观宇宙之博大 察万物之精微


$kanMing, 2016, 11(6): 28-37
doi: 10.15978/j.cnki.1673-5668.201606003
Analysis of the Development Trend of Botulinum Toxin
齐凤青, 张萌, 孙奇, 薛晓芳*,
解放军医学图书馆 北京 100039
Qi Fengqing, Zhang Meng, Sun Qi, Xue Xiaofang*,
Medical Library of Chinese PLA, Beijing 100039
 Cite this article:
Qi Fengqing, Zhang Meng, Sun Qi, Xue Xiaofang. Analysis of the Development Trend of Botulinum Toxin. 科学观察[J], 2016, 11(6): 28-37 doi:10.15978/j.cnki.1673-5668.201606003


基于Web of Knowledge文献数据平台核心合集(SCI)、TI和Innography,综合应用TDA、SPSS、Excel等软件进行分析,探索肉毒毒素研究领域的发展情况、研究趋势及动态前沿,以期为该领域的决策者制定相关发展策略提供数据支撑,为科研机构及所属人员提供参考。文献计量可视化分析结果显示,肉毒毒素研究主要分布在欧美国家,中国的主要研究力量是军事医学科学院等机构,肉毒毒素主要研究内容为方法检测、预防与应用、疫苗类型及作用机制机理。中国的肉毒毒素研究与国际先进水平尚存在一定差距,应加强基础理论研究以推动专利技术的发展,提高整体研究实力,为应对可能发生的生物恐怖事件提供必要的保障。

关键词: 肉毒毒素 ; 文献计量 ; 态势分析


To explore the development of botulinum toxin, we analyzed research literature and patent application collected in the database of SCI, TI, Innogarphy of TDA, SPSS, Excel and other softwares. We hope that the visualization analysis can provide data support for policy makers and researchers in the field of botulinum toxin. The results show that main research institutions are distributed in Europe and the United States, and the main force in China is Academy of Military Medical Science. There is still a big gap between China and the developed countries. The main research contents of botulinum toxin are detection, prevention and application, vaccine type and mechanism. We should focus on basic theory and patent technology of botulinum toxin, and improve the ability of preventing terrorist attacks.

Key words: botulinum toxin ; biblimetric ; development trend
1 引言

肉毒毒素(botulinum neurotoxins,BoNTs)是由肉毒杆菌产生的含有高分子蛋白的神经毒素,是目前已知在天然毒素和合成毒剂中毒性最强烈的生物毒素。由于肉毒毒素毒性强,极易通过气溶胶传播,所以常被用于制作生物战剂和生物恐怖剂。美国将肉毒毒素列为最主要的六大生物战剂之一,属于A类生物剂。1984年10月,法国巴黎市政当局破获恐怖分子秘密制造肉毒杆菌毒素的实验室。同年11月,两艘停泊在大西洋军事基地的美国潜水艇遭到肉毒毒素恐怖袭击。1990–1995年奥姆真理教曾三次以毒素气溶胶袭击东京以及在日美军事等多处目标[1]。1995年,伊拉克政府被迫承认,曾研制过1.9万升的肉毒杆菌毒素,此后这些毒素去向不明。美军利用肉毒毒素污染小型武器的弹头,以增强杀伤效应,现已经生产储备这种武器[2]。肉毒毒素一直是各国生物安全防控的重点,特别是9.11事件后,人类受到肉毒毒素等生物战剂和生物恐怖剂的威胁越来越大,肉毒杆菌分子改造和肉毒毒素药物防治、药物研究成为重要领域。本文综合应用多种文献计量和专利计量工具,通过对期刊文献和专利文献的统计和分析,对该领域主要研究国家、研究机构及研究热点进行描述。

2 数据及方法

Web of Science核心合集中,获得1995–2015年与肉毒毒素研究生物安全类相关文献5 029篇(排除目前应用最多的美容方面的报道,对部分词做了限定),检索式见附录1。文献类型: (Article),索引=SCI-EXPANDED,时间跨度=1995–2015。检索截止日为2015年3月5日,利用TDA分析软件对相关数据进行逐一手工清洗(肉毒毒素现已较多应用于肌肉痉挛、眼睑痉挛、腺体分泌过度、多汗症以及眼科和耳鼻喉科疾病、美容、瘦身、疼痛的治疗等方面),对最终得到的3 430条记录进行分析。在TI和Innography专利文献数据库中,获得1966–2015年3月与肉毒毒素研究生物安全类相关专利文献3 960篇,Innography专利文献数据库检索式件附录2。利用可视化分析工具TDA、SPSS、TI、IN等统计及分析软件,从发文量、生命周期图、重点国家、国家所属机构等分析指标聚类角度对肉毒毒素的总体态势进行探析。


Web of Science检索式:(((ts=(Botulinus or Botulism or Botulinum))not (ts=(kreotoxin or creotoxin or creatoxin or Botox or Dysport or Btxa or cosmetology or cosmetic or facial or esthetics or aesthetic or wrinkle or orthopedics or hyperhidrosis or skincare or bromhidrosis or masseter or Aging or masticatory or periorbital or temporal or eyelid or crow's feet or Scar or orofacial or drooling or esotropia or blepharospasm or Achalasia or glabellar or spasticity or procerus)or ts=“hemifacial spasm” )and (ts=(milita* or Warfare or biowarfare or bioweapon or war or combat* or terror* or Bioterrorism or attack* or threat* or Weapon* or toxin or toxoid or bioagent* or bio-agent or biohazard or biodefense or biosecurity or outbreak))))


Innography专利文献数据库检索式:@(abstract,claims,title) ((Botulinus or Botulism or Botulinum) not (kreotoxin or creotoxin or creatoxin or Botox or Dysport or Btxa or cosmetology or cosmetic or facial or esthetics or aesthetic or wrinkle or orthopedics or hyperhidrosis or skincare or bromhidrosis or masseter or Aging or masticatory or periorbital or temporal or eyelid or "crow's feet" or =Scar or orofacial or drooling or esotropia or blepharospasm or Achalasia or glabellar or spasticity or procerus or "hemifacial spasm")) @* ((ipc_C07K or ipc_A61K or ipc_A61P) not ipc_A61Q)

3 结果
3.1 论文和专利产出总体发展态势





3.2 重点国家分析

3.2.1 总量分析



3.2.2 美国、德国和英国的技术特点比较




3.3 重点机构研究实力分析



对专利文献分析采用专利数量、引证数量、收益及诉讼指标,利用Innography的分析功能做出肉毒毒素领域技术经济比较象限气泡图(见图5)。X轴是愿景轴,结合3个特定于所分析环境的重要因素(专利组合、专利分类数量以及专利组合的引证数量),代表的是专利权人的技术实力;Y轴是资源轴,结合3个非特定于所分析环境的重要因素(总收入、诉讼及位置数量),代表专利权人的经济实力。从机构的国家分布来看,美国(Allerganplc、Botulinum Toxin Research Associates、Army United States)、德国(默克)、法国(高德美制药公司)等具有强大的技术及经济实力的国家在肉毒毒素相关领域的研究水平具有引领性。主要机构还是大型跨国公司。


3.4 研究热点分析

3.4.1 期刊文献主题聚类分析

本文将期刊文献关键词进行68×68的相异型矩阵导入SPSS中进行聚类分析,采用Hierarchical Cluster(系统聚类),选择Ward’s Method(离差平方和法)与离散数据类型(Count)中的Phi-square Meas-ure(斐方)方法,得到层次聚类分析树,见图6图7表3是对图6图7的分析和解析。结果显示,1995–2004年主要是探索研究,针对肉毒素的结构分析分型、基础分子生物学及治疗的研究;2005–2015年主要深入分子生物研究、分析方法研究,也更加关注疾病的爆发及食源性毒素中毒的研究。




3.4.2 专利文献技术研发热点






4 结论




The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.


Sugishima M.AumShinrikyo and the Japanese law on bioterrorism. Prehosp Disaster Med, 2003, 18(3):179-83.
DOI:10.1017/S1049023X00001023      PMID:15141855      URL    
Abstract Before the sarin incidents in Tokyo and Matsumoto, the Aum Shinrikyo (now Aleph) had tried to conduct bioterrorism with botulinum toxin and Bacillus anthracis. Followers of the Aum could not overcome technical difficulties inherent in developing biological weapons, and the perpetrators had not been prosecuted for their failed attempts of bioterrorism. But the Aum's biological attack revealed several shortcomings in the Japanese law that regulated biological weapons. Since the missile experiment of North Korea conducted in 1998, the Japanese government has come to consider the threat posed by biological weapons more seriously. In 2001, after the 11 September 2001 terrorist attacks and the series of anthrax letter scares in the United States of America, the Japanese government established its Five Basic Principles for Chemical and Biological Weapons Terrorism and several measures were taken at the central and local levels. Activities of the Aum have been monitored by the Public Security Investigation Agency and the National Police Agency under the Anti-Aum Law since 2000.
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Biological and chemical terrorism is a growing concern for the emergency preparedness community. While health care facilities (HCFs) are an essential component of the emergency response system, at present they are poorly prepared for such incidents. The greatest challenge for HCFs may be the sudden presentation of large numbers of contaminated individuals. Guidelines for managing contaminated patients have been based on traditional hazardous material response or military experience, neither of which is directly applicable to the civilian HCF. We discuss HCF planning for terrorist events that expose large numbers of people to contamination. Key elements of an effective HCF response plan include prompt recognition of the incident, staff and facility protection, patient decontamination and triage, medical therapy, and coordination with external emergency response and public health agencies. Controversial aspects include the optimal choice of personal protective equipment, establishment of patient decontamination procedures, the role of chemical and biological agent detectors, and potential environmental impacts on water treatment systems. These and other areas require further investigation to improve response strategies.
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Botulism is a potentially lethal paralytic disease caused primarily by toxins of the anaerobic, spore-forming bacterium Clostridium botulinum. Although botulinum toxin A is available by prescription for cosmetic and therapeutic use, no cases of botulism with detectable serum toxin have previously been attributed to cosmetic or therapeutic botulinum toxin injections. On November 27, 2004, 4 suspected botulism case-patients with a link to cosmetic botulinum toxin injections were reported to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.To investigate the clinical, epidemiological, and laboratory aspects of 4 suspected cases of iatrogenic botulism.Case series on 4 botulism case-patients.Clinical characteristics of the 4 case-patients, epidemiological associations, and mouse bioassay neutralization test results from case-patient specimens and a toxin sample.Clinical characteristics of the 4 case-patients were consistent with those of naturally occurring botulism. All case-patients had been injected with a highly concentrated, unlicensed preparation of botulinum toxin A and may have received doses 2857 times the estimated human lethal dose by injection. Pretreatment serum toxin levels in 3 of the 4 case-patients were equivalent to 21 to 43 times the estimated human lethal dose; pretreatment serum from the fourth epidemiologically linked case-patient was not available. A 100-microg vial of toxin taken from the same manufacturer's lot as toxin administered to the case-patients contained a toxin amount sufficient to kill approximately 14,286 adults by injection if disseminated evenly.These laboratory-confirmed cases of botulism demonstrate that clinical use of unlicensed botulinum toxin A can result in severe, life-threatening illness. Further education and regulation are needed to prevent the inappropriate marketing, sale, and clinical use of unlicensed botulinum toxin products.
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Qi Fengqing    
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