相关指标的计算[2]。采用机器筛选加人工确认的方式,先机选出所有具有突破性引用评价的候选论文及其评价句,然后人工对每篇候选论文做进一步确论,经规范化机构名、人名后开展统计分析。经过上述处理,本文从24 425篇期刊论文中识别出130篇突破性论文,然后从机构分布、学科研究方向、主要研究者、引用同行、引用评价句等方面进行分析。

3 统计结果与分析

3.1 突破性论文研究机构分布


表1   中国数学领域获突破性评价论文数≥2的研究机构(按所有合著作者统计)

序号 机构名称 论文数量/篇 所属学科等级 序号 机构名称 论文数量/篇 所属学科等级
1 北京大学 12 A+ 22 南开大学 2 A
2 中国科学院 9 A+ 23 浙江大学 2 A-
3 复旦大学 6 A+ 24 重庆大学 2 B+
4 北京师范大学 6 A 25 兰州大学 2 B+
5 清华大学 6 A 26 厦门大学 2 B+
6 湖南大学 6 B+ 27 中国人民大学 2 B
7 香港城市大学 6 - 28 河北师范大学 2 B
8 哈尔滨工业大学 4 A- 29 郑州大学 2 B
9 湘潭大学 4 B+ 30 西北工业大学 2 B
10 香港中文大学 4 - 31 南京理工大学 2 B-
11 上海交通大学 3 A 32 东北大学 2 C+
12 中山大学 3 A- 33 杭州师范大学 2 C+
13 同济大学 3 A- 34 北京大数据研究院 2 -
14 武汉大学 3 A- 35 北京理工大学 2 -
15 南京大学 3 A- 36 电子科技大学 2 -
16 华东师范大学 3 A- 37 华东理工大学 2 -
17 中南大学 3 B+ 38 淮阴师范学院 2 -
18 大连理工大学 3 B+ 39 洛阳师范学院 2 -
19 北京航空航天大学 3 - 40 香港浸会大学 2 -
20 嘉兴大学 3 - 41 香港理工大学 2 -
21 山东大学 2 A+

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表2   中国数学领域获突破性评价论文数≥2的研究机构(按第一作者/通讯作者统计)

序号 机构名称 论文数量/篇 所属学科等级 序号 机构名称 论文数量/篇 所属学科等级
1 北京大学 9 A+ 16 上海交通大学 2 A
2 中国科学院 6 A+ 17 华东师范大学 2 A-
3 北京师范大学 5 A 18 南京大学 2 A-
4 湖南大学 5 B+ 19 浙江大学 2 A-
5 复旦大学 4 A+ 20 武汉大学 2 A-
6 清华大学 4 A 21 大连理工大学 2 B+
7 哈尔滨工业大学 4 A- 22 华中师范大学 2 B+
8 同济大学 3 A- 23 重庆大学 2 B+
9 中山大学 3 A- 24 西北工业大学 2 B
10 湘潭大学 3 B+ 25 华东理工大学 2 B-
11 中南大学 3 B+ 26 东北大学 2 C+
12 北京航空航天大学 3 - 27 东华大学 2 C+
13 嘉兴学院 3 - 28 北京大数据研究院 2 -
14 山东大学 2 A+ 29 淮阴师范学院 2 -
15 南开大学 2 A

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表3   中国数学领域获突破性评价论文研究机构(按第一作者/通讯作者统计并按第四轮学科评估等级排列)

学科评估等级 机构 突破性论文数量/篇 学科评估等级 机构 突破性论文数量/篇
A+ 北京大学 9 B 西北工业大学 2
中国科学院 6 福州大学 1
复旦大学 4 广州大学 1
山东大学 2 中国人民大学 1
A 北京师范大学 5 B- 华东理工大学 2
清华大学 4 贵州大学 1
上海交通大学 2 江苏师范大学 1
南开大学 2 江西师范大学 1
西安交通大学 1 南京航空航天大学 1
A- 哈尔滨工业大学 4 曲阜师范大学 1
中山大学 3 山东师范大学 1
同济大学 3 扬州大学 1
武汉大学 2 南京理工大学 1
南京大学 2 C+ 东北大学 2
华东师范大学 2 东华大学 1
浙江大学 2 中国石油大学 1
B+ 湖南大学 5 C 西南交通大学 1
中南大学 3 中北大学 1
湘潭大学 3 浙江工业大学 1
大连理工大学 2 C- 集美大学 1
重庆大学 2 中国民航大学 1
华中师范大学 1 信阳师范学院 1
上海大学 1
兰州大学 1
厦门大学 1

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(1)无论按所有合著作者统计还是按第一作者/通讯作者统计,北京大学和中国科学院均位居前2位, 说明在中国数学界这两个机构被同行认可的高水平研究成果产出比较突出,尤其北京大学的突破性论文数量明显高于其他机构。(2)从整体上看,中国数学研究机构的突破性论文数量排列与第四轮学科评估等级基本一致,以等级B为分界线,上下区域数量差异明显。同时每个等级的首位机构相对于同级其他机构表现突出,如A+级北京大学(12篇)、A级北京师范大学(6篇)、A–级哈尔滨工业大学(4篇)、B+级湖南大学(5篇)等。(3)按所有合著作者统计与按第一作者/通讯作者统计的结果有较为明显的差异。表1(按所有合著作者统计)中的多数香港地区研究机构以及部分未入选学科评估等级的机构未在表2(按第一作者/通讯作者统计)中出现,说明这些机构多以合著者身份参与突破性论文研究。(4)部分未入选学科等级的机构也有较好的表现,如北京航空航天大学(3篇)、嘉兴大学(3篇)、北京大数据研究院(2篇)和淮阴师范学院(2篇)等。

3.2 突破性论文学科研究方向


表4   突破性论文所属学科研究方向

序号 学科方向 突破性论文数量/篇 TOP5研究机构
序号 学科方向 突破性论文数量/篇 TOP5研究机构
1 偏微分方程 33 中国科学院(3)
21 组合数学 3 同济大学(1)
2 数值分析 23 清华大学(3)
22 多复变数与解析空间 3 中国科学院(2)
3 系统理论/控制 20 北京大学(2)
23 可变形固体力学 3 清华大学(1)
4 生物和其他自然科学 18 哈尔滨工业大学(3)
24 微分几何 3 北京师范大学(2)
5 常微分方程 16 北京师范大学(2)
25 凸几何与离散几何 3 湖南大学(2)
6 对策论、经济学、社会科学和行为科学 11 中山大学(2)
26 积分方程 2 北京大学(1)
7 概率论与随机
11 北京大学(2)
27 实函数 2 山东大学(1)
8 计算机科学 10 北京大学(2)
28 交换代数 2 北京大学(2)
9 动力系统与遍历理论 10 南京大学(2)
29 量子理论 2 中国科学院(2)
10 变分法与最优控制/最优化 8 电子科技大学(2)
30 拓扑群/李(Lie)群 2 中国科学院(1)
11 统计学 8 北京大学(1)
31 单复变函数 1 中国科学院(1)
12 代数几何 7 北京大学(4`)
32 积分变换/运算微积分 1 北京师范大学(1)
13 流体力学 6 中国科学院(1)
33 逼近与展开 1 浙江大学(1)
14 运筹学/数学
5 郑州大学(1)
34 一般的和各种特殊的课题 1 北京师范大学(1)
15 信息与通信理论/电路 4 北京大学(1)
35 位势论 1 同济大学(1)
16 大范围分析/流形上的分析 4 北京师范大学(2)
36 群论与推广 1 华东师范大学(1)
17 算子理论 4 北京师范大学(2)
37 数理逻辑与基础 1 山东大学(1)
18 数论 3 北京大学(1)
38 测量和积分 1 重庆大学(1)
19 线性与多重线性代数/矩阵理论 3 南开大学(2)
39 欧几里得空间的调和分析 1 北京大学(1)
20 差分方程和函数方程 3 中国科学院(1)
40 泛函分析 1 北京师范大学(1)

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3.3 突破性论文及作者

在130篇获突破性评价论文中,第一作者/通讯作者来自中国机构的论文为114篇,其中突破性评价引用句数≥2且至少包含1个单引引用句的论文有7篇(附表1),这些论文相比其他突破性论文表现更为突出,获得多位同行认可,可信度更高。其中,湖南大学黄勇教授的1篇论文获国内外同行突破性评价11次,北京大学/北京大数据研究院的Weinan E.教授有2篇论文的突破性评价数≥ 2,北京大学李展教授、中国科学院孙斌勇研究员、山东大学李岩教授、武汉大学Roche–Newton和Oliver教授各有1篇。这7篇突破性论文主要涵盖偏微分方程、代数几何常微分方程、数论、拓扑群/李群等学科方向。


4 结论


(1)近10年来(2010–2019),我国数学领域取得了一系列获得同行认可的高水平研究成果(获突破性评价论文,130篇,占所有被引数 ≥5论文总数的0.53%),且应用数学各学科方向平均数多于基础数学(应用数学约为基础数学的3倍)。










附表1   突破性评价句数≥2且含单引句的论文(按第一作者/通讯作者统计)

序号 论文标题 第一作者/通信作者 作者机构 引用评价机构 突破性评价引用句
1 Geometric measures in the dual brunn-minkowski theory and their associated minkowski problems 黄 勇 湖南大学 纽约大学;麻省理工学院;北京工商大学;西华盛顿大学;匈牙利科学院;柏林工业大学;湖北民族大学;加拿大纽芬兰纪念大学 (1) In the recent revolutionary work [32], Huang-LYZ discovered fundamental geometric measures, duals of Federer’s curvature measures, called dual curvature measures C j (K,·), in the dual Brunn-Minkowski theory.
(2)In a groundbreaking work[24], Huang-LYZ discovered a new family of geometric measures called dual curvature measures Cq (K,·) and the variational formula that leads to them.
(3)In a recent groundbreaking work[24], Huang, Lutwak, Yang, and Zhang (Huang-LYZ) discovered that Aleksandrov Received by the editors August 13,2018, and, in revised form, January 15,2019.
(4)In the recent groundbreaking work[33], Huang, Lutwak, Yang and Zhang introduced dual curvature measures and found their associated variational formulas for the first time. These new curvature measures were proved to connect two different known measures, namely cone-volume measure and Alexandrov integral curvature.
(5)Recent seminal work of Huang et al.[22] brought new ingredients, the qth dual curvature measures, to the family of Minkowski problems.
(6)This missing link was recently established in the ground-breaking paper[25] by Huang, Lutwak, Yang and Zhang. Let ρ K be the radial function (see Section 2 for the definition) of a convex body K ∈ K n o.
(7)This missing link was recently established in the ground-breaking paper[31] by Huang, Lutwak, Yang and Zhang.
(8)Our work is inspired by the recent groundbreaking work of Huang et al.[13]and Lutwak et al.[21].
(9)However, it is only very recent that the dual curvature measures, which are dual to the surface area measures, were discovered in the seminal work[23] by Huang et al.
(10)Recently, Huang et al. posed the dual Minkowski problem for the qth dual curvature measure in their seminal work [14].
(11)Arising from dual quermassintegrals is a new family of geometric measures, dual curvature measures C q (K,·) for q ∈ R, discovered by Huang, Lutwak, Yang & Zhang (Huang-LYZ) in their groundbreaking work [26].
2 Solving high-dimensional partial differential equations using deep learning Weinan, E. 北京大数据研究院 宾夕法尼亚大学;
(1)The 2 pioneering papers [HJE18; EHJ17] propose a neural-networks based technique called Deep BSDE, which was the first serious attempt for using machine learning methods to solve high dimensional PDEs.
(2)The idea of solving high-dimensional PDEs and control problems with neural networks has been pioneered by the works [33,48,49] and has been further investigated by [77].
(3)In fact, Sirignano and Spiliopoulos [16] and Han et al. [5] have demonstrated that neural networks can be used to solve partial differential equations in hundreds of dimensions, which is a revolutionary result.
3 On the birationality of complete intersections associated to nef-partitions 李 展 北京大学 德雷塞尔大学;
(1)This completes the progress in this direction made by Li’s breakthrough [Li16] by proving the result in full generality and without assumptions.
(2)This completes the groundbreaking work of Li [Li16] by removing any need for the assumptions that the Calabi- Yaus and a certain determinantal variety are irreducible.
4 Deep learning-based numerical methods for high-dimensional parabolic partial differential equations and backward stochastic differential equations Weinan, E. 北京大学;
(1)In a recent breakthrough paper of E et al [7], they solved the BSDEs from a control perspective by regarding the Z term as a control.
(2)The idea of solving high-dimensional PDEs and control problems with neural networks has been pioneered by the works [33,48,49] and has been further investigated by[77].
5 The nonvanishing hypothesis at infinity for rankin-selberg convolutions 孙斌勇 中国科学院 哈尔滨工业大学;印度科学教育与研究学院 (1)Finally,we remark that although we have followed Sun’s pioneering paper [16] closely for the general approach,there are still many delicate analyses to carry out in our case.
(2)Recently, Sun made a breakthrough by confirming it for GL n (R) × GL n-1 (R) and GL n (C) × GL n-1 (C); see [16].
6 Stability of fractional-order nonlinear dynamic systems lyapunov direct method and generalized mittag-leffler stability 李 岩 山东大学 北京交通大学;加利福尼亚大学美塞德分校;安徽大学 (1)In the seminal work [1], the Lyapunov direct method is proposed by use of where is the Caputo fractional derivative.
(2)The Mittag-Lefer stability de nition is pro- posed to describe the dynamics of the system, and the fractional direct Lyapunov method is introduced creatively in [15,16],which inspired many scholars and derived a series of pioneering work.
7 New sum-product type estimates over finite fields Roche Newton, Oliver 武汉大学 洛桑理工学院;
(1)In a breakthrough paper[8], Roche-Newton, Rudnev, and Shkredov improved and general-ized this result to arbitrary fields.
(2)A major breakthrough came from the work of Roche-Newton, Rudnev and Shkredov[14] which is based on Rudnev’s point plane incidence bound [16] and states that if |A| 6 p 5/8 then max{|A + A|,|AA|} ≫ |A| 6/5.(3) We note that the idea of applying geometric incidence estimates to sum-product type problems is due to Elekes [4].

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附表2   A+级机构的突破性评价论文(按第一作者/通讯作者统计)

序号 论文标题 第一作者/通信作者 作者机构 引用评价机构 突破性评价引用句
1 Deep learning-based numerical methods for high-dimensional parabolic partial differential equations and backward stochastic differential equations Weinan, E. 北京大学;
山东大学;埃默里大学 (1)In a recent breakthrough paper of E et al [7], they solved the BSDEs from a control perspective by regarding the Z term as a control.
(2)The idea of solving high-dimensional PDEs and control problems with neural networks has been pioneered by the works [33,48,49] and has been further investigated by[77].
2 On the birationality of complete intersections associated to nef-partitions 李 展 北京大学 德雷塞尔大学;
(1)This completes the progress in this direction made by Li’s breakthrough [Li16] by proving the result in full generality and without assumptions
(2)This completes the groundbreaking work of Li [Li16] by removing any need for the assumptions that the Calabi- Yaus and a certain determinantal variety are irreducible..
3 The eigencurve over the boundary of weight space 刘若川 北京大学 东京城市大学 (1)However, with recent groundbreaking works including[18,19],we are now gradually revealing what C N looks like globally.
4 Primitivity, the convergence of the nqz method, and the largest eigenvalue for nonnegative tensors 张恭庆 北京大学;
杭州电子科技大学 (1)With these seminal works, Ng et al.[30], Yang and Yang [46,47], as well as Chang et al.[5] further made substantial developments on Perron-Frobenius type theorems for nonnegative tensors.
5 Optimal reinsurance minimizing the distortion risk measure under general reinsurance premium principles 崔 巍
北京大学 香港大学 (1)Because of their high generality, the results in Cui (2013) arguably represent groundbreaking contributions to the literature of optimal reinsurance and merit further studies.
6 Image restoration wavelet frame shrinkage, nonlinear evolution pdes, and beyond 董 彬 北京大学 慕尼黑理工大学 (1)This approach rests on breakthroughs of Cai et al. [11] and Dong et al. [16]in which a direct connection between lters and nite difference approximations of differential operators was established.
7 Flocking of multi-agent dynamical systems with intermittent nonlinear velocity measurements 温广辉
北京大学 伊斯兰阿扎德大学 (1) Recently, more breakthroughs on Reynolds ocking model have been achieved including a discussion of ocking in case of speed sensor failure in Wen, Duan, Li, and Chen (2012) and ocking control problem of multi-agent systems with connectivity preserving mechanism in another work by Wen, Duan, Su, Chen, and Yu (2012) and the model predictive control ock-ing of a networked multi-agent system is proposed based on position measurements in Zhan and Li (2013).
8 Consensus of discrete-time linear multi-agent systems with observer-type protocols 李忠奎
西南交通大学 (1) In the seminal paper[14],the authors proposed an H∞-type Riccati design method, but the systems have no poles outside the unit circle.
9 On the base-point-free theorem of 3-folds in positive characteristic 许晨阳 北京大学 中国科技大学;
(1)Using the recent breakthroughs on the minimal model program for threefolds in characteristic p > 5 [3,5,13,24,59],one can prove nite generation of R(X,D) in some important cases (again in dimension 3,characteristic p > 5).
10 The nonvanishing hypothesis at infinity for rankin-selberg convolutions 孙斌勇 中国科学院 哈尔滨工业大学;印度科学教育与研究学院 (1)Finally,we remark that although we have followed Sun’s pioneering paper [16] closely for the general approach,there are still many delicate analyses to carry out in our case.
11 Kahler-einstein metrics and stability 陈秀雄 中国科学院 加州大学
(1)It plays an essential role in the recent breakthrough of the Yau-Tian-Donalson conjecture [10,45].
12 Proof of the fundamental gap conjecture Andrews, Ben 中国科学院;
山西大学 (1)Luo and the second named author [14] also adapted successfully the coupling method to give a new proof of the fundamental gap conjecture, which was first proved by Andrews and Clutterbuck in the seminal paper [1].
(2)Recently, Sun made a breakthrough by confirming it for GL n (R) × GL n-1 (R) and GL n (C) × GL n-1 (C); see [16].
13 Discrete adjoint sensitivity analysis for fluid flow topology optimization based on the generalized lattice boltzmann method 刘 耕
Krafczyk, Manfred
中国科学院 伊斯兰阿扎德大学;卡尔斯鲁厄理工学院 (1)Regarding to historical literatures, Kirk et al. [11] who is the pioneer in the use of LBM for transient fluid flow optimization and Liu et al. [19] successfully pioneered the use of a topology optimization that employed LBM and the objective function corresponding to energy dissipation.
14 Topology identification and adaptive synchronization of uncertain complex networks with non-derivative and derivative coupling 徐玉华
中国科学院;上海科技大学;东华大学;云阳师范学院 天津理工大学 (1)In [23,24], Xu et al. pioneered in studying the synchronization of a complex dynamical network with non-derivative and derivative coupling.
15 Rc-positivity, rational connectedness and yau's conjecture 杨晓奎 中国科学院 加州大学圣地亚哥分校;东北大学(日本) (1)As a new approach to rational connectedness, Xiaokui Yang introduced the notation of RC positivity in the breakthrough paper [Yan17a].
16 Carleman estimate for a fractional diffusion equation with half order and application 徐 翔 复旦大学 东京大学 (1)As a pioneer work for the Carleman estimates for fractional diffusion equations, we can refer to Xu, Cheng and Yamamoto [42].
17 An analytic grothendieck riemann roch theorem 郁国梁 复旦大学 纽约州立大学水牛城分校;马尼托巴大学 (1)An even bigger breakthrough occurred with the appearance of the two papers [10] and [13], in which the conjecture was confirmed under natural smoothness and transversality conditions.
18 An iterative algorithm for the stability analysis of dynamic interval systems 冷慧男
张 奇
复旦大学;华东理工大学 沙希德·贝赫什蒂大学;德克萨斯大学圣安东尼奥分校 (1)At present,many researches have made significant breakthroughs in [8,9] in algorithm accuracy in [10] and stability in [11,12].
19 Boundary partial regularity for a class of biharmonic maps 龚华均 复旦大学 杜伊斯堡-埃森大学;卢万天主教大学;华沙大学 (1)A boundary regularity theory for stationary biharmonic maps was initiated by Gong et al. [6].
20 Stability of fractional-order nonlinear dynamic systems lyapunov direct method and generalized mittag-leffler stability 李 岩 山东大学 北京交通大学;加利福尼亚大学美塞德分校;安徽大学 (1)In the seminal work [1], the Lyapunov direct method is proposed by use of where is the Caputo fractional derivative.
(2)The Mittag-Lefer stability de nition is pro- posed to describe the dynamics of the system, and the fractional direct Lyapunov method is introduced creatively in [15,16],which inspired many scholars and derived a series of pioneering work.
21 A new face of the branching recurrence of computability logic Japaridze, Giorgi 山东大学 西安电子科技大学;山东大学 (1)An impetus to our present investigation was provided by the fact that intro ducing a similar simplication for the ordinary, “non-togg ling” branching recurrence operation ◦ | in [7] almost immediately resulted in a long-awaited and long-overdue breakthrough in syntactically taming that operation ([8,9]), and a number of other interesting, hardly-possible-to-achieve-earlier results ([12,13]).

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