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The concept of the universe of all Bodacha subtle

Reflect the development trend of world science academic journals

Current Issue
2008, Vol. No.1 Publication:15 February 2008
  • Divsion of Science Resources Statistics, National Science Foundation

    The major development over the past decade or more has been the rapid emergence of Asian economies
    as increasingly strong players in the world’ s S&T system, with South Korea and Taiwan being joined by Singapore,
    Malaysia, Thailand, and others. This report provides a range of standard indicators of S&T infrastructure and performance
    to highlight the growth of Asia’ s S&T enterprise. Where possible, it provides comparable information for Asia, the EU,
    and the United States. China has already become an important player in high-technology markets, and has attracted the
    world’ s major corporations. By 2003 China had become the third largest R&D-performing country, behind only the
    United States and Japan.

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