
Bibliometric Analysis of Study on the Coupling Between Global Hydrological Cycle and Ocean-land-atmosphere
Na Li,Jianxia Ma,Baoying Ning,Guan Ma
表1 检索策略
研究主题 检索式
水文循环、水文变化、极端水文事件等 "hydro* cycl*" OR "water cycl*" OR "Extreme weather" OR "extreme rainfall" OR "extreme precipitation" OR "extreme drought" OR "Heavy Downpour" OR "heavy rainfall" OR "hydrologic* event*" OR ((Extrem* OR damag* OR high-impact) NEAR/2 "climate event*") OR ((drought OR rainfall OR drought OR arid OR rainstorm) NEAR/2 event*)
全球变化、全球联系、相互作用等 ((Coupl* OR model*) NEAR/2 (Atmosphere* OR Ocean OR land OR marine OR sea)) OR "*climat* simulat*" OR "*climat* model*" OR ((atmospher* OR climat* OR synoptic OR weather) NEAR/2 (simulat* OR model* OR forecast*))
海陆气耦合、气候模拟、天气预报等 "climat* change" OR "climat* warm*" OR "climat* variat*" OR "greenhouse warming" OR "global change" OR "global warm*" OR (global* NEAR/2 (response OR impact OR interrelate* OR link* OR interconnect* OR interact* OR connect* OR relat*))