
Analysis on the Development Trend of Offshore Nuclear Power Platform Patent Technology
Jie Han,Weining Wang,Huicong Fang,Haixia Yin
表1 检索采用的检索式
检索式 结果数
CNABS (((核电 or 核能 or 反应堆) and (海上 or 浮动 or 浮式 or 船 or 海洋)) or (B63H21/18 /IC)) not 潜艇 1279
SIPOABS (((B63H21/18 /IC) or ((marine or ship+ or float+ or flotation) and (reactor+ or plant+ or station+ or unit+) and nuclear)) not (submarine+ or nuke or submersible or ( naval s ship+ ) or ( naval s vessel+ ))) not (shipping cask? or shipping container?) 1730
DWPI 2080