The concept of the universe of all Bodacha subtle
Reflect the development trend of world science academic journals
Reflect the development trend of world science academic journals
The paper introduced the main contents of the research report on the development of human resources in science and
technology (HRST) in China, including the definition of HRST, the total amount and structure of HRST in the two perspectives
of qualification and profession, and the mobility of HRST. It pointed out the status quo of HRST in China and the problems
existed in research itself, as well as laying foundation for future research.
This report presents various patent indicators to reflect recent trends in innovative activity across a
wide range of OECD and non-OECD countries, with 7 main sections: triadic patent families; patenting at national,
regional and international level; patenting in selected technology areas; patents by institutional sectors; international
co-operation in inventive activities; science linkages in technology.