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The concept of the universe of all Bodacha subtle

Reflect the development trend of world science academic journals

Current Issue
2008, Vol. No.3 Publication:15 June 2008
  • Alan L. Porter, Nils C. Newman, Xiao-Yin Jin, David M. Johnson, J. David Roessner

    This report presents the traditional Georgia Tech High Tech Indicators ( HTI ) for 2007. It provides time series
    comparisons for 1993, 1996, 1999, 2002/3, 2005, and 2007. These compare 33 countries on a present competitiveness
    indicator, Technological Standing. We also provide four leading indicators—National Orientation, Socioeconomic
    Infrastructure, Technological Infrastructure, and Productive Capacity—that point toward future competitiveness
    prospects. We don’t strive to report HTI findings here, other than to note that China has replaced the USA at the top on
    Technological Standing. This reflects certain peculiarities of HTI, but more importantly, an astounding rise over the past
    15 years.

    PDF (3441KB)( 374 )
  • Ronald Rousseau

    In this article we give a short overview of recent (mainly 2007-2008) developments related to the h-index and
    its generalizations.

    PDF (2042KB)( 1120 )