
表4 中国生物学领域热点论文(2014–2018年)
序号 论文题目 作者机构 被引频次
1 Chang Christopher C.*等. Second-generation plink: rising to the challenge of larger and richer datasets. Gigascience, 2015, 4. 华大基因实验室† 1122
2 Qu Lianghu*, Yang Jianhua*等. starBase V2.0: decoding miRNA-ceRNA, miRNA-ncRNA and protein-RNA interaction networks from large-scale CLIP-Seq data. Nucleic Acids Research, 2014, 42(D1), D92-D97. 中山大学† 759
3 Sun Shuhan*等. A long noncoding RNA activated by TGF-beta promotes the invasion-metastasis cascade in hepatocellular carcinoma. Cancer Cell, 2014, 25(5), 666-681. 第二军医大学† 728
4 Gao Ge*等. GSDS 2.0: an upgraded gene feature visualization server. Bioinformatics, 2015, 31(8), 1296-1297. 北京大学† 624
5 Shan Ge*等. Exon-intron circular RNAs regulate transcription in the nucleus. Nature Structural & Molecular Biology, 2015, 22(3), 256-264. 中国科学技术大学† 573
6 Yu Faxing*等. Hippo pathway in organ size control, tissue homeostasis, and cancer. Cell, 2015, 163(4), 811-828. 复旦大学† 523
7 Sha Jiahao*, Ji Weizhi*, Huang Xingxu*等. Generation of gene-modified cynomolgus monkey via CAS9/RNA-mediated gene targeting in one-cell embryos. Cell, 2014, 156(4), 836-843. 南京医科大学†, 云南中科灵长类生物医学重点实验室†, 南京大学† 523
8 Zhang Tianzhen*, Chen Z. Jeffrey*, Li Ruiqiang*, Guo Wangzhen*等. Sequencing of allotetraploid cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L. acc. TM-1) provides a resource for fiber improvement. Nature Biotechnology, 2015, 33(5), 531-537. 南京农业大学†, 南京农业大学†,北京Novogene生物信息研究所†, 南京农业大学† 497
9 Gao Caixia*, Qiu Jinlong*等. Simultaneous editing of three homoeoalleles in hexaploid bread wheat confers heritable resistance to powdery mildew. Nature Biotechnology, 2014, 32(9), 947-951. 中国科学院遗传与发育生物学研究所†, 中国科学院微生物研究所† 486
10 He Xianghuo*, Huang Shenglin*等. Circular RNA profiling reveals an abundant circHIPK3 that regulates cell growth by sponging multiple miRNAs. Nature Communications, 2016, 7. 复旦大学† 484