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The concept of the universe of all Bodacha subtle

Reflect the development trend of world science academic journals

Current Issue
2015, Vol. No.3 Publication:15 June 2015
  • BIAN Wen-Yue, LI Ze-Xia, LENG Fu-Hai

    The directly converting methane to ethylene has been the target of intense scientific and commercial interest for more than thirty years due to the tremendous potential of the technology to reduce costs, energy, and environmental emissions in the production of ethylene. In order to obtain a complete picture of the latest technology and understand development trend of this field, herein the Thomson Data Analyzer was used to analyze all the articles and patents in the field. The analyze results discovered the core technologies by exploring the development trend, important research institutes and patent assignee in this field.

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  • Gangan Prathap

    The science of polymer solar cells and the technology based on it is now pursued as a very exciting and promising area of research at leading universities, national laboratories, and companies throughout the world. In this paper, we conduct a comprehensive and in-depth bibliometric analysis of this area that breaks down scholarly performance into three components—quantity, quality and consistency. The citation data is retrieved from the Web of Science. We identify the most productive organisations, countries, authors and also the most influential journals in which this newly emerging area is published using these criteria.

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  • LI Feng-Xin,  Liu-Lei ,  Ni-PIng ,  He-Ping

    This article analyzed industries with high invention patent intensity by combining patent statistical data with the economic data of industry according to the Categorization of National Economy Industries. According to the report, China’s invention patent intensity increased sharply and the scope of the industries with high patent intensity became larger. As to the contribution to economy, industries with high patent intensity accounted for a higher proportion in GDP and become more profitable. Industries with high patent intensity also appear more innovative than those with lower patent intensity and had an advantage in export competition. With regard to the area distribution, the intensity of invention patent varied from place to place with a large gap between eastern developed provinces and western developing provinces.

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  • TIAN Xiao-Li
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  • ZHANG Dai
    PDF (1212KB)( 964 )
  • CENG Mu-Sheng
    PDF (1327KB)( 2689 )
  • WANG Ling-Yong
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