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The concept of the universe of all Bodacha subtle

Reflect the development trend of world science academic journals

Current Issue
2017, Vol. No.6 Publication:15 December 2017
  • The Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant accident has had an impact on the development of nuclear power around the world. While the accident was followed by thorough technical assessments of the safety of all operating nuclear power plants, and a general increase in safety requirements has been observed worldwide, national policy responses have been more varied. These responses have ranged from countries phasing out or accelerating decisions to phase out nuclear energy to countries reducing their reliance on nuclear power or on the contrary continuing to pursue or expand their nuclear power programmes. This study examines changes to policies, and plans and attempts to distinguish the impact of the Fukushima Daiichi accident from other factors that have affected policymaking in relation to nuclear energy, in particular electricity market economics, financing challenges and competition from other sources (gas, coal and renewables). It also examines changes over time to long-term, quantitative country projections, which reveal interesting trends on the possible role of nuclear energy in future energy systems.

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  • Ting Yue,Xiao yong Shi,Jielan Ding,Xu Gong,Liying Yang

    Based on the records in ClarivateAnalytics's Web of Science database, this paper uses bibliometric method to assess the development trends of biology in China and the world from 2004 to 2013. The paper analyzes the aspects of the research production, academic impact, highly cited papers, international collaboration and disciplinary layout. The paper aims to compare the strength of China with the developed countries, reveal the development trend of China's biology and its international competitiveness, and provide references to biology policy formulation for Chinese government.

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  • Jianzhao Luo

    ABS (acrylonitrile butadiene styrene) is one of the five general plastics. For it’s good feature, ABS is widely applied to automotive, electronics and other practice. The development situation of ABS resin is studied based on the Innography system. The results show the trend of the patent application, the subject of the technology, the situation of patent applications in main countries or regions, the R&D strength of patentees and the significant patentees. At last, some proposals are presented for China on the account of patent analysis.

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