该报告参考了OECD内外部相关文献, 由资源生产率与消耗工作组(Working Party on Resource Productivity and Waste, WPRPW)主导,纳米材料制造工作组(the Working Party on Manufactured Nanomaterials, WPMN)密切协作。鉴于这一科学领域的迅猛发展,OECD计划在该领域继续展开研究,并与其他包括政府、研究机构及学术界的各级国际和国家组织进行紧密合作。
Simon Upton
本报告由OECD环境政策委员会的WPRPW完成。回收、焚烧、填埋和污水处理等独立章节的撰写由来自瑞士、德国、加拿大及法国的技术专家承担。项目协调由OECD秘书处的Peter Börkey和Shunta Yamaguchi承担并由环境与经济一体化司主管Shardul Agrawala监督完成。
这项工作旨在引起人们对潜在风险的关注,即由于纳米材料的存在而导致的废弃物处理过程中可能产生的潜在危险。2012年5月Jeremy Allan发表了《纳米废弃物研究概述》,同年5月9日至11日“纳米废弃物安全管理”研讨会在慕尼黑举办。该研讨会揭示了纳米废弃物领域的研究现状,并延伸出本报告中包括回收、焚烧、填埋和污水处理等4篇废弃物特殊处理工艺的相关研究。
评估及建议:由OECD秘书处Peter Börkey及Shunta Yamaguchi完成;
含有纳米材料废弃物的回收:由瑞士伯尔尼Terra咨询公司的Mathias Tellenbach 完成;
含有纳米材料废弃物的焚烧:由德国联邦环境局(UBA)的Julia Vogel和Benjamin Wiechmann完成,Susann Krause提供了帮助;
含有纳米材料废弃物的填埋:由来自加拿大环境署的Martha King、Jacinthe Séguin以及Ashley Hui起草;
污水处理厂及农业应用中ENMs之命运:由位于法国的国家科学研究中心研究室主任Jean-Yves Bottero起草。
22人工纳米材料(Engineered Nanomaterials,ENMs)——其尺度界定为1nm~100nm——越来越多地在工业、商业和医学范畴加以应用,为医疗卫生、服装、建材、电子、运动器材等领域带来了诸多福音。包含人工纳米材料的产品有防晒霜、除臭剂、防水抗菌纺织品、锂离子电池、玻璃涂层和网球拍。
2006至2011年间,全球范围内含有纳米材料的产品数量增长了4倍,超过1 300项产品被确定包含纳米材料。2012年全球纳米材料市场预计可达1 100万吨,市场价值200亿欧元。相应地纳米科技相关产品的销售额预计由2009年的2 000亿欧元增长到2015年的2万亿欧元。伴随如此迅猛的发展速度,环境风险应运而生。目前人们将含有纳米材料的废弃物(waste containing nanomaterials,WCNMs)与传统垃圾一同处理,并未采取任何特别措施。问题是,现有的废弃物处理工艺能否有效地减少ENMs可能带来的风险呢?
在ENMs所带来的影响和危害都相对不确定的情况下,废弃物处理(可能并非专门用于处理ENMs)所采用的最佳可行技术(best available technologies,BAT)应为可有效降低废弃物流中ENMs风险的实用技术。
◆ 明晰进入废弃物处理工艺的ENMs类型与数量。
◆ 对配置完整废弃物处理系统且处理实际废弃产品的工业化工厂或中试装置的效能进行评估。
◆ 深入了解ENMs在废弃物处理工艺中的最终结果,特别关注以下领域:研究结论尚存在争议的领域(废水处理系统中的厌氧和脱氮工段,焚化炉的废气处理系统);参考资料不足的研究领域(循环回收设备,填埋)。
◆ 对农业中应用含有ENMs的污泥可能产生的影响进行研究。
◆ 考量使ENMs归于最终“栖息地”之填埋工艺的有效性。
◆ 研究含有ENMs的次生材料的潜在危险。
◆ 确定固定或去除ENMs并防止工人与ENMs接触的最佳可用废弃物处理技术的有效性。
◆ 评估不规范废弃物处理技术(如不具备完备废气处理系统的焚烧炉,黏土垫层填埋场或不受控填埋等)。
◆ 探究可从废弃物处理流程或残余废弃物中捕获、转化或清除ENMs的其他有效措施。
据威尔逊国际学者中心(the Woodrow Wilson International Centre for Scholars,WWICS)出具的纳米技术消费品清单[3]显示,2006至2011年间含有纳米材料的产品数量增加了521%,达到1 317种产品之多。2012年全球纳米材料市场预计可达1 100万吨,市场价值200亿欧元。相应纳米科技相关产品的销售额预计由2009年的2 000亿欧元增长到2015年的2万亿欧元[4,5]。
本报告重点研究国际标准化组织(the International Organization for Standardization,ISO)定义的ENMs(见文本框3.1)以及其在不同废弃物处理流程中的情况,下文中被称为“含纳米材料废弃物”(WCNM)。本文中所提到的“纳米废弃物”特指纳米材料制造过程中产生的含有高水平纳米材料成分的废弃物。
文本框3.1 纳米材料定义
纳米级:大小约为1~100 nm
注:在研究文献中同时出现过Engineered nanomaterials(ENMs)及manufactured nanomaterials(MNMs),本报告我们统一为Engineered nanomaterials(ENMs)以保证与ISO标准的一致。
来源:ISO/TS 80004-1:2015和ISO/TS 12901-1:2012
3.2.1 废弃物处理过程中ENMs的类型和数量如何?
3.2.2 这些废弃物处理工艺可以捕获ENMs吗?
3.2.3 ENMs会对渗出液及废水处理造成负面影响吗?
3.2.4 废弃物处理工艺与残留物的关系会引发哪些问题呢?
◆ 明晰进入废弃物处理工艺的ENMs类型与数量。
◆ 对配置完整废弃物处理系统且处理实际废弃产品的实际工业化工厂或中试装置进行绩效评估。
◆ 深入了解ENMs在废弃物处理工艺中的最终结果,特别关注以下领域:当前研究结论存在争议的领域(废水处理系统中的厌氧和脱氮工段,焚化炉的废气处理系统);参考资料不足的研究领域(循环回收设备,填埋)。
◆ 对在农业上应用含有ENMs的污泥可能产生的影响进行研究。
◆ 考察填埋工艺的有效性。
◆ 研究含有ENMs的次生材料的潜在危险。
◆ 确定最优实用废弃物处理技术控制或去除ENMs、防止工人与ENMs接触的有效性。
◆ 评估不规范废弃物处理技术(如不具备完备废气处理系统的焚烧炉,黏土垫层填埋场或不受控填埋等)。
◆ 探究可从废弃物流或残余废弃物中捕获、转化或清除ENMs的有效措施。
2011年OECD成员国城市垃圾平均回收率预估为33%(其中包括废弃物制堆肥份额),各国从不到10%至63%不等(OECD 统计数据1(1 http://stats.oecd.org/Index.aspx?DataSetCode=WASTE))。欧盟的总体材料回收率高达42%,各国水平从2%到70%不等[67]。
◆ 纳米粒子可能穿过生物屏障
◆ 对于有毒物质,其毒性可能被增强
◆ 生物利用度增强
◆ 可能与“母体”材料具有不同的物理和化学性质
◆ 一些碳纳米管及纳米线可能与石棉纤维一样对肺部功能产生影响
◆ 必须对粉尘爆炸的危险予以关注(易燃粉尘)
在管理WCNMs时对可能发生的排放必须予以足够重视,特别是对那些在回收过程中易于排放的纳米物质。对于纳米材料废弃物的安全回收及处理指导意见在VCI (2012)中有所说明。
目前的大量研究工作还仅限于纳米材料对人类健康和环境的影响以及材料的毒性和生态毒性等领域[80,81]。“一些ENMs被证实确实会对健康和环境造成威胁,但是并非所有纳米材料都具有毒性。一些ENMs已经投入使用了很长时间(如炭黑、二氧化钛),事实证明其毒性很低。因此,颗粒越小越活跃毒性越强的假设并未得到数据支持。其实纳米材料与常规的化学品/材料一样,一些有毒一些无毒。只是现在对于纳米材料危害的鉴定还没有一个普遍适用的标准,因此建议逐一对纳米材料的危害进行评估” [82]。
由于纳米消费品种类繁多,很难设计并验证一个通用的风险评估及管理标准[80]。有研究显示消费品进入回收环节后可能会造成潜在危险[73,83,84]。对纳米材料的实例研究包括纳米银[85]、氧化锌及纳米纤维素(Nanosustain2(2 http://www.nanosustain.eu/component/content/article/1-latest-news/128-nanosustain-factsheet-and-case-studies))、二氧化钛[81]、二氧化铈、富勒烯、银、零价铁、二氧化硅及纳米黏土等。
◆ 产品或废弃物流中ENMs的数量及密度。
◆ ENMs在产品中的结合模式:游离态?与其他材料相关联?被化学键固定?
◆ 在特定的回收操作下ENMs会不会被释放?
◆ “自由态”ENMs将保持单一纳米粒或纳米棒形态还是聚集成更大的单元?
◆ WCNMs通过回收工艺生成的次生材料(塑料或建筑材料)会否因其原料中携带的ENMs而被污染?
依据最佳可行技术(Best Available Techniques, BAT)及最佳环境实践(Best Environmental Practices, BEP)[63,64,88],回收操作不应对环境造成不利影响。欧盟提倡在技术生命周期的所有阶段(包括概念的提出、研发、生产、分配、使用及最终的处理)对人类健康、环境、消费者、生产者可能面临的危害进行综合评估[89]。鉴于回收环节纳米材料的诸多不确定性,作为防范措施,这种评估可以降低暴露在ENMs中的可能性。
◆ 与含有“自由”纳米物质的尘埃接触,其可能来自输送、筛选、粉碎、研磨及倾倒纳米材料废弃物过程。
◆ 清洗产品时通过液体媒介(水、溶剂)与纳米物质的接触;维修或清理设备时与纳米物质的接触。
◆ 未采取严格的职业防控时,与废气中的纳米物质或与通过热反应(加热、焊接、高温分级)排放至空气中的纳米物质的接触。
◆ 建立环境保护体系以了解整个处理工艺,了解废物、一般废物以及经过处理设备后的次生产品。
◆ 保证存储装置规划于合理地理位置,配备适当的排放系统。
◆ 在封闭区域进行固体及污泥的卸载。
◆ 对可能产生排放物(臭气、灰尘、挥发性有机物)的原料实行粉碎、过筛等处理的区域应配备与去除设备相连接的抽取排放系统。
◆ 对来自污水净化厂的废水的合理管理。
◆ 空气排放的治理。
◆ 处理过程中产生的残余物的管理。
◆ 避免土壤污染。
“多种产品混合后所包含的物质及材料众多,其中会含有一些危险物质(包括砷、镉、铅、汞及阻燃成分),这些电子废弃物的回收过程会导致一些威胁人类健康的问题,因此需要特别关注并妥善管理。危险之一即是人员与回收过程中排放的某些物质的接触(从荧光灯中排放出的汞,阴极射线管破裂后排放的铅及五氯化磷)。值得重点强调的是,如果采用的措施得力可有效防控与汞和铅的接触,那么对其他危险物质的防控也应如法炮制”4(4 英国卫生与安全管理局网站www.hse.gov.uk/waste/waste-electrical.htm.)。
翻译:朱海峰 审校:马建华
The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.
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Nanotechnology is a major innovative scientific and economic growth area. However nanomaterial residues may have a detrimental effect on human health and the environment. To date there is a lack of quantitative ecotoxicity data, and recently there has been great scientific concern about the possible adverse effects that may be associated with manufactured nanomaterials. Nanomaterials are in the 1- to 100-nm size range and can be composed of many different base materials (carbon, silicon and metals, such as gold, cadmium and selenium) and they have different shapes. Particles in the nanometer size range do occur both in nature and as a result of existing industrial processes. Nevertheless, new engineered nanomaterials and nanostructures are different because they are being fabricated from the "bottom up". Nanomaterial properties differ compared with those of the parent compounds because about 40-50% of the atoms in nanoparticles (NPs) are on the surface, resulting in greater reactivity than bulk materials. Therefore, it is expected that NPs will have different biological effects than parent compounds. In addition, release of manufactured NPs into the aquatic environment is largely an unknown. The surface properties and the very small size of NPs and nanotubes provide surfaces that may bind and transport toxic chemical pollutants, as well as possibly being toxic in their own right by generating reactive radicals. This review addresses hazards associated and ecotoxicological data on nanomaterials in the aquatic environment. Main weaknesses in ecotoxicological approaches, controversies and future needs are discussed. A brief discussion on the scarce number of analytical methods available to determinate nanomaterials in environmental samples is included.
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The surfaces of Zn-doped biomagnetite nanostructured particles were functionalized with (3-mercaptopropyl)trimethoxysilane (MPTMS) and used as a high-capacity and collectable adsorbent for the removal of Hg(II) from water. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) confirmed the attachment of MPTMS on the particle surface. The crystallite size of the Zn-doped biomagnetite was 6517 nm, and the thickness of the MPTMS coating was 655 nm. Scanning transmission electron microscopy and dynamic light scattering analyses revealed that the particles formed aggregates in aqueous solution with an average hydrodynamic size of 826 ± 32 nm. Elemental analyses indicate that the chemical composition of the biomagnetite is Zn(0.46)Fe(2.54)O(4), and the loading of sulfur is 3.6 mmol/g. The MPTMS-modified biomagnetite has a calculated saturation magnetization of 37.9 emu/g and can be separated from water within a minute using a magnet. Sorption of Hg(II) to the nanostructured particles was much faster than other commercial sorbents, and the Hg(II) sorption isotherm in an industrial wastewater follows the Langmuir model with a maximum capacity of 65416 mg/g, indicating two -SH groups bonded to one Hg. This new Hg(II) sorbent was stable in a range of solutions, from contaminated water to 0.5 M acid solutions, with low leaching of Fe, Zn, Si, and S (<10%).
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Emerging nanotechnologies hold great promise for creating new means of detecting pollutants, cleaning polluted waste streams, and recovering materials before they become wastes, thereby protecting environmental quality. Studies focusing on the different advantages of nanoscience and nanotechnology abound in the literature, but less research effort seems to be directed toward studying the fate and potential impacts of wastes that will be generated by this technology. Using a combination of biogeochemical and toxicological methods, we conducted a preliminary investigation of the potential environmental fate of Hg as an example pollutant bound to nanomaterials used in treatment of gas effluents. Methylation of Hg sorbed onto SiO(2)-TiO(2) nanocomposites was used as a proxy for Hg bioavailability to sedimentary microorganisms, and the FluoroMetPLATE assay was used to assess the toxicity of both virgin and Hg-loaded SiO(2)-TiO(2) nanocomposites. Our results show that the bioavailability of Hg sorbed onto SiO(2)-TiO(2) nanocomposites to sedimentary microorganisms is pH dependent, with decreasing reaction rates as the pH increases from 4 to 6. Toxicity tests conducted using liquid extracts obtained by leaching of Hg-loaded SiO(2)-TiO(2) nanocomposites with the synthetic precipitation leaching procedure solution showed an average inhibition of 84% (vs 57% for virgin SiO(2)-TiO(2) nanocomposites). These results suggest that Hg sorbed onto engineered nanoparticles could become bioavailable and toxic if introduced into natural systems. Accordingly, studies focusing on the environmental implications of nanomaterials should include determination of the fate and impacts of pollutants that enter the environment bound to engineered nanomaterials.
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The main purpose of this study was to characterize the adsorption and desorption interactions of naphthalene, a model environmental organic pollutant, with C60 fullerene. C60 fullerene was used as a model adsorbent for carbonaceous nanoparticles. Typical batch reactors were used to perform adsorption and desorption experiments. Adsorption and desorption of naphthalene to and from C60 fullerene solids in different aggregation forms was studied, where C60 was used as purchased, deposited as a thin film, or dispersed in water by magnetic mixing. Adsorption and desorption of naphthalene to activated carbon, a common sorbent, was also studied and compared with that of C60. It was found in this study that the enhanced dispersal of C60 could affect the adsorption of naphthalene by several orders of magnitude. A solid-water distribution coefficient of 102.4 mL g-1 was obtained for adsorption of naphthalene to poorly dispersed C60, whereas (104.2 to 104.3) ml g-1 coefficients were obtained for well-dispersed C60 s...
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Abstract Carbon nanomaterials are novel manufactured materials, having widespread potential applications. Adsorption of hydrophobic organic compounds (HOCs) by carbon nanomaterials may enhance their toxicity and affect the fate, transformation, and transport of HOCs in the environment. In this research, adsorption of naphthalene, phenanthrene, and pyrene onto six carbon nanomaterials, including fullerenes, single-walled carbon nanotubes, and multiwalled carbon nanotubes was investigated, which is the first systematic study on polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) sorption by various carbon nanomaterials. All adsorption isotherms were nonlinear and were fitted well by the Polanyi-Manes model (PMM). Through both isotherm modeling and constructing "characteristic curve", Polanyi theory was useful to describe the adsorption process of PAHs by the carbon nanomaterials. The three fitted parameters (Q0, a, and b) of PMM depended on both PAH properties and the nature of carbon nanomaterials. For different PAHs, adsorption seems to relate with their molecular size, i.e., the larger the molecular size, the lower the adsorbed volume capacity (Q0), but higher a and b values. For different carbon nanomaterials, adsorption seems to relate with their surface area, micropore volume, and the volume ratios of mesopore to micropore. Quantitative relationships between these sorbent properties and the estimated parameters of PMM were obtained. These relationships may represent a first fundamental step toward establishing empirical equations for quantitative prediction of PAH adsorption by carbon nanomaterials and possibly other forms of carbonaceous (geo-) sorbents, and for evaluating their environmental impact. In addition, high adsorption capacity of PAHs by carbon nanotubes may add to their high environmental risks once released to the environment, and result in potential alteration of PAHs fate and bioavailability in the environment.
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Abstract There is scientific agreement that engineered nanomaterial (ENM) production, use and disposal lead to environmental release of ENM. However, very little is known on emissions of ENM to the environment. Currently, techniques are lacking to quantitatively monitor ENM emissions to and concentrations in the environment, and hence data on emissions and environmental concentrations are scarce. One of the few available studies reports the detection of nano-TiO(2) in water leaching from exterior facades. Some experimental evidence is available on the release of nanosized materials from commercial textiles during washing. A handful of modeling studies have investigated ENM release to the environment. These studies modeled either the release of ENMs to the environment from ENM containing products during the consumer usage, or the release throughout the whole life cycle of ENM and ENM-containing products. Sewage sludge, wastewater, and waste incineration of products containing ENM were shown to be the major flows through which ENMs end up in the environment. However, reliable data are particularly lacking on release during ENM production and on the application amounts and empirical information on release coefficients for all life cycle stages and environmental compartments. Quantitative data linking occupational exposure measurements and ENM emission flows into the environment are almost completely missing. Besides knowing the amounts of ENM released into the environment, it is equally important to investigate in what form ENMs are released. First results show that much of the ENM released from products is present in matrix-bound form, but that also some fraction is released as single, dispersed nanoparticles.
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Understanding environmental impacts of nanomaterials necessitates analyzing the life cycle profile. The initial emphasis of nanomaterial life cycle studies has been on the environmental and health effects of nanoproducts during the production and usage stages. Analyzing the end-of-life (eol) stage of nanomaterials is also critical because significant impacts or benefits for the environment may arise at that particular stage. In this article, the Woodrow Wilson Center's Project on Emerging Nanotechnologies (PEN) Consumer Products Inventory (CPI) model was used, which contains a relatively large and complete nanoproduct list (1,014) as of 2010. The consumer products have wide range of applications, such as clothing, sports goods, personal care products, medicine, as well as contributing to faster cars and planes, more powerful computers and satellites, better micro and nanochips, and long-lasting batteries. In order to understand the eol cycle concept, we allocated 1,014 nanoproducts into the nine end-of-life categories (e.g., recyclability, ingestion, absorption by skin/public sewer, public sewer, burning/landfill, landfill, air release, air release/public sewer, and other) based on probable final destinations of the nanoproducts. This article highlights the results of this preliminary assessment of end-of-life stage of nanoproducts. The largest potential eol fate was found to be recyclability, however little literature appears to have evolved around nanoproduct recycling. At lower frequency is dermal and ingestion human uptake and then landfill. Release to water and air are much lower potential eol fates for current nanoproducts. In addition, an analysis of nano-product categories with the largest number of products listed indicated that clothes, followed by dermal-related products and then sports equipment were the most represented in the PEN CPI (http://www.nanotechproject.org/inventories/consumer/browse/categories/http://www.nanotechproject.org/inventories/consumer/browse/categories/ 2010).
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Abstract Information related to the potential environmental exposure of engineered nanomaterials (ENMs) in the solid waste management phase is extremely scarce. In this paper, we define nanowaste as separately collected or collectable waste materials which are or contain ENMs, and we present a five-step framework for the systematic assessment of ENM exposure during nanowaste management. The framework includes deriving EOL nanoproducts and evaluating the physicochemical properties of the nanostructure, matrix properties and nanowaste treatment processes as well as transformation processes and environment releases, eventually leading to a final assessment of potential ENM exposure. The proposed framework was applied to three selected nanoproducts: nanosilver polyester textile, nanoTiO 2 sunscreen lotion and carbon nanotube tennis racquets. We found that the potential global environmental exposure of ENMs associated with these three products was an estimated 0.5-143 Mg/year, which can also be characterised qualitatively as medium, medium, low, respectively. Specific challenges remain and should be subject to further research: (1) analytical techniques for the characterisation of nanowaste and its transformation during waste treatment processes, (2) mechanisms for the release of ENMs, (3) the quantification of nanowaste amounts at the regional scale, (4) a definition of acceptable limit values for exposure to ENMs from nanowaste and (5) the reporting of nanowaste generation data.
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Engineered nanomaterials (ENMs) are now becoming a significant fraction of the material flows in the global economy. We are already reaping the benefits of improved energy efficiency, material use reduction, and better performance in many existing and new applications that have been enabled by these technological advances. As ENMs pervade the global economy, however, it becomes important to understand their environmental implications. As a first step, we combined ENM market information and material flow modeling to produce the first global assessment of the likely ENM emissions to the environment and landfills. The top ten most produced ENMs by mass were analyzed in a dozen major applications. Emissions during the manufacturing, use, and disposal stages were estimated, including intermediate steps through wastewater treatment plants and waste incineration plants. In 2010, silica, titania, alumina, and iron and zinc oxides dominate the ENM market in terms of mass flow through the global economy, used mostly in coatings/paints/pigments, electronics and optics, cosmetics, energy and environmental applications, and as catalysts. We estimate that 63–9102% of over 260,000–309,000 metric tons of global ENM production in 2010 ended up in landfills, with the balance released into soils (8–2802%), water bodies (0.4–702%), and atmosphere (0.1–1.502%). While there are considerable uncertainties in the estimates, the framework for estimating emissions can be easily improved as better data become available. The material flow estimates can be used to quantify emissions at the local level, as inputs for fate and transport models to estimate concentrations in different environmental compartments.
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Reinhart DR, Berge ND, Santra S, Bolyard SC.
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It can be concluded that in general, significant release of CNTs from products and articles is unlikely except in manufacturing and subsequent processing, tires, recycling, and potentially in textiles. However except for high energy machining processes, most likely the resulting exposure for these scenarios will be low and to a non-pristine form of CNTs. Actual exposure studies, which quantify the amount of material released should be conducted to provide further evidence for this conclusion.
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Among all environmental contaminants, those emerging from nanotechnologies constitute one of the most critical challenges for the coming years. The new properties of nanoparticles are at the heart of current scientific advances and the growing interest in harnessing them brings awareness of potential impacts that we cannot ignore. To date, scientists and industrialists have focused on the manufacture of nanomaterials more than on the assessment of the risks for humans and ecosystems. Few databases exist regarding the amounts released within ecosystems and no specific procedure of recycling has yet been established. However, nanoparticles cannot be considered as molecular pollutants or larger particles, and careful consideration is needed to establish a legal system that is specific. Their novel properties, surface energy and reactivity make it impossible to simply transfer our physicochemical, thermodynamic and toxicological knowledge from the micronscale to the nanoscale. This article highlights, nonexhaustively, the strong relationship existing between the unique properties of metallic and metal oxide nanoparticles and their biological effects on aquatic organisms.
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A number of commercialized nanomaterials incorporate TiO(2) nanoparticles. Studying their structural stability in media mimicking the environment or the conditions of use is crucial in understanding their potential eco-toxicological effects. We focused here on a hydrophobic TiO(2) nanoparticle-based formulation used in cosmetics: T-Lite SF. It is composed of a TiO(2) core, coated with two successive protective layers of Al(OH)(3), and polydimethylsiloxane. Soon after contact with water (pH = 5, low ionic strength), the T-Lite SF becomes hydrophilic and form aggregates. During this aging, 90%wt of the total Si of the organic layer is desorbed, and the PDMS remaining at the surface is oxidized. The Al(OH)(3) layer is also affected but remains sorbed at the surface. This remaining Al-based layer still protects from the production of superoxide ions from the photoactive/phototoxic TiO(2) core in our experimental conditions.
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Recent exponential growth in the development of nanomaterials (NMs) and nanoproducts is premised on the provision of novel benefits to the society-through the exploitation of their unique industrial and biomedical applications like medical imaging, fabrics in textiles, tissue engineering, nanocomposites, bioremediation, and biomedicine. These NMs and nanoproducts have increased in quantity and volume from few kilograms to thousands of tonnes over the last fifteen to twenty years, and their uncontrolled release into the environment is anticipated to grow dramatically in future. However, their potential impacts to the biological systems are unknown. Among the key present challenges in the waste management sector include the emergence of nanowastes; however, the effectiveness and the capability of the current systems to handle them are yet to be established. Because of limited studies on nanowastes management, in this paper, three-fold objectives are pursued, namely; (i) to raise concerns related to the alarming increases of uncontrolled releases of NMs into the environment through nanowastes, (ii) examine the unique challenges nanowastes pose to the waste management systems-both from technological and legislative perspectives, and (iii) summarize results of the first nanowastes classification formalism in order to elucidate the potential challenges of waste streams containing nanoscale dimension materials to the present waste management paradigm. Finally, the article closes by summarizing several proactive steps of enhancing effective long-term and responsible management of nanowastes.
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Abstract Titanium (Ti) occurs naturally in soils and as highly purified titanium dioxide (Ti5O2) in many commercial products that have been used for decades. We report for the first time the occurrence, characterization, and removal of nano- and larger-sized Ti at wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs). At one WWTP studied in detail, raw sewage contained 100 to nearly 3000 microg TVL Ti larger than 0.7 microm accounted for the majority of the Ti in raw sewage, and this fraction was well removed by WWTP processes. Ti concentrations in effluents from this and several other WWTPs ranged from <5 to 15 microg/L and were nearly all present in the < 0.7 microm size fraction. As Ti was removed, it accumulated in settled solids at concentrations ranging from 1 to 6 microg Ti/mg. Ti-containing solids were imaged in sewage, biosolids, and liquid effluent as well as in commercial products containing engineered TiO2. Single nanoparticles plus spherical aggregates (50 nm to a few hundred nanometer in size) composed of sub-50 nm spheres of Ti and oxygen only (presumably TiO2) were observed in all samples. Significantly larger silicate particles containing a mixture of Ti and other metal atoms were also observed in the samples. To support the field work, laboratory adsorption batch and sequencing batch reactor experiments using TiO2 and activated sludge bacteria verified that adsorption of TiO2 onto activated sludge biomass occurs. Monitoring for TiO2 in the environment where WWTP liquid effluent is discharged (rivers, lakes, oceans) or biomass disposed (landfills, agriculture and soil amendments, incinerator off-gas or residuals) will increase our knowledge on the fate and transport of other nanomaterials in the environment
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Engineered nanomaterials (ENMs) already occur in sewage and wastewater biosolids due to their release from commercial products (e. g., nanoscale titanium dioxide). Increasing levels and diversity of nanomaterials may enter sewage and wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) in the future as they are released from products containing nanomaterials (e. g., coatings) embedded in products, or from industrial processes that use nanomaterials (e. g., polishing). Some metallic nanomaterials may dissolve (e. g., silver-, zinc-, or copper-based) or biodegrade (e. g., fullerenes) in wastewater, and subsequently sorb to settable biomass, precipitate as inorganic solids, or form stable aqueous complexes. Nanomaterials themselves sorb onto bacterial biomass in WWTPs, leading to their removal from water, but accumulation in biosolids that are disposed to land surface spreading fields, landfills, or incineration where their fate needs to be further considered. Because of the dense biological communities in WWTP unit processes, under typical conditions, >90% of the nanomaterials may attach to biomass, which is removed within the WWTP. Inclusion of membrane filtration to augment gravity settling has the potential to increase nanoparticle removals. At expected production/use levels, the presence of nanomaterials in biomass appears unlikely to influence current biosolids treatment processes (e. g., anaerobic digestion) or landfill biogas production. Additional research is needed to be able to monitor the transformation and removal of nanomaterials throughout WWTPs and biosolids treatment to assure they are not released into the environment where they may pose human or ecological risks.
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Sorption to activated sludge is a major removal mechanism for pollutants, including manufactured nanoparticles (NPs), in conventional activated sludge wastewater treatment plants. The objectives of this work were to (1) image sorption of fluorescent NPs to wastewater biomass; (2) quantify and compare biosorption of different types of NPs exposed to wastewater biomass; (3) quantify the effects of natural organic matter (NOM), extracellular polymeric substances (EPS), surfactants, and salt on NP biosorption; and (4) explore how different surface functionalities for fullerenes affect biosorption. Batch sorption isotherm experiments were conducted with activated sludge as sorbent and a total of eight types of NPs as sorbates. Epifluorescence images clearly show the biosorption of fluorescent silica NPs; the greater the concentration of NPs exposed to biomass, the greater the quantity of NPs that biosorb. Furthermore, biosorption removes different types of NPs from water to different extents. Upon exposure to 400 mg/L total suspended solids (TSS) of wastewater biomass, 97% of silver nanoparticles were removed, probably in part by aggregation and sedimentation, whereas biosorption was predominantly responsible for the removal of 88% of aqueous fullerenes, 39% of functionalized silver NPs, 23% of nanoscale titanium dioxide, and 13% of fullerol NPs. Of the NP types investigated, only aq-Cshowed a change in the degree of removal when the NP suspension was equilibrated with NOM or when EPS was extracted from the biomass. Further study of carbonaceous NPs showed that different surface functionalities affect biosorption. Thus, the production and transformations in NP surface properties will be key factors in determining their fate in the environment.
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We investigated the behavior of metallic silver nanoparticles (Ag-NP) in a pilot wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) fed with municipal wastewater. The treatment plant consisted of a nonaerated and an aerated tank and a secondary clarifier. The average hydraulic retention time including the secondary clarifier was 1 day and the sludge age was 14 days. Ag-NP were spiked into the nonaerated tank and samples were collected from the aerated tank and from the effluent. Ag concentrations determined by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) were in good agreement with predictions based on mass balance considerations. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) analyses confirmed that nanoscale Ag particles were sorbed to wastewater biosolids, both in the sludge and in the effluent. Freely dispersed nanoscale Ag particles were only observed in the effluent during the initial pulse spike. X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) measurements indicated that most Ag in the sludge and in the effluent was present as Ag(2)S. Results from batch experiments suggested that Ag-NP transformation to Ag(2)S occured in the nonaerated tank within less than 2 h. Physical and chemical transformations of Ag-NP in WWTPs control the fate, the transport and also the toxicity and the bioavailability of Ag-NP and therefore must be considered in future risk assessments.
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Bench scale studies were performed to evaluate removal and toxicity of copper nanoparticles (CuNPs) and copper ions in activated sludge biomass. The data indicated that, under the test conditions, copper nanoparticles were removed more effectively (95%) than copper ions (30-70%) from the wastewater. Mechanisms of CuNP removal were further investigated by equilibrating CuNP and copper ion in activated sludge filtrate (0.45 m). The predominant mechanisms of copper removal appear to be aggregation and settling (CuNP) or precipitation (copper ion) rather than biosorption. Most probable number (MPN) test data indicated that addition of 10 mg/L of copper ion was toxic to both coliform and ammonia oxidizing bacteria in the wastewater while no inhibitory effects were observed with the addition of the same amount of copper nanoparticles. Respirometry data indicated a 55% decrease in respiration rate when 10 mg/L ionic copper was added. However, no significant decrease in respiration rate was observed in the presence of copper nanoparticles. The toxicity of copper to activated sludge microorganisms appears to be a function of the concentration and characteristics of copper remaining in solution/suspension.
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As engineered nanomaterials (NMs) become used in industry and commerce their loading to sewage will increase. In this research, sequencing batch reactors (SBRs) were operated with hydraulic (HRT) and sludge (SRT) retention times representative of full-scale biological WWTPs for several weeks. Under environmentally relevant NM loadings and biomass concentrations, NMs had negligible effects on ability of the wastewater bacteria to biodegrade organic material, as measured by chemical oxygen demand (COD). Carboxy-terminated polymer coated silver nanoparticles ( fn -Ag) were removed less effectively (88% removal) than hydroxylated fullerenes (fullerols; >90% removal), nano TiO 2 (>95% removal) or aqueous fullerenes ( n C 60 ; >95% removal). Experiments conducted over 4 months with daily loadings of n C 60 showed that n C 60 removal from solution depends on the biomass concentration. Under conditions representative of most suspended growth biological WWTPs (e.g., activated sludge), most of the NMs will accumulate in biosolids rather than in liquid effluent discharged to surface waters. Significant fractions of fn -Ag were associated with colloidal material which suggests that efficient particle separation processes (sedimentation or filtration) could further improve removal of NM from effluent.
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Detection and characterisation are two of the major challenges in understanding the fate, behaviour and occurrence of engineered nanoparticles (ENPs) in the natural environment. In a previous paper we described the development of hydrodynamic chromatography coupled to plasma mass spectrometry (HDC-ICP-MS) for detecting and characterising ENPs in aqueous matrices. This paper describes the applicability of the approach, to study the behaviour of silver nanoparticles in a much more complex and relevant environmental systemi.e.sewage sludge supernatant. Batch sorption studies were performed at a range of nanosilver concentrations. Following completion, the sludge supernatant was characterised by ICP-MS, HDC-ICP-MS and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). It was found that, after a contact time of 6 h, most of the silver had partitioned to the sewage sludge (>90%). However, of the silver remaining in the supernatant, some of this was in the nanoparticle form, implying that closer consideration should be given to the longer-term impact of the release of silver ENPs into aquatic ecosystems. These preliminary data clearly show the utility of HDC-ICP-MS for studying the occurrence and behaviour of ENPs in complex natural environments.
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Nanosized silver sulfide (-Ag(2)S) particles were identified in the final stage sewage sludge materials of a full-scale municipal wastewater treatment plant using analytical high-resolution transmission electron microscopy. The Ag(2)S nanocrystals are in the size range of 5-20 nm with ellipsoidal shape, and they form very small, loosely packed aggregates. Some of the Ag(2)S nanoparticles (NPs) have excess S on the surface of the sulfide minerals under S-rich environments, resulting in a ratio of Ag to S close to 1. Considering the current extensive production of Ag NPs and their widespread use in consumer products, it is likely that they are entering wastewater streams and the treatment facilities that process this water. This study suggests that in a reduced, S-rich environment, such as the sedimentation processes during wastewater treatment, nanosized silver sulfides are being formed. This field-scale study provides for the first time nanoparticle-level information of the Ag(2)S present in sewage sludge products, and further suggests the role of wastewater treatment processes on transformation of Ag nanoparticles and ionic Ag potentially released from them.
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More than 100 million tonnes of municipal solid waste are incinerated worldwide every year. However, little is known about the fate of nanomaterials during incineration, even though the presence of engineered nanoparticles in waste is expected to grow. Here, we show that cerium oxide nanoparticles introduced into a full-scale waste incineration plant bind loosely to solid residues from the combustion process and can be efficiently removed from flue gas using current filter technology. The nanoparticles were introduced either directly onto the waste before incineration or into the gas stream exiting the furnace of an incinerator that processes 200,000 tonnes of waste per year. Nanoparticles that attached to the surface of the solid residues did not become a fixed part of the residues and did not demonstrate any physical or chemical changes. Our observations show that although it is possible to incinerate waste without releasing nanoparticles into the atmosphere, the residues to which they bind eventually end up in landfills or recovered raw materials, confirming that there is a clear environmental need to develop degradable nanoparticles.
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If nanotechnology proves to be successful for bulk applications, large quantities of nanocomposites are likely to end up in municipal solid waste incineration (MSWI) plants. Various studies indicate that nanoobjects might be harmful to human health and the environment. At this moment there is no evidence that all nanoobjects are safely removed from the off-gas when incinerating nanocomposites in MSWI plants. This paper presents a preliminary assessment of the fate of nanoobjects during waste incineration and the ability of MSWI plants to remove them. It appears that nanoobject emission levels will increase if bulk quantities of nanocomposites end up in municipal solid waste. Many primary and secondary nanoobjects arise from the incineration of nanocomposites and removal seems insufficient for objects that are smaller than 100nm. For the nanoobjects studied in this paper, risks occur for aluminum oxide, calcium carbonate, magnesium hydroxide, POSS, silica, titanium oxide, zinc oxide, zirconia, mica, montmorillonite, talc, cobalt, gold, silver, carbon black and fullerenes. Since this conclusion is based on a desktop study without accompanying experiments, further research is required to reveal which nanoobjects will actually be emitted to the environment and to determine their toxicity to human health.
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Escalating production and subsequent incorporation of engineered nanomaterials in consumer products increases the likelihood of nanomaterials being discarded in landfills. Although direct measurement of particle disposal has not yet occurred, life cycle assessments suggest that over 50% of nanomaterials produced will eventually reside in landfills. Laboratory-scale experiments were conducted to evaluate how organics (humic acid: 20-800 mg/L), ionic strength (100-400 mM NaCl), and pH (6-8) typical of mature leachates influence surface charge, relative stability, and mobility through representative solid waste environments. Results from the batch experiments suggest that the presence of high molecular weight organics, such as humic acid, acts to stabilize present in leachate, even at high ionic strengths (>100 mM NaCl). These results also suggest that in mature landfill leachate, as long as humic acid is present, ionic strength (when represented as NaCl) will be a dominant factor influencing nanomaterial stability. Column experiment results indicate the may be mobile through solid waste, suggesting particle placement within landfills needs to be examined more closely.
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Engineered nanomaterials (ENMs) are used to enhance the properties of many manufactured products and technologies. Increased use of ENMs will inevitably lead to their release into the environment. An important route of exposure is through the waste stream, where ENMs will enter wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs), undergo transformations, and be discharged with treated effluent or biosolids. To better understand the fate of a common ENM in WWTPs, experiments with laboratory-scale activated sludge reactors and pristine and citrate-functionalized CeO2 nanoparticles (NPs) were conducted. Greater than 90% of the CeO2 introduced was observed to associate with biosolids. This association was accompanied by reduction of the Ce(IV) NPs to Ce(III). After 5 weeks in the reactor, 44 卤 4% reduction was observed for the pristine NPs and 31 卤 3% for the citrate-functionalized NPs, illustrating surface functionality dependence. Thermodynamic arguments suggest that the likely Ce(III) phase generated would be Ce2S3. This study indicates that the majority of CeO2 NPs (>90% by mass) entering WWTPs will be associated with the solid phase, and a significant portion will be present as Ce(III). At maximum, 10% of the CeO2 will remain in the effluent and be discharged as a Ce(IV) phase, governed by cerianite (CeO2).
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Abstract Silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) are increasingly used as bacteriostatic agents to prevent microbial growth. AgNPs are manufactured with a variety of coatings, and their potential impacts on wastewater treatment in general are poorly understood. In the present study, Nitrosomonas europaea, a model ammonia oxidizing bacterium, was exposed to AgNPs with citrate, gum arabic (GA), and polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP). GA and citrate AgNPs inhibited nitrification most strongly (67.9 3.6% and 91.4 0.2%, respectively at 2 ppm). Our data indicate that Ag(+) dissolution and colloid stability of AgNPs were the main factors in AgNP toxicity. In general, low amounts of dissolved Ag initially caused a post-transcriptional interruption of membrane-bound nitrifying enzyme function, reducing nitrification by 10% or more. A further increase in dissolved Ag resulted in heavy metal stress response (e.g., merA up-regulation) and ultimately led to membrane disruption. The highest effect on membrane disruption was observed for citrate AgNPs (64 11% membranes compromised at 2 ppm), which had high colloidal stability. This study demonstrates that coating plays a very important role in determining Ag dissolution and ultimately toxicity to nitrifiers. More research is needed to characterize these parameters in complex growth media such as wastewater.
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Manufactured nanomaterials (MNMs) are increasingly incorporated into everyday products and thus are entering the environment via manufacturing, product use, and waste disposal. Still, understanding MNM environmental hazards and fates lags MNM industry growth. To catch up, keep pace, and influence future MNM safe design strategies, rapid safety assessments are needed. Bacteria are important ecological nanotoxicology targets to consider when assessing MNM safety: bacteria are exposed to MNMs in water, sewage, soils, and sediments, wherein they influence MNM fates; bacteria can also be impacted ith potential health and ecosystem consequences. Routinely using bacteria for assessing MNMs would promote effective management of the environmental risks of this rapidly growing industry, but appropriate protocols and policies for this assessment need to be instituted.
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The recent advances in nanotechnology and the corresponding increase in the use of nanomaterials in products in every sector of society have resulted in uncertainties regarding environmental impacts. The objectives of this review are to introduce the key aspects pertaining to nanomaterials in the environment and to discuss what is known concerning their fate, behavior, disposition, and toxicity, with a particular focus on those that make up manufactured nanomaterials. This review critiques existing nanomaterial research in freshwater, marine, and soil environments. It illustrates the paucity of existing research and demonstrates the need for additional research. Environmental scientists are encouraged to base this research on existing studies on colloidal behavior and toxicology. The need for standard reference and testing materials as well as methodology for suspension preparation and testing is also discussed.
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Abstract Silver nanoparticles (AgNPs, nanosilver) released from industrial activities and consumer products may be disposed directly or indirectly in sanitary landfills. To determine the impact of AgNPs on anaerobic digestion of landfill waste, municipal solid waste (MSW) was loaded in identical landfill bioreactors (9L volume each) and exposed to AgNPs (average particle size=21nm) at the final concentrations of 0, 1, and 10mgAg/kg solids. The landfill anaerobic digestion was carried out for more than 250 days, during which time the cumulative biogas production was recorded automatically and the chemical property changes of leachates were analyzed. There were no significant differences in the cumulative biogas volume or gas production rate between the groups of control and 1mgAg/kg. However, landfill solids exposed to AgNPs at 10mg/kg resulted in the reduced biogas production, the accumulation of volatile fatty acids (including acetic acid), and the prolonged period of low leachate pH (between 5 and 6). Quantitative PCR results after day 100 indicated that the total copy numbers of 16S rRNA gene of methanogens in the groups of control and 1mgAgNPs/kg were 1.97±0.21×10(7) and 0.90±0.03×10(7), respectively. These numbers were significantly reduced to 5.79±2.83×10(5)(copies/mL) in the bioreactor treated with 10mgAgNPs/kg. The results suggest that AgNPs at the concentration of 1mg/kg solids have minimal impact on landfill anaerobic digestion, but a concentration at 10mg/kg or higher inhibit methanogenesis and biogas production from MSW. Copyright 08 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
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Abstract The effect of natural organic matter (NOM) characteristics and water quality parameters on NOM adsorption to multiwalled carbon nanotubes (MWNT) was investigated. Isotherm experiment results were fitted well with a modified Freundlich isotherm model that took into account the heterogeneous nature of NOM. The preferential adsorption of the higher molecular weight fraction of NOM was observed by size exclusion chromatographic analysis. Experiments performed with various NOM samples suggested that the degree of NOM adsorption varied greatly depending on the type of NOM and was proportional to the aromatic carbon content of NOM. The NOM adsorption to MWNT was also dependent on water quality parameters: adsorption increased as pH decreased and ionic strength increased. As a result of NOM adsorption to MWNT, a fraction of MWNT formed a stable suspension in water and the concentration of MWNT suspension depended on the amount of NOM adsorbed per unit mass of MWNT. The amount of MWNT suspended in water was also affected by ionic strength and pH. The findings in this study suggested that the fate and transport of MWNT in natural systems would be largely influenced by NOM characteristics and water quality parameters.
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The initial aggregation kinetics of single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWNTs) were studied using time-resolved dynamic light scattering. Aggregation of SWNTs was evaluated in the presence of natural organic matter [Suwannee River humic acid (SRHA)], polysaccharide (alginate), protein [bovine serum albumin (BSA)], and cell culture medium [Luria-Bertani (LB) broth] with varying solution concentrations of monovalent (NaCl) and divalent (CaCl(2)) salts. Increasing salt concentration and adding divalent calcium ions induced SWNT aggregation by screening electrostatic charge and thereby suppressing electrostatic repulsion, similar to observations with aquatic colloidal particles. The presence of biomacromolecules significantly retarded the SWNT aggregation rate. BSA protein molecules were most effective in reducing the rate of aggregation followed by SRHA, LB, and alginate. The slowing of the SWNT aggregation rate in the presence of the biomacromolecules and SRHA can be attributed to steric repulsion originating from the adsorbed macromolecular layer. The remarkably enhanced SWNT stability in the presence of BSA, compared to that with the other biomacromolecules and SRHA, is ascribed to the BSA globular molecular structure that enhances steric repulsion. The results have direct implications for the fate and behavior of SWNTs in aquatic environments and biological media.
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Dissolved organic matter (DOM) has been reported to stabilize () suspensions, which increases concern over the subsequent and of . However, it is unknown exactly which compounds or functional groups cause the stabilization of in natural environments. Naturally occurring tannic acid (TA), which has a large number of aromatic functional groups, was used as a surrogate of DOM to investigate its interaction with . suspendability in TA solution increased with increasing diameter without the aid of sonication. Sorption affinity of for TA increased with decreasing diameter, positively related to their surface area. A two-stage sorption model was proposed to illustrate the interaction between and TA. TA molecules may be adsorbed first onto with aromatic rings to the surface carbon rings via -interactions, until forming a monolayer; the TA monolayer then further sorbed the dissolved TA by hydrogen bonds and other polar interactions. The sorbed TA increased the steric repulsion between individual , which might disperse the relatively loose aggregates and result in the stabilization of large-diameter in TA solution. The sorption and suspending processwere also examined bytransmission electron microscopy, providing further evidence for the above proposed -TA interactions. This study implies that widely distributed TA may promote the mobility and of in natural aqueous environments.
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The increasing use of nanoparticles will inevitably result in their release into the aquatic environment and thereby cause the exposure of living organisms. Due to their larger surface area, high ratio of particle number to mass, enhanced chemical reactivity, and potential for easier penetration of cells, nanoparticles may be more toxic than larger particles of the same substance. Some researchers have been showing some relations between nanoparticles and certain diseases. However, the doses, surface shapes, material toxicity and persistence of nanoparticles may all be factors in determining harmful biological effects. In order to better evaluate their risks, potential exposure route of nanoparticles has to be taken into consideration as well. Finally, a brief summary of techniques for nanoparticle removal in waters and wastewaters is presented, but it seems that no treatment can absolutely protect the public from exposure to a large-scale dissemination of nanomaterials.
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1)This study is aimed at analysing the likely route and extent of human exposure to carbon nanotubes (CNTs) via inhalation for a set of representative CNT-containing products in a lifecycle perspective. 2)The study has been conducted by the Safety of nanomaterial Interdisciplinary Research Centre (SnIRC), led for this study by the Food and Environment Research Agency, with participation of other Academic and Industrial Experts. 3)As part of the study, a review of all available CNT-containing products was carried out, and a representative subset of the products was identified for exposure analysis. The three CNT-containing products selected for the study included lithium-ion batteries, epoxy adhesive resins, and textiles. 4)The study assessed the suitability of current lifecycle assessment (LCA) protocols for assessing inhalation exposure from CNT and other nano-products. The relevance and adequacy of the relevant ISO protocols was assessed in relation to nanotechnology products (especially CNT-containing products), and any inadequacies have been highlighted. 5)The study also analysed the possibility of exposure to CNTs arising via inhalation during all stages of the life cycles of the selected study products. 6)The findings of the study indicate that: 6a)LCA is not a tool for exposure assessment. On the contrary, exposure assessments can provide information to LCA that is relevant for impact assessment of CNT releases. LCA is, however, useful in identifying the stages in the lifecycle during which exposure may be relevant. 6b)There is an almost complete lack of data to enable both a full-scale LCA, or a quantitative exposure assessment. Due to unavailability of the required data, a simplified LCA approach is adopted in this study, focusing on the potential inhalation exposure during the lifecycle of the selected CNT-containing products. Also, the exposure assessment is limited to qualitative analysis because of the lack of data necessary for a quantitative assessment. 7)Both LCA and exposure analysis have shown that the material synthesis stage (both for CNT materials, and CNT-containing products) is prone to giving rise to inhalation exposure to CNTs. However, the few studies carried out so far have generally shown that nanoparticle emissions during synthesis can be effectively controlled through appropriate engineering measures. Significant inhalation exposure to CNT material at this stage should be preventable provided such processes are carried out under appropriate emission control and waste management procedures. The main emphasis from the exposure point of view, therefore, needs to be on other stages/ processes in the lifecycle of products, where any sophisticated emission control measures are not likely to exist, e.g. during handling, transportation, accidental release, and use and disposal of the relevant materials and products. 8)Using the currently available level of scientific evidence, those stages in the lifecycle of each study product have been highlighted where inhalation exposure to CNT is possible. 9)In brief, the study has indicated that during post-production lifecycle stages: 9a)CNT-containing batteries will carry a risk of inhalation exposure during use only if the batteries are physically cut open. The main likelihood of exposure exists during accidental release (e.g. fire), and during recycling and disposal stages. People likely to be exposed will be those working at the recycling or waste disposal premises, or in the immediate vicinity. 9b)The use of the textiles, to which CNT is added on the outer surface of the yarn in a post-production coating process, is likely to pose a greater potential for exposure to CNT than any of the other processes studied. This is the only case where a significant consumer exposure during use stage seems plausible. Other lifecycle stages where there is a likelihood of exposure include recycling (shredding and milling of worn-out textiles), and disposal through incomplete incineration. Thus those likely to be exposed would include those working at the recycling or waste disposal premises, or in the immediate vicinity. 9c)CNT-containing epoxy adhesive resins may carry a risk of inhalation exposure during use only if there are conditions that lead to formation of aerosols. The main likelihood of exposure will be during disposal through incomplete incineration. It is also of note that epoxy resins generally have a relatively short shelf life (9 months in the case of the study product). There is therefore a need to develop a mechanism for appropriate disposal of the unused (unhardened, liquid) epoxy resin for appropriate disposal. 10)Common to all the three product types studied is the need for mechanisms for appropriate end-of-life treatments (e.g. separate collection of (spent) CNT-containing batteries, recycling of CNT-containing batteries and textiles under controlled conditions, and processes that ensure complete incineration of CNT in the disposed of products). 11)Urgent research is needed to address the almost total lack of exposure data for CNT-containing consumer products, and the appropriateness of end-of-life treatments. The findings of the research would also enable the manufacturers to develop safer products through better designs that are aimed at minimising the likelihood of exposure to CNTs (and/ or other nanomaterials) during subsequent stages in the lifecycle.
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Abstract There is scientific agreement that engineered nanomaterial (ENM) production, use and disposal lead to environmental release of ENM. However, very little is known on emissions of ENM to the environment. Currently, techniques are lacking to quantitatively monitor ENM emissions to and concentrations in the environment, and hence data on emissions and environmental concentrations are scarce. One of the few available studies reports the detection of nano-TiO(2) in water leaching from exterior facades. Some experimental evidence is available on the release of nanosized materials from commercial textiles during washing. A handful of modeling studies have investigated ENM release to the environment. These studies modeled either the release of ENMs to the environment from ENM containing products during the consumer usage, or the release throughout the whole life cycle of ENM and ENM-containing products. Sewage sludge, wastewater, and waste incineration of products containing ENM were shown to be the major flows through which ENMs end up in the environment. However, reliable data are particularly lacking on release during ENM production and on the application amounts and empirical information on release coefficients for all life cycle stages and environmental compartments. Quantitative data linking occupational exposure measurements and ENM emission flows into the environment are almost completely missing. Besides knowing the amounts of ENM released into the environment, it is equally important to investigate in what form ENMs are released. First results show that much of the ENM released from products is present in matrix-bound form, but that also some fraction is released as single, dispersed nanoparticles.
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Chances and risks of nanomaterials is a most fascinating challenge of future technologies. This new technology and their related materials are beneficial, for example, for energy reduction, lower emissions to the environment, and safe resources. However, there are concerns about health effects related to the very small dimensions of such materials. Because of our commitment to the principles of "Sustainable Chemistry" and "Responsible Care(R)," the chemical industry actively cooperates with all relevant stakeholders to assure a safe handling and use of nanomaterials. In this manner, the German chemical industry is committed to establish and disseminate best practices for a responsible production and use of nanomaterials. Protection of life and the environment is a fundamental principle for our industry. Even though in the European Union the existing legal framework for risk assessment for applies for nanomaterials, specific properties of nanomaterials may require amendments. The German Chemical Industry Association (Verband der Chemischen Industrie, VCI) has, therefore, issued guidance documents and recommendation papers to support companies in the sustainable and responsible development of nanotechnology-based applications. One of these guidance documents focused on ensuring the workplace safety of our employees. Background for this document was a joint survey on occupational health and safety in the handling and use of nanomaterials, which was conducted in spring 2006 from the German Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (Bundesanstalt f r Arbeitsschutz und Arbeitsmedizin, BAuA) and VCI. The purpose of the survey was to obtain an overview of occupational health and safety methods currently applied in the chemical industry in activities involving nanomaterials. The questionnaire survey was evaluated by BAuA; the "Guidance for Handling and Use of Nanomaterials at the Workplace" was elaborated predominantly by VCI. This Guidance provides some orientation regarding measures in the production and use of nanomaterials at the workplace. The recommendations given there reflect the current state of science and technology.
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