
Bibliometric Analysis of Study on the Coupling Between Global Hydrological Cycle and Ocean-land-atmosphere
Na Li,Jianxia Ma,Baoying Ning,Guan Ma
表5 TOP10研究机构高频主题词
机构 发文量/篇 近3年发文占比 独有关键词 主要关键词
中国科学院 165 46% Yellow River Basin Southwest China; East China; Yellow River;WRF model; SDII; tallgrass prairie; spatiotemporal variations; land surface process model; MIDDLE REACHES; surroundings.
美国国家大气研究中心 106 23% anthropogenic climate change;
intrinsic autoregressive model;
ocean heat content
relative changes; shape parameter; Environmental Prediction-National Center; observing system; global response; hierarchical model; atmospheric research (NCEP-NCAR) reanalysis; atmospheric role; Community Atmosphere Model (CAM3); future run; global surface temperature increase; Intrinsic autoregressive model; thunderstirm frequencies.
美国哥伦比亚大学 81 26% local temperature; rising greenhouse gases; multidecadal internal variability; observed reduction; single-column.
英国雷丁大学 81 22% surface processes; PCMDI/CMIP3 experiments; four major South; Indus; models underestimate P; nival; Southeast Asian river basins.
英国气象办公室 68 26% tipping point; future regional rainfall change.
美国国家海洋和大气管理局 67 28% flood events; America; climate system; Coupled Model Intercomparison Project phase 5; extreme floods; Heat waves; HiFLOR; hurricanes; land-atmosphere interactions; model ensemble; significant increase.
德国马普气象研究所 60 22% MPI-ESM
2 m temperature; regional climate model REMO; Baltic Sea region; local effects; MPI-ESM; use change; Hydrological Discharge (HD) model; local scale processes; REMO; rising atmospheric CO2 concentrations; simplified land surface (SL) scheme.
美国普林斯顿大学 58 34% modeling analyses.
美国国家航空航天局 57 25% sea breeze; Energy Cycle (GWEC) analysis; freshwater resource management; ongoing climate diagnostics; stream gauges.
英国牛津大学 52 27% climate change; climate models; extreme events.