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科学观察, 2017, 12(2): 22-30
doi: 10.15978/j.cnki.1673-5668.201702002
A Bibliometric Study on HIV Field: from the Perspective of International Collaboration
童嗣超1,2, 杨立英1,*,
1 中国科学院文献情报中心 北京 100190
2 中国科学院大学 北京 100049
Tong Sichao1,2, Yang Liying1,*,
National Science Libray, Chinese Academy of Science, Beijing 100190
University of Chinese Academy of Science, Beijing 100049
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Tong Sichao, Yang Liying. A Bibliometric Study on HIV Field: from the Perspective of International Collaboration. 科学观察[J], 2017, 12(2): 22-30 doi:10.15978/j.cnki.1673-5668.201702002


该研究以Web of Science数据库论文为统计源,从国际合作的视角,利用文献计量学方法,采用了若干指标对艾滋病研究领域国际合作的基本态势和国际合作网络特征两个方面进行了描述和分析。研究发现:国际合作在艾滋病研究领域发挥的作用日益彰显;非洲国家积极参与抗击艾滋病毒感染的研究,国际学术共同体推进支持弱势国家防治艾滋病的实际行动;美国在推进艾滋病研究国际合作做出了重要贡献;中国在艾滋病研究领域积极开展了国际科研学术交流,但仍需大力加强国际合作。

关键词: 国际合作 ; 文献计量方法 ; 艾滋病研究

Key words: international collaboration ; bibliometrics ; HIV
1 引言

艾滋病,即获得性免疫缺陷综合征,是感染人类免疫缺陷病毒(human immunodeficiency virus,HIV)后导致免疫缺陷,并引发一系列机会性感染及肿瘤,严重者可导致死亡的综合征。1981年美国首次记载了罹患此病的5例患者,在之后征服艾滋病的过程中,世界各国科研人员携手开展合作研究,取得了诸多突破性进展。



2 方法及数据
2.1 数据来源


本研究采用科睿唯安公司(Clarivate Analytics)的Web of Science(WoS)数据库论文作为数据来源。艾滋病领域数据集构建的检索式如下:

(ts = (("HIV" or "CCR5" or "CD4 T cell" or "CXCR4" or "HAART" or "human immunodefici* virus" OR "CC-chemokine receptor 5")) or ti=(aids and immun*) not ti="aided*" not ti="aid")

数据集的文献类型限定为article和review,时间范围为1983–2016年(从该领域的第一篇论文发表年份开始统计),检索到271 241条数据记录。检索时间为2016年2月14日。

WoS数据库提供的TS检索范围涵盖标题、文摘、作者关键词与自动标引关键词。由于文摘、自动标引关键词在检索主题信息时具有一定程度的泛指性,本研究对TS检索得到的数据集进一步凝练,利用自编程序限定检索式仅出现在标题和作者关键词字段,最终确定110 340条记录作为本研究的分析依据。

2.2 指标说明






N 表示网络中的节点数,E 表示网络中的连边数。无权网络中,网络密度 ρ 的值域为0~1。ρ 越大说明从整体网络的视角看,国家间的合作越紧密。



N 表示网络中的节点数,djk 代表网络中节点 j 和节点 k 的最短距离,国家 j 的接近中心度表示国家 j 到网络中其他所有国家最短距离之和的倒数乘以其他国家的个数,国家的接近中心度越大,表示国家越居于国际科研合作网络的中心。

3 国际合作基础态势
3.1 合作规模



表1可以看出,1983年到1996年是该领域产出规模快速增长的时间段,论文数量从36篇增加到3 030篇;1997至2002年艾滋病研究进入平稳发展期,此期间发表的论文数量徘徊在3 100篇左右;2003年开始,随着若干艾滋病研究突破性成果的发表,带动了该领域研究工作进入新的快速增长期,论文数量从3 290篇增长至2013年6 368篇,达到史上最高峰;2014年至今,艾滋病研究的论文数量有小幅下降。

伴随着艾滋病研究WoS论文数量的变化,其国际合作论文数量的发展特征与之类似,经历了快速起步、平稳发展、新的快速增长期、新的稳定期等阶段。表1中国际合作论文的数量表明:1983–1985年艾滋病研究的国际合作处于起步期,国际合作论文数量很少;1986年至1999年,国际合作研究非常活跃,论文数量从13篇迅猛增加至612篇;1999–2003年该领域的国际合作论文数量保持平稳,每年维持在600多篇。2004–2013年,随着艾滋病研究总体科研产出规模的快速发展,该领域的国际合作成果数量颇丰,从882篇增加到2 324篇。

表2列出了艾滋病研究领域参与国际合作较多的前20个国家。从各国国际合作研究发表的WoS论文看(见表2),2007–2016年美国的国际合作论文量最多,前后两个5年期的国际合作论文数量分别达到了5 053篇和7 116篇。除美国之外,英国、南非、加拿大、中国在本领域开展了较多的国际合作研究。2012–2016年上述国家的国际合作论文数量位居世界前5位。


中国是艾滋病研究领域的发文大国,2012–2016年,中国的论文量居世界第4位,达到了2 342篇。在参与国际合作方面,中国积极融入本领域的国际合作,发表的国际合作论文数量由第一个5年期的577篇增加至第二个5年期的1 055篇。





3.2 合作强度





4 国际合作网络特征
4.1 网络密度







4.2 网络中心地位







5 结论与思考


国际合作艾滋病研究领域发挥的作用日益彰显:艾滋病研究领域的国际合作论文数量从个位数增加至每年2 000篇以上(2011年之后);合作论文占全部论文的份额逐步提高,2016年达到38.3%;越来越多的国家积极开展了国际合作研究,2011年之后参与合作的国家占该领域全部国家的95%以上。这说明艾滋病研究领域的国际合作活动逐步走向活跃,发挥的作用也更加显著。




The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.


Zhang L, He T, Huang Y, et al.Chemokine coreceptor usage by diverse primary isolates of human immunodeficiency virus type 1[J]. 1998, 72(11): 9307-9312.
DOI:10.1016/S0166-0934(98)00117-7      PMID:9765480      URL    
We tested chemokine receptor subset usage by diverse, well-characterized primary viruses isolated from peripheral blood by monitoring viral replication with CCR1, CCR2b, CCR3, CCR5, and CXCR4 U87MG.CD4 transformed cell lines and STRL33/BONZO/TYMSTR and GPR15/BOB HOS.CD4 transformed cell lines. Primary viruses were isolated from 79 men with confirmed human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) infection from the Chicago component of the Multicenter AIDS Cohort Study at interval time points. Thirty-five additional well-characterized primary viruses representing HIV-1 group M subtypes A, B, C, D, and E and group O and three primary simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) isolates were also used for these studies. The restricted use of the CCR5 chemokine receptor for viral entry was associated with infection by a virus having a non-syncytium-inducing phenotype and correlated with a reduced rate of disease progression and a prolonged disease-free interval. Conversely, broadening chemokine receptor usage from CCR5 to both CCR5 and CXCR4 was associated with infection by a virus having a syncytium-inducing phenotype and correlated with a faster rate of CD4 T-cell decline and progression of disease. We also observed a greater tendency for infection with a virus having a syncytium-inducing phenotype in men heterozygous for the defective CCR5 Delta32 allele (25%) than in those men homozygous for the wild-type CCR5 allele (6%) (P = 0.03). The propensity for infection with a virus having a syncytium-inducing phenotype provides a partial explanation for the rapid disease progression among some men heterozygous for the defective CCR5 Delta32 allele. Furthermore, we did not identify any primary viruses that used CCR3 as an entry cofactor, despite this CC chemokine receptor being expressed on the cell surface at a level commensurate with or higher than that observed for primary peripheral blood mononuclear cells. Whereas isolates of primary viruses of SIV also used STRL33/BONZO/TYMSTR a
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When researchers announced on 24 September that an AIDS vaccine trial had positive results for the first time in history, many wondered whether they were real. Some prominent skeptics remain, but that debate has largely given way to intense discussions about how to build on this surprising finding. Already, researchers have begun discussing the staggering challenge of probing blood samples from the more than 16,000 people in Thailand who participated in the trial to figure out which immune responses led to the modest protection reported. The key question is whether the study will help reveal the long-sought immune responses that correlate with protection.
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Noto A, Trautmann L.Developing Combined HIV Vaccine Strategies for a Functional Cure[J]. Vaccines, 2013, 1(4): 481-496.
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Increasing numbers of HIV-infected individuals have access to potent antiretroviral drugs that control viral replication and decrease the risk of transmission. However, there is no cure for HIV and new strategies have to be developed to reach an eradication of the virus or a natural control of viral replication in the absence of drugs (functional cure). Therapeutic vaccines against HIV have been evaluated in many trials over the last 20 years and important knowledge has been gained from these trials. However, the major obstacle to HIV eradication is the persistence of latent proviral reservoirs. Different molecules are currently tested in ART-treated subjects to reactivate these latent reservoirs. Such anti-latency agents should be combined with a vaccination regimen in order to control or eradicate reactivated latently-infected cells. New in vitro assays should also be developed to assess the success of tested therapeutic vaccines by measuring the immune-mediated killing of replication-competent HIV reservoir cells. This review provides an overview of the current strategies to combine HIV vaccines with anti-latency agents that could act as adjuvant on the vaccine-induced immune response as well as new tools to assess the efficacy of these approaches.
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Josefsson L, Von SS, Faria NR, et al.The HIV-1 reservoir in eight patients on long-term suppressive antiretroviral therapy is stable with few genetic changes over time[J]. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2013, 110(51): 4987-96.
DOI:10.1073/pnas.1308313110      PMID:24277811      URL    
The source and dynamics of persistent HIV-1 during long-term combinational antiretroviral therapy (cART) are critical to understanding the barriers to curing HIV-1 infection. To address this issue, we isolated and genetically characterized HIV-1 DNA from na ve and memory T cells from peripheral blood and gut-associated lymphoid tissue (GALT) from eight patients after 4-12 y of suppressive cART. Our detailed analysis of these eight patients indicates that persistent HIV-1 in peripheral blood and GALT is found primarily in memory CD4(+) T cells [CD45RO(+)/CD27((+/-))]. The HIV-1 infection frequency of CD4(+) T cells from peripheral blood and GALT was higher in patients who initiated treatment during chronic compared with acute/early infection, indicating that early initiation of therapy results in lower HIV-1 reservoir size in blood and gut. Phylogenetic analysis revealed an HIV-1 genetic change between RNA sequences isolated before initiation of cART and intracellular HIV-1 sequences from the T-cell subsets after 4-12 y of suppressive cART in four of the eight patients. However, evolutionary rate analyses estimated no greater than three nucleotide substitutions per gene region analyzed during all of the 4-12 y of suppressive therapy. We also identified a clearly replication-incompetent viral sequence in multiple memory T cells in one patient, strongly supporting asynchronous cell replication of a cell containing integrated HIV-1 DNA as the source. This study indicates that persistence of a remarkably stable population of infected memory cells will be the primary barrier to a cure, and, with little evidence of viral replication, this population could be maintained by homeostatic cell proliferation or other processes.
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The HIV-1 envelope glycoprotein (Env) trimer contains the receptor binding sites and membrane fusion machinery that introduce the viral genome into the host cell. As the only target for broadly neutralizing antibodies (bnAbs), Env is a focus for rational vaccine design. We present a cryo-electron microscopy reconstruction and structural model of a cleaved, soluble Env trimer (termed BG505 SOSIP.664 gp140) in complex with a CD4 binding site (CD4bs) bnAb, PGV04, at 5.8 angstrom resolution. The structure reveals the spatial arrangement of Env components, including the V1/V2, V3, HR1, and HR2 domains, as well as shielding glycans. The structure also provides insights into trimer assembly, gp120-gp41 interactions, and the CD4bs epitope cluster for bnAbs, which covers a more extensive area and defines a more complex site of vulnerability than previously described.
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Jonathan Carlson and colleagues report that pre-adaptation of HIV to a recipient's major histocompatibility complex class I alleles impairs immune control of the virus.
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HIV cure efforts are hampered by limited characterization of the cells supporting HIV replication invivo and inadequate methods for quantifying the latent viral reservoir in patients receiving antiretroviral therapy. We combine fluorescent insitu RNA hybridization with detection of HIV protein and flow cytometry, enabling detection of 0.5 1 gag-pol mRNA + /Gag protein + -infected cells per million. In the peripheral blood of untreated persons, active HIV replication correlated with viremia and occurred in CD4 Tcells expressing T follicular helper cell markers and inhibitory co-receptors. In virally suppressed subjects, the approach identified latently infected cells capable of producing HIV mRNA and protein after stimulation with PMA/ionomycin and latency-reversing agents (LRAs). While ingenol-induced reactivation mirrored the effector and central/transitional memory CD4 Tcell contribution to the pool ofintegrated HIV DNA, bryostatin-induced reactivation occurred predominantly in cells expressing effector memory markers. This indicates that CD4 Tcell differentiation status differentially affects LRA effectiveness.
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DOI:10.1016/j.ebiom.2016.04.039      PMID:4919729      URL    
Persistence of latent, replication-competent Human Immunodeficiency Virus type 1 (HIV-1) provirus is the main impediment towards a cure for HIV/AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome). Therefore, different therapeutic strategies to eliminate the viral reservoirs are currently being explored. We here propose a novel strategy to reduce the replicating HIV reservoir during primary HIV infection by means of drug-induced retargeting of HIV integration. A novel class of integration inhibitors, referred to as LEDGINs, inhibit the interaction between HIV integrase and the LEDGF/p75 host cofactor, the main determinant of lentiviral integration site selection. We show for the first time that LEDGF/p75 depletion hampers HIV-1 reactivation in cell culture. Next we demonstrate that LEDGINs relocate and retarget HIV integration resulting in a HIV reservoir that is refractory to reactivation by different latency-reversing agents. Taken together, these results support the potential of integrase inhibitors that modulate integration site targeting to reduce the likeliness of viral rebound.
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Schoofs T, Klein F, Braunschweig M, et al.HIV-1 Therapy with Monoclonal Antibody 3BNC117 Elicits Host Immune Responses against HIV-1[J]. Science, 2016, 352(6288): 997.
DOI:10.1126/science.aaf0972      PMID:27199429      URL    
3BNC117 is a broad and potent neutralizing antibody to HIV-1 that targets the CD4 binding site on the viral envelope spike. When administered passively, this antibody can prevent infection in animal models and suppress viremia in HIV-1 nfected individuals. Here we report that HIV-1 immunotherapy with a single injection of 3BNC117 affects host antibody responses in viremic individuals. In comparison to untreated controls that showed little change in their neutralizing activity over a 6-month period, 3BNC117 infusion significantly improved neutralizing responses to heterologous tier 2 viruses in nearly all study participants. We conclude that 3BNC117-mediated immunotherapy enhances host humoral immunity to HIV-1.
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Lu CL.Enhanced clearance of HIV-1-infected cells by broadly neutralizing antibodies against HIV-1 in vivo[J]. Science, 2016, 352(6288): 1001.
DOI:10.1126/science.aaf1279      PMID:5126967      URL    
Anti-retroviral drugs and antibodies limit HIV-1 infection by interfering with the viral life-cycle. In addition, antibodies also have the potential to guide host immune effector cells to kill HIV-1 infected cells. Examination of the kinetics of HIV-1 suppression in infected individuals by passively administered 3BNC117, a broadly neutralizing antibody (bNAb), suggested that the effects of the antibody are not limited to free viral clearance and blocking new infection, but also include acceleration of infected cell clearance. Consistent with these observations, we find that bNAbs can target CD4+ T cells infected with patient viruses and decrease their in vivo half-lives by a mechanism that requires Fc R engagement in a humanized mouse model. The results indicate that passive immunotherapy can accelerate elimination of HIV-1 infected cells.
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Abstract The Internet has the potential to enhance collaboration among researchers by supporting technical applications that facilitate the rapid dispersal of information and to coordinate numerous and complex real-time interactions. An important paradigm of Internet-mediated science is the collaboratory, or "laboratory without walls," a virtual entity created by means of the high-performance computer network infrastructure now available to government, industry, and academics. In this policy forum, the authors, who are at the Great Lakes Regional Center for AIDS Research and who use collaboration technology, illustrate how this new approach can be used to support effective collaboration at a distance.
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