观宇宙之博大 察万物之精微


SCIENCE FOCUS, 2017, 12(3): 24-32
doi: 10.15978/j.cnki.1673-5668.201703002
Status and Trends of Time and Frequency Transfer via Optical Fiber Based on Bibliometrics
瞿海燕1, 潘慧玲2,*,, 刘芙蓉3, 黄鸾鸾3
1 中国科学院兰州文献情报中心 兰州 730000
2 甘肃交通职业技术学院 兰州 730070
3 中国科学院国家授时中心 西安 710600
Qu Haiyan1, Pan Huiling2,*,, Liu Furong3, Huang Luanluan3
1 Lanzhou Library, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Lanzhou 730000, China
2 Gansu Vocational and Technical College of Communications, Lanzhou 730000, China
3 National Time Service Centre, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an 710600, China
 Cite this article:
Qu Haiyan, Pan Huiling, Liu Furong, Huang Luanluan. Status and Trends of Time and Frequency Transfer via Optical Fiber Based on Bibliometrics. SCIENCE FOCUS[J], 2017, 12(3): 24-32 doi:10.15978/j.cnki.1673-5668.201703002


随着社会经济和科学技术的高速发展,对时间频率传递和同步的需求越来越高,特别是在基础科学、深空探测、现代高科技装备和系统中,时间的精确性及稳定性至关重要。基于光纤的时间频率传递成为未来高精度地面时间同步网络的主要发展趋势。该研究以INSPEC数据库为数据源,采用专业数据分析工具Thomson Data Analyzer(TDA)对光纤时间频率传递研究论文进行数据挖掘和定量分析,探讨该领域的研究现状、主要研究力量、研究热点及发展趋势,以期为时间频率科研工作者、决策者以及我国时间频率系统的发展、创新提供参考。

关键词: 光纤 ; 时间频率传递 ; 文献计量 ; 研究热点 ; 发展态势

Key words: optical fiber ; time and frequency transfer ; bibliometrics ; research focus ; developing tendency
1 引言



从文献计量角度探讨科学研究布局和发展态势是一种有效的途径和方法。为明确光纤时间频率传递研究在世界范围的研究布局和发展态势,本文基于Web of Knowledge平台的INSPEC数据库对该领域有关的文献进行计量学统计,探讨该领域的研究现状、研究重点及发展趋势,以期为时间频率科研工作者、决策者以及我国时间频率系统的发展、研究布局的规划等提供科学参考。

2 数据获取及方法

本工作选择Web of Knowledge平台的INSPEC数据库作为文献样本数据来源,利用光纤时间频率传递研究主题词构建检索策略,将检索结果进行人工判读并严格筛选,最终获得1976–2015年间(Inspect数据库最早索引至1969年)世界各国在光纤时间频率传递方面公开发表的论文共计1 320条(文献类型为journal paper和conference paper,检索时间为2016年1月18日)。以这些文献作为分析的数据集,借助美国汤森路透公司(科睿唯安)开发的Thomson Data Analyzer(TDA)分析工具进行文献数据挖掘,并结合Excel、Origin等工具进行统计和分析。

3 结果分析
3.1 全球论文数量变化趋势



3.2 主要研究力量发展趋势

按照发文总量统计,图2给出全球范围内从事光纤时间频率传递研究的前10个主要国家的发文总量及其近3年发文量占其发文总量的百分比情况。可以看出,目前在该技术领域走在世界前列的主要有美国、日本和欧洲等国家或地区,中国位列第5,在发文总量上与德国接近。发达国家在高精度光纤时间频率传递的理论、实验研究以及实际的工程应用起步较早。如从1980年代后期开始,美国就已开始研究设计利用光缆网进行高等级时钟和频率的传递,用于构建NASA的航天测控导航网络,并于2001年率先实现了实际链路的应用,在深空探测领域发挥了巨大的作用;2012年,由欧盟9国(德国、法国、英国、奥地利、意大利、荷兰、瑞典、芬兰、捷克)共同出资合作开展的联合研究项目NEAT-FT正式启动,旨在建设一个频率传输稳定度优于10-17/天,时间同步精度优于100 ps的欧洲时频光纤同步网络[2]







近些年来,在美、日、法、德等国的研究带动下,其他各国的研究小组也都开展了高精度光纤频率传递研究并取得了长足的进步,时间同步的精度由百纳秒级到纳秒级甚至亚纳秒级,传递的距离从几十米到上百千米甚至近千千米,其成果在世界上处于领先水平。如捷克教育科研网联合瑞典国家技术研究所完成了基于双向时间比对方案的744 km和560 km光纤时间传递实验[12];波兰克拉科夫理工大学(AGH-UST)联合法国激光物理实验室完成了基于环回法方案的420 km和540 km光纤时间频率传递实验[13]。国内,2012年清华大学-计量院联合实验小组在往返80 km的商用光纤链路上首次演示了时标脉冲、微波频率的同时传输与同步实验[14];2015年上海交通大学提出一种通过波分复用将基于光学相位噪声补偿的频率传递与基于时分复用的时间传递结合在一起的光纤时间和频率同时传递方案,在100 km的光纤链路上进行了时间和频率同时传递实验[9];2015年中国科学院国家授时中心用线绕光纤进行光频传递实验,在国内首次实现了100 km级的光学频率传递[3]

3.3 主要研究热点及学科分布情况

3.3.1 基于词频的研究热点分析

通过TDA文献数据挖掘工具对INSPEC数据库中光纤时间频率传递研究领域的非控制词索引进行清理统计,表2按近3年发文量占比排名前15的非受控词(共涉及文献1 207篇,占文献总量91.4%)列出该领域的研究热点、最相关术语及优势国家。可以看出,近3年发文量占比较高的热点词为“频率传递”、“阿伦方差”、“光纤时间传递”、“单模光纤链路”、“相位噪声”、“光链路”、“光晶格钟”、“掺铒光纤放大器”、“飞秒光频梳”等,此研究热点发文较多的国家主要集中在美国、中国、法国、德国和日本。


3.3.2 主要机构研究热点分析




4 结论




TS=("Atomic clock*" or "Lattice clock*" or "Optical clocks" or "Time and frequency*" or "Frequency transfer*" or "Frequency standard*" or "Frequency metrology" or "Trequency referen*" or "Frequency instabi*" or "Frequency disseminat*" or "Time transfer*" or "Time metrology" or "Time synchron*" or "Time referen*" or "Time interval measurement*" or "Precise time*" or "Accurate time*" or "Ultrastable frequecy*" or "Ultrastable signa*" or "Optical frequency distribution*" or "Optical coherence transfer*" or "Optical frequency comb*" or "optical frequency standard*") AND TS=("Optical link*" or "Optical fibre*" or "Fiber optic link*" or "Optical network*" or "Fiber network*" or "Fiber link*" or "Optical soliton*" or "Satellite links" or "Synchronous Digital Hierarchy" or SDH or "Synchronous Optical Network" or SONET or "Wavelength Division Multiplexing" or DWDM or OTDM or "Telecommunication fiber*" or "Telecommunication link*" or "Fiber dissminat*" or "Single mode* Fiber*" or "spooled fiber*")。

The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.


高超, 王波, 白钰, . 基于光纤链路的高精度时间频率传输与同步[J]. 科技导报, 2014, 32(34):41-46.
DOI:10.3981/j.issn.1000-7857.2014.34.005      Magsci     URL    
在清华大学与中国计量科学研究院之间往返80 km 的商用光纤链路上进行了时间频率同时传输与同步实验.采用时间频率同时传输与同步的方法,获得了7&times;10<sup>-15</sup>/s,5&times;10<sup>-19</sup>/d 的频率传输稳定度结果;通过在发射端主动探测并补偿时间脉冲信号在光纤中传输的时间延迟,实现了&plusmn;50 ps 的时间同步稳定度指标.鉴于目前基于光纤链路的频率传输方案均受限于点对点传输的问题,设计并完成了可多点下载的频率接收系统,使时间频率传输与同步网络的建设成为可能.
[Cite within: 1]
王立军. 超高精度时间频率同步及其应用[J]. 物理, 2014, 43(6):360-363.
DOI:10.7693/wl20140601      URL    
文章介绍了时间频率同步的主要概念及方法。重点介绍了在清华大学与中国计量科学研究院之间往返80 km的商用光纤链路上进行时间频率传输与同步的方案,实验得到7×10-15/s,5×10-19/天的频率传输稳定度和50 fs的时间同步稳定度。针对不同网络结构,文章作者提出了多种光纤同步方案,并着重介绍了时间频率同步在科学研究领域中的一些重要应用。
[Cite within: 3]
刘杰, 高静, 许冠军, . 基于光纤的光学频率传递研究[J]. 物理学报, 2015, 64(12):120602.
DOI:10.7498/aps.64.120602      Magsci     URL    
随着光钟研究的发展, 光钟的稳定度和不确定度均达到10<sup>-18</sup>量级. 通过光纤可以实现光钟频率信号的高精度传输, 有望用于未来&#x0201c;秒&#x0201d;定义的复现. 演示了百公里级实验室光纤上的光学频率传递. 对于在实验室70 km光纤盘上实现的光频传递, 光纤相位噪声抑制在1-250 Hz傅里叶频率范围内均接近于光纤延时极限, 对应传输稳定度(Allan偏差)为秒级稳定度1.2&#215;10<sup>-15</sup>, 10000 s稳定度为1.4&#215;10<sup>-18</sup>. 实验室100 km光纤的光频传递秒级稳定度也达到了5&#215;10<sup>-15</sup>. 提出了光纤噪声用户端补偿的方案, 可以简化星形传递网络中心站的复杂度. 在25 km光纤上演示了该传递方案, 实现的传输稳定度接近传统前置补偿传递方案.
[Cite within: 2]
王苏北. 高精度光纤时间传递的码型设计与实现 [D]. 上海:上海交通大学电子信息与电气工程学院, 2013.
[Cite within: 1]
王义遒. 建设我国独立自主时间频率系统的思考[J]. 宇航计测技术, 2004, 24(1):1-10.
DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1000-7202.2004.01.001      URL    
分析了物理量测量中时间频率量 的特点 ,主要有 :时间的流逝性 ,时间频率具有最高的测量精密度与准确度 ,时间和频率既密切相关又有区别 ,其计量标准可通过电磁波发播 ,其基准是自然基准 ,其测量精确度与测量时间有关。作者阐述了这些特点对计量技术及建设时间频率系统的影响 ,论述了建设我国独立自主的时间频率系统的必要性及其基本框架 ,从基准、实时、授时、时间频率设备的研制、生产和队伍建设等方面提出了建设的具体设想。
[Cite within: 1]
Marra G, Slavik R, Margolis HS, et al., High-resolution microwave frequency transfer over an 86-km-long optical fiber network using a mode-locked laser[J]. Opt. Lett, 2011, 36(4): 511-513.
DOI:10.1364/OL.36.000511      PMID:21326439      URL    
We demonstrate the transfer of an ultrastable microwave frequency by transmitting a 30-nm-wide optical frequency comb from a mode-locked laser over 8665km of installed optical fiber. The pulse train is returned to the transmitter via the same fiber for compensation of environmentally induced optical path length changes. The fractional transfer stability measured at the remote end reaches 4×10(-17) after 160065s, corresponding to a timing jitter of 6465fs.
[Cite within: 1]
Lopez O, Kanj A, Pottie PE, et al.Simultaneous remote transfer of accurate timing and optical frequency over a public fiber network[J]. Appl Phys B, 2012, 110(1): 3-6.
DOI:10.1007/s00340-012-5241-0      URL    
In this work, we demonstrate for the first time that it is possible to transfer simultaneously an ultra-stable optical frequency and precise and accurate timing over 54002km using a public telecommunication optical fiber network with Internet data. The optical phase is used to carry both the frequency information and the timestamps by modulating a very narrow optical carrier at 1.5502μm with spread spectrum signals using two-way satellite time transfer modems. The results in terms of absolute time accuracy (25002ps) and long-term timing stability (2002ps) well outperform the conventional Global Navigation Satellite System or geostationary transfer methods.
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魏孝峰, 车爱霞, 乔建武, . 光纤传输高精度时频信号在长波授时中的应用[J]. 时间频率学报, 2015, 38(2):95-100.
[Cite within: 1]
王灵东, 吴龟灵, 沈建国, . 基于100km光纤链路的时间和频率同时传递[J]. 光学学报, 2015, 35(4):1-6.
DOI:10.3788/aos201535.0406004      URL    
提出了一种基于光纤的时间和频率同时传递方案。采用基于温控光纤延迟线和压电陶瓷(PZT)光纤延迟线的光学相位噪声补偿技术实现高稳定的频率传递。同时,通过波分复用技术在稳定的光纤链路上进行基于时分复用的高精度同纤同波双向时间传递。在100 km的光纤链路上进行了时间和频率同时传递实验,光纤频率传递链路的秒稳定度和天稳定度分别达到5.25×10^-14和1.9×10^-17;双向时间比对在1 s处的时间传递秒稳定度优于40ps,在平均时间1000 s处优于1.5 ps。时间差抖动的峰-峰值和标准差分别小于400 ps和45 ps。
[Cite within: 2]
Predehl K, Grosche G, Raupach SMF, et al.920-Kilometer Optical Fiber Link for Frequency Metrology at the 19th Decimal Place[J]. Science, 2012, 336: 441-444.
DOI:10.1126/science.1218442      PMID:22539714      URL    
Optical clocks show unprecedented accuracy, surpassing that of previously available clock systems by more than one order of magnitude. Precise intercomparisons will enable a variety of experiments, including tests of fundamental quantum physics and cosmology and applications in geodesy and navigation. Well-established, satellite-based techniques for microwave dissemination are not adequate to compare optical clocks. Here, we present phase-stabilized distribution of an optical frequency over 920 kilometers of telecommunication fiber. We used two antiparallel fiber links to determine their fractional frequency instability (modified Allan deviation) to 5 × 10 6115 in a 1-second integration time, reaching 10 6118 in less than 1000 seconds. For long integration times τ, the deviation from the expected frequency value has been constrained to within 4 × 10 6119 . The link may serve as part of a Europe-wide optical frequency dissemination network.
[Cite within: 1]
Robert C, Conan JM, Wolf P.Impact of turbulence on high-precision ground-satellite frequency transfer with two-way coherent optical links[J]. Physical Review A, 2016, 93(3): 033860.
DOI:10.1103/PhysRevA.93.033860      URL    
Bidirectional ground-satellite laser links suffer from turbulence-induced scintillation and phase distortion. We study the impact of turbulence on coherent detection and the related phase noise that restricts time and frequency transfer precision. We evaluate the capacity to obtain a two-way cancellation of atmospheric effects despite the asymmetry between up- and downlink that limits the link reciprocity. For ground-satellite links, the asymmetry is induced by point-ahead angle and possibly the use, for the ground terminal, of different transceiver diameters, in reception and emission. The quantitative analysis is obtained thanks to refined end-to-end simulations under realistic turbulence and wind conditions as well as satellite kinematics. These temporally resolved simulations allow characterizing the coherent detection in terms of time series of heterodyne efficiency and phase noise for different system parameters. We show that tip-tilt correction on ground is mandatory at reception for the downlink and as a pre-compensation of the uplink. Besides, thanks to the large tilt angular correlation, the correction is shown to be efficient on uplink despite the point-ahead angle. Very good two-way compensation of turbulent effects is obtained even with the asymmetries. The two-way differential phase noise is reduced to 1 rad, with the best fractional frequency stability below 2 脳10after 1-s averaging time.
[Cite within: 1]
Ebenhag SC, Hedekvist PO, Jarlemark P, et al.Measurements and error sources in time transfer using asynchronous fiber network[J]. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 2010, 59(7): 1918-1924.
DOI:10.1109/TIM.2009.2028214      URL    
We have performed time transfer experiments based on passive listening in fiber optical networks using Packet over synchronous optical networking (SONET)/synchronous digital hierarchy (SDH). The experiments have been performed with different complexity and over different distances. For assessment of the results, we have used a GPS link based on carrier-phase observations. On a 560-km link, precision that is relative to the GPS link of <; 1 ns has been obtained over several months. In this paper, we describe and quantify the different error sources influencing the fiber time transfer measurements. We show that the temperature dependence of the optical fiber is the major contribution to the error budget, and, thus, reducing this effect should be the best way of improving the results.
[Cite within: 1]
Sliwczy ń ski L, Krehlik P, Czubla A, et al. Dissemination of time and RF frequency via a stabilized fibre optic link over a distance of 420 km[J]. Metrologia, 2013, 50(2): 133-145.
DOI:10.1088/0026-1394/50/2/133      URL    
In this paper we present the results of our work concerning the long-distance fibre optic dissemination of time (1 PPS) and frequency (10 MHz) signals generated by atomic sources, such as caesium clocks, hydrogen masers or caesium fountains. For these purposes we developed dedicated hardware (a fibre optic system with active stabilization of the propagation delay and bidirectional fibre optic amplifiers) together with a procedure to enable calibration of the time transfer. Our laboratory measurements performed over fibre lengths of up to 480 km showed an Allan deviation of the order of 4 x 10(-17), time deviation below 1 ps (both at one-day averaging) and the possibility of calibration with picosecond accuracy even for the longest from evaluated links. After successful laboratory evaluation the system was next installed on a 421.4 km long route between the Central Office of Measures (GUM) in Warsaw, Poland, and the Astrogeodynamic Observatory (AOS) in Borowiec near Poznan, Poland. Experiments comparing the UTC(PL) and UTC(AOS) atomic timescales using the fibre optic link and TTS-4 dual-frequency GNSS time transfer receivers showed that the consistency of the results is within the calibration accuracy of the GPS receivers and with much better noise performance. The field operation of the system proved its full functionality and confirmed our previous laboratory evaluation to the maximum extent possible using the methods for comparing distant clocks available at GUM and AOS.
[Cite within: 1]
Wang B, Gao C, Chen WL, et al.Precise and Continuous Time and Frequency Synchronisation at the 5x10(-19) Accuracy Level[J]. Scientific Reports, 2012, 2(556): 1-5.
DOI:10.1038/srep00556      PMID:22870385      URL    
The synchronisation of time and frequency between remote locations is crucial for many important applications.
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