
Bibliometric Analysis of Study on the Coupling Between Global Hydrological Cycle and Ocean-land-atmosphere
Na Li,Jianxia Ma,Baoying Ning,Guan Ma
表3 水文循环与海陆气耦合机制研究中的高频关键词
序号 关键词 出现频次 序号 关键词 出现频次
1 climate change 899 11 global warming 91
2 drought 211 12 temperature 94
3 regional climate model 174 13 CMIP5 71
4 climate models 171 14 uncertainty 67
5 precipitation 156 15 hydrological model 57
6 extreme precipitation 152 16 China 53
7 rainfall 165 17 climate extremes 43
8 extreme events 130 18 extremes 39
9 hydrological cycle 107 19 statistical downscaling 37
10 flood 118 20 extreme rainfall 36