观宇宙之博大 察万物之精微


科学观察, 2018, 13(4): 17-23 doi: 10.15978/j.cnki.1673-5668.201804002



王亚军,*, 谭家海*, 郭娟*, 王爱玲*, *

中国科学院西安光学精密机械研究所 西安 710119

Development Trend Analysis on Integrated Optics

Wang Yajun,*, Tan Jiahai*, Wang Yuan*, Guo Juan*, Wang Ailing*

Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an 710119

通讯作者: E-mail: lib@opt.ac.cn

Corresponding authors: E-mail: lib@opt.ac.cn

Online: 2018-08-15


Web of Science数据库中2007–2016年期间集成光学领域的文献为基础数据,利用Incites数据库、Thomson Data Analyzer和Excel对数据进行了整理和分析,对相关成果的年代分布、国家分布、机构分布、热点关键词、成果的期刊分区、成果的国家和机构影响力以及高被引论文进行了分析和挖掘。结果显示:集成光学的研究呈现稳定的发展趋势;国家层面,中国和美国的研究成果产出最多;机构层面,法国国家科学院的研究成果最多;学科规范化引文影响力指标英国最高;高被引论文数量美国最多。

关键词: 集成光学 ; 文献计量 ; 发展态势


Based on the data about “Integrate Optics” in the Science Citation Index Expanded database during 2010-2017, the research status of integrated optics was analyzed and explored by using Incites, Thomson Data Analyzer and Excel. The results show that research of integrated optics keeps stable,and China and USA are the leading countries which published the largest number of papers in the world. The Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) published the largest number of papers in all of institutions around the world. UK and the CNRS are the country and institute whose Category Normalized Citation Impact (CNCI) are of the highest. The USA has the higheit amount of highly cited papers in the field. The integrated optical devices are hotspot among the research areas.

Keywords: integrated optics ; bibliometrics ; development trend

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王亚军, 谭家海, 郭娟, 王爱玲, . 集成光学研究发展态势分析[J]. 科学观察, 2018, 13(4): 17-23 doi:10.15978/j.cnki.1673-5668.201804002

Wang Yajun, Tan Jiahai, Wang Yuan, Guo Juan, Wang Ailing Development Trend Analysis on Integrated Optics[J]. SCIENCE FOCUS, 2018, 13(4): 17-23 doi:10.15978/j.cnki.1673-5668.201804002

1 引言

集成光学的概念是1969年由美国贝尔实验室的S. E. Miller博士提出的[1]。集成光学是研究媒质薄膜中的光学现象以及光学元器件集成化的一门学科。它要解决的实质问题是获得具有不同功能、不同集成度的集成光路,以实现光学信息处理系统的集成化和微小化[2,3]。集成光学是采用集成方法研究光学器件和混合光学-电子学器件系统的一门学科。集成光学建立在光电子学、光波导理论、激光技术和微电子学的微细加工工艺发展的基础之上,是光子学的一个重要分支[4]。集成光学的任务是将传统的光学元器件和系统微型化,并按照新的物理观点将这些元器件或系统“集成”,以形成具有多种功能的集成光学体系。集成光学是当今光子学领域的发展前沿之一,它主要研究集成在一个平面衬底上的光学器件和光电子学领域的理论、技术与应用,是光学发展的必由之路和高级阶段[5,6,7]。集成光学以光波导、激光器、光调制器、接收器等光子和电子元件为核心集成起来,并以具有一定功能的体系为标志;光纤、各种集成光学器件已被广泛应用于光通信系统中;非通信领域——传感技术方面的应用也有了很大的发展。类似于电子计算机中有大量的集成电路一样,集成光路将成为光计算机中的主要部分[5,7-10]

本文基于Web of Science核心合集中Science Citation Index Expanded (SCI-Expanded)数据库,对2007–2016年期间发表的集成光学领域文献进行了分析,从而揭示集成光学领域的宏观发展趋势。

2 数据来源

2.1 数据来源

本文利用Web of Science核心合集中SCI-Expanded数据库的数据作为数据源,采用的检索式为:TS=“integrat* optics”,时间跨度为:2007–2016,检索时间为:2017-06-17,文献类型包括文章(Article)、评论(Review)、会议摘要(Meeting Abstract)、快报(Letter)等全部文献类型。将数据源导入Incites平台,从影响力和期刊分区的角度,对部分机构和国家的情况进行了分析。利用Thomson Data Analyzer (TDA)软件对原始数据进行了清洗,其中对作者关键词进行了完整的清理和整理,比如将index和refractive index合并为refractive index,将on-chip和chip合并为chip,optical wave-guides和 wave-guides合并为wave-guides,将和modulator意义一致的detector合并为modulator,将silicon photonics和silicon合并为主题词silicon。经过合并和删除,使分析数据更加准确。最后,利用TDA对作者关键词进行了分析。

2.2 数据库介绍

InCitesTM:是基于科睿唯安Web of ScienceTM核心合集七大索引数据库的数据进行出版物计数和指标计算。七大索引数据库合集涵盖了1.2万种期刊、16万种会议录以及5.3万本学术典籍。目前InCitesTM提供了1980 年至今的全部文献类型的出版物。数据与基线每两个月更新一次。

基本科学指标数据库(Essential Science Indicators,ESI):是基于科睿唯安Web of Science (SCIE/SSCI)所收录的全球1.1万多种学术期刊的1 000多万条文献记录而建立的计量分析数据库。该数据库着重从文献引用角度反映学术影响力,可作为衡量科学研究绩效、跟踪科学发展趋势的基本分析评价工具。

2.3 指标解释

学科规范化的引文影响力(category normalized citation impact, CNCI):是一个排除了出版年、学科领域与文献类型的作用的影响力指标,因此使用它可以进行不同规模、不同学科的论文影响力的比较,目前在国际上被称为文献计量学的皇冠评价指标。如果某机构的CNCI数值大于1,说明该机构的影响力大于全球平均水平,数值是多少就是全球平均水平的多少倍[11,12,13]。其计算方法如下:


公式中的 e 为基线值或期望被引率,c 为被引频次,p 为论文数量,f 为学科领域,t 为出版年,d 为文献类型。




3 集成光学的发展态势

3.1 发文量年度情况



图1   2007–2016集成光学研究论文年度发展趋势

3.2 论文数量的国家分布



图2   2007–2016集成光学领域发文量位居前10位的国家


表1   集成光学领域发文量排名前10国家的论文数量、CNCI值及Q1期刊论文占比

国家 论文数/篇 CNCI 发表在Q1期刊的论文百分比/%
中国 442 0.65 36.96
美国 383 1.48 76.86
法国 188 1.01 58.79
意大利 157 1.16 63.16
德国 139 1.37 62.77
日本 112 0.65 65.14
英国 108 1.53 67.29
加拿大 107 1.31 76.64
新西兰 82 1.41 69.51
西班牙 77 1.08 69.74

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3.3 集成光学领域主要研究机构

2007–2016年期间SCI收录的集成光学领域论文来自全球880个机构。其中发文量30篇以上的有机构14个,详见表2。发文数量位居第1位的是法国国家科学研究中心(CNRS,111篇);排在第2位的是美国加利福尼亚大学(University of California System,65篇);排在第3位的是中国科学院(55篇);接下来依次是中国的浙江大学(42篇)、法国的格勒诺布尔大学(Universite Grenoble Alpes,38篇)、荷兰的屯特大学(University of Twente,37篇)以及英国的南安普敦大学(University of Southampton,37篇)。

表2   发文量≥30篇的机构

机构名称 WoS论文数/篇 CNCI 发表在Q1期刊的
法国国家科学研究中心 111 0.98 58.49 62
加利福尼亚大学 65 1.54 76.92 50
中国科学院 55 0.53 23.64 13
浙江大学 42 0.79 53.66 22
格勒诺布尔大学 38 1.1 74.29 26
屯特大学 37 1.56 72.97 27
南安普敦大学 37 1.86 75.68 28
华中科技大学 36 0.7 27.78 10
巴黎-萨克雷大学 36 1.26 52.78 19
法国微电子研发机构 36 1.77 66.67 24
香港城市大学 34 0.34 73.53 25
意大利国家研究委员会 33 1.04 45.16 14
根特大学 31 1.87 80.65 25
米兰理工大学 31 1.37 80.00 24

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3.4 热点关键词分析




图3   高频关键词


3.5 高被引论文


表3   高被引论文目录

标题 作者 来源出版物名称 出版年 被引频次
Chalcogenide photonics Eggleton, Benjamin J.; Luther-Davies, Barry; Richardson, Kathleen Nature Photonics 2011 597
Silica-on-silicon waveguide quantum circuits Politi, Alberto; Cryan, Martin J.; Rarity, John G.; Yu, Siyuan; O'Brien, Jeremy L. Science 2008 492
Heat assisted magnetic recording Kryder, Mark H.; Gage, Edward C.; Mcdaniel, Terry W.; Challener, William A.; Rottmayer, Robert E.; Ju, Ganping; Hsia, Yiao-Tee; Erden, M. Fatih Proceedings of the IEEE 2008 477
Progress on lanthanide-based organic-inorganic hybrid phosphors Carlos, Luis D.; Ferreira, Rute A. S.; Bermudez, Veronica de Zea; Julian-Lopez, Beatriz; Escribano, Purificacion Chemical Society Reviews 2011 318
Computer systems based on silicon photonic interconnects Krishnamoorthy, Ashok V.; Ho, Ron; Zheng, Xuezhe; Schwetman, Herb; Lexau, Jon; Koka, Pranay; Li, GuoLiang; Shubin, Ivan; Cunningham, John E. Proceedings of the IEEE 2009 280
Time-reversed lasing and interferometric control of absorption Wan, Wenjie; Chong, Yidong; Ge, Li; Noh, Heeso; Stone, A. Douglas; Cao, Hui Science 2011 254
Ultra-thin plasmonic optical vortex plate based on phase discontinuities Genevet, Patrice; Yu, Nanfang; Aieta, Francesco; Lin, Jiao; Kats, Mikhail A.; Blanchard, Romain; Scully, Marlan O.; Gaburro, Zeno; Capasso, Federico Applied Physics Letters 2012 205
Modes of subwavelength plasmonic slot waveguides Veronis, Georgios; Fan, Shanhui Journal of Lightwave Technology 2007 175
标题 作者 来源出版物名称 出版年 被引频次
Compact and highly efficient grating couplers between optical fiber and nanophotonic waveguides Van Laere, Frederik; Roelkens, Guenther; Ayre, Melanie; Schrauwen, Jonathan; Taillaert, Dirk; Van Thourhout, Dries; Krauss, Thomas E.; Baets, Roe Journal of Lightwave Technology 2007 159
Integrated optical devices for lab-on-a-chip biosensing applications Estevez, M-Carmen; Alvarez, Mar; Lechuga, Laura M. Laser & Photonics Reviews 2012 144
Nonreciprocal plasmonics enables giant enhancement of thin-film Faraday rotation Chin, Jessie Yao; Steinle, Tobias; Wehlus, Thomas; Dregely, Daniel; Weiss, Thomas; Belotelov, Vladimir I.; Stritzker, Bernd; Giessen, Harald Nature Communications 2013 126
Optically pumped planar waveguide lasers, Part I: Fundamentals and fabrication techniques Grivas, Christos Progress in Quantum Electronics 2011 106
Ion-exchanged glass waveguide technology: a review Tervonen, Ari; West, Brian R.; Honkanen, Seppo Optical Engineering 2011 95
A novel integrated quantum circuit for high-order W-state generation and its highly precise characterization Heilmann, Rene; Graefe, Markus; Nolte, Stefan; Szameit, Alexander Science Bulletin 2015 60
On-chip zero-index metamaterials Li, Yang; Kita, Shota; Munoz, Philip; Reshef, Orad; Vulis, Daryl I.; Yin, Mei; Loncar, Marko; Mazur, Eric Nature Photonics 2015 57
Integrated Photonic Electromagnetic Field Sensor Based on Broadband Bowtie Antenna Coupled Silicon Organic Hybrid Modulator Zhang, Xingyu; Hosseini, Amir; Subbaraman, Harish; Wang, Shiyi; Zhan, Qiwen; Luo, Jingdong; Jen, Alex K. -Y.; Chen, Ray T. Journal of Lightwave Technology 2014 57
Crystalline Waveguide Lasers in the Visible and Near-Infrared Spectral Range Calmano, Thomas; Mueller, Sebastian IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics 2015 31
Optically pumped planar waveguide lasers: Part II: Gain media, laser systems, and applications Grivas, Christos Progress in Quantum Electronics 2016 19
Single Carrier 168-Gb/s Line-Rate PAM Direct Detection Transmission Using High-Speed Selector Power DAC for Optical Interconnects Mardoyan, Haik; Mestre, Miquel Angel; Rios-Mueller, Rafael; Konczykowska, Agnieszka; Renaudier, Jeremie; Jorge, Filipe; Duval, Bernadette; Dupuy, Jean-Yves; Ghazisaeidi, Amirhossein; Jenneve, Philippe; Achouche, Mohand; Bigo, Sebastien Journal of Lightwave Technology 2016 11

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表4   高被引论文部分机构

南安普敦大学 斯图加特大学 悉尼
得克萨斯大学 特伦特大学 华盛顿大学 劳瑞尔大学 耶鲁
阿尔托大学 澳大利亚国立大学
2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

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4 结论


The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.


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Research in integrated optics has two goals: One is to apply thin-film technology to the formation of optical devices and circuits. The other is the integration of a large number of optical devices on a small substrate, so forming an optical circuit reminiscent of the integrated circuit in microelectronics. The result is a new breed of optical devices in the form of miniature optical waveguides. They include lasers, modulators, switches, detectors, prisms, lenses, and polarizers, and many of them have efficiencies better than their bulk counterparts. Simple integrated optical circuits have also been constructed, and rapidly advancing semiconductor technology indicates that monolithic integrated optical circuits can readily be developed using GaAs-related compounds. In this paper, we review the state-of-the-art of integrated optics and explore new wave phenomena in optical circuits. The specific topics to be discussed are: light-wave couplers and m-line spectroscopy, refraction and reflection of light in thin films, normal modes of the uniform, the graded and the metal-clad waveguides, optics in tapered films, theory of corrugated waveguides, and more importantly, physics of various thin-film optical devices and the method of the circuit formation.

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Direct three-dimensional laser writing of amorphous waveguides inside glass has been studied intensely as an attractive route for fabricating photonic integrated circuits. However, achieving essential nonlinear-optic functionality in such devices will also require the ability to create high-quality single-crystal waveguides. Femtosecond laser irradiation is capable of crystallizing glass in 3D, but producing optical-quality single-crystal structures suitable for waveguiding poses unique challenges that are unprecedented in the field of crystal growth. In this work, we use a high angular-resolution electron diffraction method to obtain the first conclusive confirmation that uniform single crystals can be grown inside glass by femtosecond laser writing under optimized conditions. We confirm waveguiding capability and present the first quantitative measurement of power transmission through a laser-written crystal-in-glass waveguide, yielding loss of 2.64鈥塪B/cm at 1530鈥塶m. We demonstrate uniformity of the crystal cross-section down the length of the waveguide and quantify its birefringence. Finally, as a proof-of-concept for patterning more complex device geometries, we demonstrate the use of dynamic phase modulation to grow symmetric crystal junctions with single-pass writing.

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The crown indicator is a well-known bibliometric indicator of research performance developed by our institute. The indicator aims to normalize citation counts for differences among fields. We critically examine the theoretical basis of the normalization mechanism applied in the crown indicator. We also make a comparison with an alternative normalization mechanism. The alternative mechanism turns out to have more satisfactory properties than the mechanism applied in the crown indicator. In particular, the alternative mechanism has a so-called consistency property. The mechanism applied in the crown indicator lacks this important property. As a consequence of our findings, we are currently moving towards a new crown indicator, which relies on the alternative normalization mechanism.

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AbstractWe present an empirical comparison between two normalization mechanisms for citation-based indicators of research performance. These mechanisms aim to normalize citation counts for the field and the year in which a publication was published. One mechanism is applied in the current so-called crown indicator of our institute. The other mechanism is applied in the new crown indicator that our institute is currently exploring. We find that at high aggregation levels, such as at the level of large research institutions or at the level of countries, the differences between the two mechanisms are very small. At lower aggregation levels, such as at the level of research groups or at the level of journals, the differences between the two mechanisms are somewhat larger. We pay special attention to the way in which recent publications are handled. These publications typically have very low citation counts and should therefore be handled with special care.

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