Analysis on the Development Trend of Offshore Nuclear Power Platform Patent Technology
Jie Han,Weining Wang,Huicong Fang,Haixia Yin
表1 检索采用的检索式 |
库 | 检索式 | 结果数 | CNABS | (((核电 or 核能 or 反应堆) and (海上 or 浮动 or 浮式 or 船 or 海洋)) or (B63H21/18 /IC)) not 潜艇 | 1279 | SIPOABS | (((B63H21/18 /IC) or ((marine or ship+ or float+ or flotation) and (reactor+ or plant+ or station+ or unit+) and nuclear)) not (submarine+ or nuke or submersible or ( naval s ship+ ) or ( naval s vessel+ ))) not (shipping cask? or shipping container?) | 1730 | DWPI | 2080 |