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Reflect the development trend of world science academic journals

Current Issue
2010, Vol. No.4 Publication:15 August 2010
  • WANG Hai-Xia, HAN Lin, LV Xiao-Rong, LENG Fu-Hai

    The International Space Station is a partnership of the US, Russian, European, Japanese, and Canadian Space Agencies. When completed in 2010, it will weigh over 360 ton and have a crew of 6 conducting research and prepare the way for future exploration to the moon and beyond. The times of the experiments going on the International Space Station were counted to reflect the research trends in subjects. The research articles in the database of SCIE, which were concerning the International Space Station, were analyzed by using of the analysis software tool of Thomson Data Analyzer (TDA). The characteristics of time, country, institution, author and publication of these articles were compared and evaluated in detail. The bibliometrical results would help reveal the trends of development, research fronts and hot topics of research in the relevant research field.

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  • WANG Xue-Mei, ZENG Jing-Jing, QU Jian-Sheng

    Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) is a means of mitigating the contribution of fossil fuel emissions to global warming based on capturing carbon dioxide (CO2) from large point sources such as fossil fuel power plants, and store it away from atmosphere by different means. The CCS technologies are concerned increasingly along with the increasing global problems of greenhouse gases emission and climate warming, which is also reflected by the developing tendency of the patent application. The patents derived from Derwent Innovations Index (DII) were analyzed by the Thomson Data Analyzer and Aureka. It can be indicated that the CCS patents mainly focus on the subjects of chemistry, engineering, instruments & instrumentation, energy & fuels, polymer science, and so on. The development of the CCS technologies includes initial step phase, fluctuating increasing phase and quickly increasing phase. CCS patents indexed by DII are mainly from Japan, USA, Germany, China, France, and so on. Each country has different research contents on the CCS. Germany pays more attention on the removal of nitrogen oxides from waste gases etc. France has more patents on the separating gases by liquefaction or solidification. Netherlands has more ratio of the compound of C. In the recent three years, Canada, China and South Korea have the fastest increase in CCS patent application, which indicates that these countries have more innovativeness in this technology field. It can be forecasted that the interest on the CCS in the world would continue to rise. Therefore, we need continue support the innovation work of research and development on the CCS field.

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  • Eve Y. Zhou, Bob Stembridge
    PDF (2577KB)( 1042 )
  • PDF (1985KB)( 344 )
  • MA Jian-Hua
    PDF (1856KB)( 468 )
  • ZHOU Qiu-Ju
    PDF (1905KB)( 565 )
  • Christopher King
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  • PDF (1751KB)( 319 )
  • David W. Sharp
    PDF (1582KB)( 555 )
  • Simon Mitton
    PDF (1603KB)( 722 )
  • John Emsley
    PDF (1581KB)( 853 )
  • Jeremy Cherfas
    PDF (1662KB)( 553 )